Apollo Munich Insurance Plans

HDFC ERGO Health Student Medical Insurance

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Importance of student health insurance

Indian students going overseas to pursue their studies must be aware of certain travel and health risks. As they are travelling away from their home, they are more prone to sudden and unexpected medical emergencies that can result in trauma. Also most of the study abroad universities have certain rules and regulations for foreign students. One such requirement is international student health insurance. Most of the universities do have they own student health insurance plans that are expensive. HDFC ERGO Health Formerly Apollo Munich has designed affordable overseas student travel insurance plans that satisfy most of the university requirements and offer best insurance coverage for Indian students to secure them from financial and medical crisis.

HDFC Ergo Health (Apollo Munich) Travel Insurance review

HDFC Ergo Health (Apollo Munich) Travel Insurance
Sum Insured
USD 25,000 to USD 5,00,000
Number of policies issued *
Claims settlement ratio **
Number of lives covered *
Incurred claims ratio
* As per IRDAI report for 2018-19   |   ** As per NL25 data published on the Insurance Company website

Who can buy HDFC ERGO Health student travel insurance?

  • Indian students enrolled in a full time course or study abroad program.
  • Available for individual applicant.
  • Aged between 10 years and 50 years. For student who is a minor, the proposer must be one of the parent or guardian.

Educare – Student Plan

HDFC ERGO Health Formerly Apollo Munich’s Educare is one of the most comprehensive Student Insurance plans available in the India market currently. This is a specially designed product for students traveling abroad for their further studies (be it school, college or advanced education) to protect them against uncertainties while abroad for academic education. The currently plan called Educare is available to students in four options – Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum with sum insured options ranging between $50,000 to $500,000.

As is the other plans they offer these plans across three Geographies namely Worldwide Including US & Canada, Worldwide Excluding US & Canada, and Asia Including Australia. Please note that the Asia plan here is inclusive of Australia as well. Importantly also, one must note that the Asia plan is offered only in Bronze & Silver plan options.

The benefits which form part of this comprehensive plan include Emergency Medical Expenses which include Medical Evacuation, Repatriation of Remains and Medical coverage in India. Personal Accidental, Felonious Assault, Baggage Loss/Delay, Loss of Passport, Personal Liability are some of the standard covers offered. These plans also come with nique benefits which are applicable only to Student Insurance which include Study Interruption, Sponsor Protection, Compassionate Visit (2 way), Maternity & Child care Benefits, Treatment for Mental & Nervous disorders, Cancer Screening and HIV coverage.
  • The plan can be purchased only by a student travelling on a student visa for full time college or school education.
  • Insured persons are eligible between the ages of 10 years upto a maximum age of 50 years. In case a minor the proposer can be one of the parents/legal guardian.
  • Policy can be extended once in the policy period upto the maximum of 3 years, subject to there being no claim under the policy.

Benefits of HDFC ERGO Health student overseas travel insurance

Benefits (in US$) Deductible Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
Medical Cover
Medical Treatment $100 5,00,000 2,50,000 1,00,000 50,000
Dental Treatment $100 500 250 250 250
Medical Evacuation Nil Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured
Repatriation of mortal remains Nil Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured
Medical cover for trips back in India Nil Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured
Balance period of policy +30 days Nil Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured
Accidental Cover
Personal Accident Nil $10,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000
Felonious Assault Nil $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500
Travel Inconvenience Cover
Total loss of checked in baggage 10%/50% $1,000 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000
Delay of checked in baggage 12hrs $150 $150 $150 $150
Loss of passport $30 $250 $250 $250 $250
Non-Medical Cover
Study Interuption Nil $7,500 $7,500 $10,000 $10,000
Sponsor Protection Nil $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000
Compassionate visit (Two way) visit Nil $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500
Bail bond Nil $2,500 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Personal liability Nil $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000
Maternity & child care benefits
Maternity benefit Nil $500 $500 $500 $500
Child care benefit Nil $100 per day for max 7days $100 per day for max 7days $100 per day for max 7days $100 per day for max 7days
Additional Benefits
Treatment of mental and nervous disorder, incl. Alchoholism and drug dependency Nil $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Medical expenses for inter-collegiate sports injuries Nil Up to medical treatment sum insured Up to medical treatment sum insured Up to medical treatment sum insured Up to medical treatment sum insured
Cancer screening and mammography examinations Nil $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000
Emergency financial assistance Nil $500 $500 $500 $500
HIV cover Nil $500 $500 $500 $500

Student Plan Specific Coverages

Study Interruption
In the unfortunate instance of a student being unable to continue his/her studies due to hospitalisation for more than a period of consecutive 30 days, the plan will reimburse actual tuition fees already paid to the educational institution for the insured’s course.

Sponsor Protection
As in the case of Study Interruption, in case of Death or Disablement of the insured‘s sponsor, the policy will reimburse actual tuition fees already paid to the educational institution for the insured’s studies.

Compassionate Visit (2-way)
In case the insured student is hospitalised continuously for more than 7 days, the policy will cover expenses for a round trip economy class air ticket or first class railway ticket and the accommodation expenses for one immediate family member. Similarly if the insured’s parents, immediate family member is hospitalised for 7 days continuously, expenses for a round trip economy class air ticket or first class railway ticket and the accommodation expenses for the insured student to visit the family member will be borne.

Bail Bond
The policy will cover Bail Bond costs as a result of false arrest or wrongful detention of the insured by any government or foreign authority.

Maternity Benefit
The Educare policy will cover medical expenses for necessary medical treatment to insured student upto the sum insured limit on the policy in the course of pregnancy (including at the time of delivery, lawful medical termination of pregnancy and the cost of a midwife or obstetric nurse) during the risk period.

Childcare Benefits
The policy provides hospital cash upto the limit on the policy in case the insured’s dependent child between the age of 91 days and 25 years is hospitalised for more than 2 consecutive days.

Treatment of Mental and Nervous Disorder; Including Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
Treatments for mental and nervous disorders, including alcoholism and drug dependency to the insured are covered upto the limits specified under the policy.

Medical Expenses for Inter-collegiate Sports Injuries
Medical expenses for inter-collegiate sports injuries to the insured are covered under the policy as a part of the medical treatment coverage.

Cancer Screening and Mammography Examinations
Cancer screening and mammographic examinations for the insured provided the same is as per the recommendation from an attending physician will be paid under this policy, subject to a maximum limit as mentioned in the schedule of benefits.

HIV Cover
Plan will cover medical expenses to the insured in case of identified first stage of HIV where symptoms commenced within first 90 days.

Exclusions under the Apollo Easy Travel Plan and Educare

The General Exclusions under the Apollo Travel insurance plans are below, please refer to the entire list available along with your policy document.
HDFC ERGO Health Formerly Apollo Munich will not make any payment for any claim in respect of any Insured Person directly or indirectly for, caused by, arising from or in any way attributable to any of the following unless expressly stated to the contrary in this Policy:
  • War or any act of war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, war like operations (whether war be declared or not or caused during service in the armed forces of any country), civil war, public defence, rebellion, revolution, riot, insurrection, military or usurped acts, nuclear weapons/materials, radiation of any kind.
  • Any Insured Person’s participation or involvement in naval, military or air force operation or professional or semi-professional sporting, racing, aviation, scuba diving, parachuting, hang-gliding, rock or mountain climbing.
  • Any Insured Person committing or attempting to commit a criminal or unlawful act, or intentional self injury or attempted suicide while sane or insane.
  • The abuse or the consequences of the abuse of intoxicants or hallucinogenic substances such as drugs and alcohol, including smoking cessation programs and the treatment of nicotine addiction or any other substance abuse treatment or services, or supplies.
  • The loss or destruction or damage to any property whatsoever or any loss or expenses whatsoever resulting or arising therefrom or any consequential loss directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from:
    • Ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear waste from combustion of nuclear fuel; or
    • The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosion nuclear assembly or nuclear component, thereof
    • Asbestosis or other related sickness or disease resulting from the existence, production, handling, processing, manufacture, sale, distribution of asbestos or other products thereof.
  • Obesity or morbid obesity or any weight control program, where obesity means a condition in which the Body Mass Index (BMI) is above 29 & morbid obesity means a condition where BMI is above 37.
  • Pregnancy (including voluntary termination), miscarriage (except as a result of an Accident or illness or disease), maternity or birth (including caesarean section) except in the case of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Any non allopathic treatment.
  • Treatment rendered by a Doctor which is outside his discipline or the discipline for which he is licensed; referral-fees or out-station consultations; treatments rendered by a Doctor who shares the same residence as an Insured Person or who is a member of an Insured Person’s family, however proven material costs are eligible for reimbursement in accordance with the applicable cover.
  • The provision or fitting of hearing aids, spectacles or contact lenses including optometric therapy, any treatment and associated expenses for alopecia, baldness, wigs, or toupees, medical supplies including elastic stockings, diabetic test strips, and similar products.
  • Non-prescription drugs or treatments.
  • If the Insured Person is travelling against the advice of a Doctor or is receiving or on a waiting list for specified medical treatment.
  • Venereal disease, sexually transmitted disease or illness; “AIDS” (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and/or infection with HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) including but not limited to conditions related to or arising out of HIV/AIDS such as ARC (AIDS related complex), Lymphomas in brain, Kaposi’s sarcoma, tuberculosis.
  • Any act of Terrorism which means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof, by any person or group of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation or government, committed for political, religious, ideological, or ethnic purposes or other reasons including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear.
  • Experimental, investigational or unproven treatment devices and pharmacological regimens, or measures primarily for diagnostic, X-ray or laboratory examinations or other diagnostic studies which are not consistent with or incidental to the diagnosis and treatment of the positive existence or presence of any Illness for which confinement is required at a Hospital.

Claims & Assistance under HDFC ERGO Health Formerly Apollo Munich Travel Insurance

HDFC ERGO Health Formerly Apollo Munich has a strong focus on Claims and Assistance service to the insured while they are travelling abroad. For all Claims and Assistance or for any Claim related Query, Intimation of claim and Submission of claim related documents, pls contact our assistance providers with details as given below :
For Website - www.apollomunichinsurance.com
E mail ID - apollomunich@europ-assistance.com

When Outside India:
From USA: 18333792437 (Toll Free 24 x 7)
From Canada: 01180033441111 (Toll Free 24 x 7)
From Greece: 80016122039923 (Toll Free 24 x 7)
From Australia: 001180033441111 (Toll Free 24 x 7)
From Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand: 00180033441111 (Toll Free 24 x 7)
From Rest of the world: Toll Free: 0080033441111 and +912267347845 (with call Back Facility)

When in India:
Toll Free : 1800 209 4440;
Landline : +91 22 6734 7846 (Monday to Friday 9 am to 6 pm )

Claims Department, HDFC ERGO Health Formerly Apollo Munich Health insurance co. Ltd
C/o Europ Assistance India Pvt ltd
C-301 Business Square , Andheri-Kurla Road,
Chakala, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093

Grievance Redressal Procedure :
If you have a grievance that you wish us to redress, you may contact us with the details of your grievance through:
Our website : www.apollomunichinsurance.com
Email : customerservice@apollomunichinsurance.com
Telephone : 1800 102 0333 Fax : +91-124-4584111

Courier : Any of our Branch office or corporate office You may also approach the grievance cell at any of our branches with the details of your grievance during our working hours from Monday to Friday.

If you are not satisfied with our redressal of your grievance through one of the above methods, you may contact :
Head of Customer Service at The Grievance Cell,
HDFC ERGO Health Formerly Apollo Munich Health Insurance Co Ltd,
Central Processing Center, iLABS Centre, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Plot No 404-405,
Udyog Vihar, Phase III,
Gurgaon 122016, Haryana

If you are not satisfied with our redressal of your grievance through one of the above methods, you may approach the nearest Insurance Ombudsman for resolution of your grievance.


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Student outside India

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HDFC ERGO Health Student Insurance online renewal

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