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Raheja QBE Cancer insurance

Buy Raheja QBE Cancer insurance

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This product is designed for your financial assistance by taking care of costs associated with the treatment of cancer. Most types of cancer, if detected early, can be treated effectively. Today, there are thousands of people all over the world who have had cancer and have been cured. They now lead normal lives. Should cancer be detected, this Cancer Insurance Policy provides substantial financial support so that you can be adequately treated in time, allowing you not only to lead a normal life after cancer but one with lesser worries. This Cancer Insurance Policy relieves you of the crippling costs of curing cancer.

Raheja QBE Health insurance review

Sum Insured

1 lac − 50 lacs options available

Claims settlement ratio **


Incurred claims ratio


Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *


List of Network Hospitals

5,000+ hospitals

Tenure Options

1 or 2 years options available

Maximum family floater coverage

Self, Spouse + 2 dependent children + parents

* As per IRDAI report  |   ** As per NL25 data published on the Insurance Company website

Do you know…RQBE’s Cancer Policy is Designed in collaboration with Indian cancer society, which gives you combination of fixed benefit and indemnity. What’s more…This unique product covers cancer from very early stages of the disease. Ideal for affinity programmes as well.

Competitive Premiums
(starting Rs 105 /Lac)
Entry age –1day to 70 yrs
(covers kids as well as Sr Criticizes also)
Covers all type of Cancers
(except Kaposi’s sarcoma & Cancer caused in presence of HIV)
Combination of Benefit & Reimbursement cover
(Unique in nature)
Easy interpretation of ‘Cancer’ definition
(To avoid ambiguity at the time of claim)
No Pre-Policy Medical Check-up
till age 50yrs
Sum Insured Options
Starting from Rs1 Lakh Upto Rs 10 Lakhs

Raheja QBE Cancer insurance benefits

  • Eligibility criteria of Raheja QBE Cancer insurance

    • Entry Age:
      1 day to 70 years can opt for this insurance cover.
    • For policies continued without any break there will be no exit age.
  • Coverages details of Raheja QBE Cancer insurance

    • All individuals in the age group of 1 day to 70 years can opt for this insurance cover with Raheja QBE.
    • In case an insured is diagnosed with Cancer and this requires diagnostic investigation or treatment by a duly qualified medical practitioner or medical practitioner, Raheja QBE pays the insured:
      • 50% of the Sum Insured or Rs. 250,000.00 whichever is less, as a lump sum amount on the acceptance of a claim under the Policy; and
      • reasonable charges for medical expenses actually incurred by the insured in the diagnostic investigation or medical treatment on the medical advise of a medical practitioner of Cancer, in excess of 75% of the benefit amount paid as a lump sum as stated above.
    • It is agreed and understood that the total liability of Raheja QBE under this Policy for any and all claims made in respect of the insured is restricted to the sum insured mentioned in the schedule.
    • Reimbursement of medical expenses will be based on submission of original bills and receipts of tests only. Reimbursement of claims will be made every quarter for actual expenses incurred, until the entire sum insured is exhausted.
    • Also if an insured is diagnosed as suffering from Cancer and reports a claim during the period of insurance, he/she can continue to receive benefits under the Policy up to the sum insured limit even after the expiry of Policy for up to 5 yrs from the inception of the Policy.
    • For policies continued without any break there will be no exit age.
    • For all claim-free policies subsequently renewed in accordance with the terms of the Policy, there will be an increase in the amount payable towards reasonable charges for medical expenses by 5% for the immediately following period of insurance provided that the cumulative bonus over all periods of insurance shall not exceed 25%. The earned cumulative bonus will not be lost if the policy is renewed within the 30 day grace period.

    Sum Insured Options
    Sum insured options starting from Rs.1 Lac and in multiples thereof subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 Lacs available under this policy.
  • Pre Policy Medical Examination

    • All Insureds less than 50 years of age will be accepted for this insurance cover on the basis of the self declaration provided as well as certification of good health by a registered medical practitioner as given in the proposal form.
      Men Clinical Examination, Prostate Specific Antigen Test, Stool examination -occult blood, Complete blood count, chest X-ray, Ultrasound of upper abdomen
      Women Clinical Examination, CBC, Chest X-Ray, PAP Smear, Mammogram, Stool examination occult blood, Complete blood count, Ultra sound of Pelvis
    • All Insureds above the age of 50 years will be accepted for coverage after medical examination. Medical examinations required will be:
    • Reimbursement towards medical expenses for pre-policy medical examination will be limited to 50% of actual expenses.
  • Exclusions of Raheja QBE Cancer insurance

    • First 30 days Waiting Period
      • No claim, however, shall be payable on any account whatsoever, if the Insured is diagnosed with Cancer within a period of thirty days from the commencement of the initial Period of Insurance specified in the Schedule.
      • This exclusion shall not, however, apply if the Insured Person has Continuous Coverage for more than twelve months.
    • Nuclear, chemical or biological attack as define below.
      • Nuclear attack or weapons means the use of any nuclear weapon or device or waste or combustion of nuclear fuel or the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of fissile/ fusion material emitting a level of radioactivity capable of causing any Illness, incapacitating disablement or death.
      • Chemical attack or weapons means the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any solid, liquid or gaseous chemical compound which, when suitably distributed, is capable of causing any Illness, incapacitating disablement or death.
      • Biological attack or weapons means the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any pathogenic (disease producing) micro-organisms and/or biologically produced toxins (including genetically modified organisms and chemically synthesized toxins) which are capable of causing any Illness, incapacitating disablement or death.
    • Raheja QBE shall not be liable for making any payment under the Policy for any cancer or cancer related condition which is a Pre – Existing Disease. All Insureds above the age of 65 years to whom cover under this insurance is extended by Raheja QBE after medical examination and confirmation of no Cancer that is
      • a Pre – Existing Disease in the proposal form and are later on detected with Cancer in advanced stages will not be denied cover on the basis of the disease being a Pre – Existing Disease.
    • Raheja QBE shall not be liable to make any payment under the Policy for any costs or expenses incurred on AYUSH treatments.
    • No claim shall be payable under this Policy unless the diagnostic investigation reveals positive existence or presence of Cancer. Raheja QBE reserves its right to ask the Insured to present himself/herself for examination by a Medical Practitioner who is an oncologist for acceptance a claim under this Policy.

Product features:

  • Product designed in collaboration with ‘Indian Cancer Society’
  • Covers all types of Cancer (except Cancer caused in presence of HIV & Kaposi Sarcoma which is one of the many forms of skin cancer)
  • Covers very early stage forms as well ( regardless of location and spread of cancer)
  • Sum Insured options of Rs 1 Lakh to Rs 10 Lakhs ( In multiple of Rs1 Lakh)
  • Age – Minimum entry age is 1 day & maximum 70 years
  • No Medicals required till the age of 50 years
  • Tax benefits u/s 80D of Income Tax Act. 1961

Policy coverage and benefits

  • Policy covers all expenses related to treatment of Cancer (both Inpatient & Outpatient)
  • Offers a combination of upfront fixed Benefit payment & Reimbursement cover
  • 50% of the Sum Insured or Rs. 2,50,000 whichever is less, is paid as a lump sum amount on acceptance of a claim under the Policy
  • Rest Sum Insured is reimbursed as per medical expenses actually incurred
  • Once claimed, continued benefits up to Sum Insured limit, even after the expiry of the Policy, for up to 5 yrs from inception of the Policy
What’s more....
On every claim free Renewal, No claim bonus( NCB) of 5 % ( Max upto 25%)

Raheja QBE Health Insurance FAQ’s

Your insurance company rewards you for staying hale and hearty! Every year you get cumulative bonus in the form of increased sum insured for not making any claims in consecutive of 2 years. We at Raheja QBE offer cumulative bonus of upto 100%

The fixed amount or percentage paid by the insured ( the one who is covered) for the medical treatment. If your co-payment percentage is 20% then in case of hospitalization you are suppose to bear 20% of the expense and remaining shall be paid by your insurer.

If you are suffering from any ailment at the time of buying a policy is termed as pre existing illness or disease. It’s important to declare pre existing disease at the time of policy issuance or else at the time of claim; if the insurer knows about your existing illness your claim may get denied.

Insurance Company gives you a chance to cancel your policy post payment if you have found a better plan and wish to take a different plan. This period is called free-look period.

Get additional sum insured equal to your actual sum insured in case your sum insured gets exhausted.

You must notify Us either at the call center Toll free 1800 425 9449 or in writing at mediassist, in the event of planned or emergency hospitalization.

The earlier the better, typically, everyone should consider buying a health insurance policy in their early 20's and one has just started earning. Health insurance also helps in planning within a family to ensure there is financial coverage in case of an unexpected health emergency. It also offers wider coverage at a lower premium.

Your ideal sum insured or total coverage would highly depend on factors such as your current age, lifestyle, medical history, income and place of residence. Looking at the medical inflation, most of our customers prefer a health insurance policy with a sum insured of 5 lacs and above.

Under cashless hospitalization, the insured person does not settle the hospitalization expenses at the time of discharge from hospital. The settlement is done directly by us for treatment that the insured person is eligible to receive under the terms of his/her policy. This is for your convenience. However, it is important to note here that prior approval is required from us before admission into the hospital. In some cases, you may have to pay for all or part of the treatment if it is not fully covered under the terms of the policy. However, in case of emergency hospitalization, you can obtain approval post-admission. Please note that the cashless facility is available only at our Network Hospitals.

Raheja QBE has an extensive network of 5,000+ network hospitals across India growing steadily over the years. One must get admitted to a network hospital in order to avail cashless treatment for their illness. One can get the hospital closest to them by going through the Raheja QBE network hospital list available on Health QBE plans.

There is no upper limit on the number of claims during the policy period. However, the total cumulative claim amount cannot exceed the Policy Sum Insured.

It refers to payment of the Medical Expenses incurred by the insured while undergoing Specified Day Care Procedures/ Treatment (as mentioned in the Day Care Surgeries list), which require less than 24 hours Hospitalization.

The premium paid on a health insurance policy is eligible for deduction under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. So save with your policy now!



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Proposal form

Fill the online Raheja QBE Cancer insurance proposal form.

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Policy wordings

Review Raheja QBE Cancer insurance Policy wordings which explains the terms and conditions.

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