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Maternity Benefits

Insurance customers can compare the details of coverage for maternity benefits offered under Indian mediclaim insurance. The below details of maternity coverage can help customers quickly understand the plan coverage and make an informed choice. There are only few insurance companies who offer exclusive health insurance coverage for maternity in India. Choose a plan as per your health insurance requirements and buy.

The medical expenses traceable to childbirth (including complicated deliveries and caesarean sections during hospitalisation) as well as the expenses incurred towards any lawful medical termination of pregnancy during the policy period will be covered.

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Maternity Benefits coverage

niva bupa
Niva Bupa
  • Silver Plan: Covered upto the maximum of Rs.30,000/- after 2 years, Upto 2 deliveries
  • Gold Plan: Covered upto the maximum of Rs.50,000/- after 2 years, Upto 2 deliveries
  • Platinum Plan: Covered upto the maximum of Rs.1,00,000/- after 2 years, Upto 2 deliveries
    New born baby covered upto Sum Insured*.
    Vaccinations for children upto 12 years and nutrition and diet consulting .
    Pre and post Hospitalization related to maternity

apollo munich travel insurance
Apollo Munich
  • Optima Restore:Not Covered
  • Easy Health:Covers maternity expenses incurred both before and after child birth procedures [For Sum Insured* 4.00, 5.00 lacs: Normal Delivery Rs.15,000, Caesarean Delivery Rs.25,000 (including Pre/Post Natal Limit of Rs.1,500 and New Born limit of Rs. 2,000); For Sum Insured* 7.50, 10.00 lacs: Normal Delivery Rs. 25,000, Caesarean Delivery Rs.40,000 (including Pre/Post Natal Limit of Rs.2,500 and New Born limit of Rs. 3,500)].
    Easy Health Premium: Covers maternity expenses incurred both before and after child birth procedures [For Sum Insured* 4.00, 5.00 lacs: Normal Delivery Rs.15,000, Caesarean Delivery Rs.25,000 (including Pre/Post Natal Limit of Rs.1,500 and New Born limit of Rs. 2,000); For Sum Insured* 7.50, 10.00 lacs: Normal Delivery Rs. 25,000, Caesarean Delivery Rs.40,000 (including Pre/Post Natal Limit of Rs.2,500 and New Born limit of Rs. 3,500)].

Star Health
Star Health
  • Covered after 3 years
  • Coverage only for delivery
  • New Born Baby covered up to 5 months. The Sum Insured* is restricted up to 10% for mother.
  • This cover is not available for immunization expenses / post-natal expenses

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Individual health insurance

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Family floater health insurance

Family floater is one single policy that takes care of the hospitalization expenses of your entire family.

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Top Up plans

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Maternity and pregnancy

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