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Hospital Cash insurance plan

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Some insurers offer a double cash benefit in case of hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit for the duration of ICU confinement apart from a lump-sum convalescence benefit will be paid in case of hospitalisation exceeding a continuous period of 20 days. This plan essentially is a supplement your normal health insurance cover, and covers expensed not covered in the Indemnity Health plan. Consistently rising medical inflation and increasing hospitalization expenses make health care a challenge financially for an average Indian. There are incidental expenses which are surgical accessories, x-ray charges, expenses incurred by accompanying family members, etc. are offered under the Hospital Cash. Sometimes, despite having a comprehensive cover, there are some expenses which will be required to be covered over and above what’s covered under the indemnity plan and this is what the Hospital Cash plan takes care off… In such cases, the best solution is to avail health insurance policies that offer a daily cash allowance for each day that you are in the hospital.

Under the Daily Hospital Cash Plan, a person is covered when he/she is hospitalized. The insured gets a specified amount of money on each day that he/she is in the hospital. The pay out of this allowance from the insurance provider is not only for hospitalization expenses - the policyholder can use it in any way he/ she deems necessary. Since it is unrelated to mediclaim policy, the policyholder can claim both the mediclaim policy and well as the daily hospitalization cash.

What is the coverage under the plan?

Some of the Basic Plan Covers include:
Sickness Hospital Cash Benefit: If the Insured Person is Hospitalized during the Policy Period for Medically Necessary treatment of an Illness that occurred during the Policy Period, the insurer will pay the Daily Cash Benefit specified in the Policy Schedule for each continuous and completed period of 24 hours of Hospitalisation.

Accident Hospital Cash Benefit: If the Insured Person is Hospitalized during the Policy Period for Medically Necessary treatment due to an Injury, following an accident that occurred during the Policy Period, the insurer will pay the Daily Cash Benefit (benefit is equal / double the sickness HC benefit) amount specified in the Policy Schedule for each continuous and completed period of 24 hours of Hospitalisation.

ICU Cash Benefit: If the Insured Person is Hospitalized in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) during the Policy Period for Medically Necessary treatment of an Illness Or an Injury that occurred during the Policy Period, the insurer will pay the Daily Cash benefit (benefit ranges from 1 -3 times the Daily Cash Benefit) amount specified in the Policy Schedule for each continuous and completed period of 24 hours of Hospitalisation. Coverage under this benefit is limited to a maximum of 15 days per Insured Person per Policy Year.

Convalescence Benefit: If the Insured Person is Hospitalized during the Policy Period for Medically Necessary treatment of an Illness Or an Injury that occurred during the Policy Period and the continuation of such Hospitalisation is Medically Necessary for at least 10 consecutive days, then the insurer will pay a lump sum amount equal the Daily Cash benefit (benefit ranges from 1 to 5 times the Daily Cash Benefit amount specified in the Policy Schedule for each continuous and completed period of 24 hours of Hospitalisation. This benefit is available only once per Insured Person, per Policy Year.

A daily hospital cash plan would determine coverage based on the daily allowance you choose under the plan. The range of daily cash available is from ₹500 to ₹5,000. if the insured is admitted in the ICU, the daily cash allowance generally increases twofold or by any other factor as specified in the policy. Some plans also allow additional multiple of the cash allowance in case a surgery is undertaken by the insured.

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What are the other conditions in the plan?

Like standard health insurance plans, these Hospital Cash plans also come with a waiting period clause. However, the waiting period in these plans are of shorter tenures. Another condition that the plan specifies is that the hospitalization must be for a minimum period of 24 hours to avail the allowance payable.

Thus, Day Care Procedures are not covered under the scope of this plan. There is also a maximum ceiling on the number of hospitalization days in a policy year for which the allowance is payable. This maximum limit ranges from 30, 60 , 90 or 180 days.

If one is hospitalized for a minor treatments and the bill for which is not very high, he/she can utilize your daily cash plan to pay for the hospital bills instead of filing a claim under your health plan. This would help you in preserving the No Claim Bonus of your health insurance plan which would have been lost otherwise.

Buying a hospital daily cash plan makes a lot of sense if we take the above benefits of the plan into consideration especially since it deals with much of the incidental expenses that one incurs when in hospital. However, it is strongly recommended that Hospital Cash plans be considered complimentary to your existing health insurance plan and not its substitute. Hospital cash plans only provide a daily allowance in case of hospitalization while a health plan provides a more comprehensive coverage and cannot be foregone.

Features of Hospital Cash Plans

Fixed Benefit Plan – Hospital Cash
Pays a lumpsum upto Sum Insured on the occurrence of the covered event – hospitalisation atleast for 24 hours of the insured for an admissible illness. Payment is made as a daily benefit for exactly the number of days the insured was hospitalised (less deductible, normally 1 day).
These plans cover only a limited / fixed set of benefits which are defined in the plan – and easy to understand and implement.
Daily Hospital Cash plans have waiting periods – both mandatory waiting period of 30 days and other ailments including pre existing conditions, which is for 24 months and above.
Hospital Cash is a Fixed Benefit plan and normally does not have a co-pay or deductible. Full Sum Insured settled to the insured.
Complimentary to Indemnity based Health insurance plan and hence must be bough along with the same.

Hospital Cash Insurance plans

  • Star Hospital Cash Insurance Policy Provides additional protection and take care of your incidental expenses such as travelling food etc
  • The policy pays a daily allowance as a fixed benefit on hospitalisation
  • The policy guards the insured against the stress one faces because of increased financial burden during hospitalization.
  • Chola Hospital Cash Healthline insurance covers expenses for fixed daily allowance for each completed 24 hours of hospitalization.
  • The Hospital Daily Cash Insurance policy of SBI General's provides the daily cash allowance and helps you take care of other expenses that are not usually covered by a health policy.
  • ProHealth Hospital Cash provides a wide choice of daily cash benefits and it Pays cash directly to you when you need it most.
  • Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited Individual Accident and Sickness Hospital Cash is a perfect supplement for an individual’s health insurance policy and can be taken along with any other health insurance schemes.
  • An person may take the policy to protect him/herself and his/her family, i.e. spouse, dependent children up to age 25, and dependent parents.

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Some of the Daily Hospital Cash plans available in the market are below:

Star Health Travel Insurance Plans
Star Hospital
health insurance bajaj allianz
Bajaj Allianz
future generali
Future Generali
Cholamandalam Insurance Plans
Chola MS
SBI Travel Insurance Plans
ManipalCigna Insurance Plans
Tata Aig
Universal sompo Insurance Plans
Universal Sompo
Policy Term
1/2/3 years 1 year 1 year 1/2/3 years 1/2/3 years 1 year 1, 2 or 3 years
Eligibility Criteria
  • 18 years to 65 years
  • Children between age of 91 days to 25 years
  • 18 years to 65 years
  • Children between age of 3 months to 21 years
  • 18 years to 65 years
  • 18 years to 65 years
  • Children between age of 3 months to 26 years
  • 18 years to 65 years
  • Children from age of 3 months can be covered
  • 18 years to 65 years
  • Children from age of 91 days to 17 years
Entry age is 6 months up to 65 years for the proposer. Entry age for you (the proposer) is 18 years and you can opt for this policy up to the age of 70years.
Entry age for dependent children is 6 months
Family - Self, spouse and upto to 3 dependent children. For you, your spouse as well as children. For individual or on family floater basis, covering self, spouse, and two dependent children (up to 25 years). Self, Spouse, Parents and Parents in law, Children, Siblings Cover yourself, your spouse, kids and even your parents Coverage on Individual basis covering the following relationships - Self, lawfully wedded spouse, children, parents, siblings, parent in laws, grandparents and grandchildren. Individual and/or family Individual and/or family - spouse, dependent children up to 25 years and dependent parents
Plans offered
Basic & Enhanced Plan A, B, C, D Plan A, B, C, D, E, F 30 days & 60 days Coverage Basic & Enhanced Flexibility in choosing options - 5 different levels . NA
Lifelong renewal Lifelong renewal Lifelong renewal Lifelong renewal Lifelong renewal Lifelong renewal
Number of hospital cash days per policy year
  • Basic plan – 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 180 days
  • Enhanced plan - 90 / 120 / 180 days
Cover is available for 30 days and 60 days per policy period 30 days / 60 days / 90 days / 180 days
  • Plan A, B, C - 20 days
  • Plan D, E, F - 25 days
30 & 60 days Hospitalisation Cash upto 180 days in case of Accidents or Sickness 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 or 180 days
Income tax benefits
Covered Covered Covered Covered Covered Covered
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