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Universal Sompo travel insurance Plans

Hospital Cash Insurance Policy

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An person may take the policy to protect him/herself and his/her family, i.e. spouse, dependent children up to age 25, and dependent parents.

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Sum Insured

USD 50,000 to 5,00,000

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* As per IRDAI report for   |   As per NL25 data published on the Insurance Company website

Universal Sompo Hospital Cash Insurance Policy benefits

  • Eligibility Criteria of Universal Sompo Hospital Cash Insurance Policy

    The Policy can be taken by an individual for covering himself / herself and his/ her family i.e. spouse, dependent children up to 25 years of age and dependent parents.
    • Entry age for you (the proposer) is 18 years and you can opt for this policy up to the age of 70years.
    • Entry age for dependent children is 6 months
    • Policy renewals will be for your lifetime.
    • No pre-acceptance medical tests up to 55 years of age, however, if you are above 55 years, then, you may require undergoing medical tests at our listed diagnostic centers, 50% cost of which will be borne by us in case of accepted proposals.
    • Pre -Medical Tests:Fasting Sugar Blood, BP report and ECG may be required to be submitted to us on request. Validity period of theses test 15 days or less immediately prior to the acceptance your health proposal under this policy. Any tests carried out older than 15 days prior to acceptance of this proposal would not be considered for acceptance and fresh test of the current date i.e. the date of proposal would be taken into consideration.
  • Coverages of Universal Sompo Hospital Cash Insurance Policy

    The Policy comprises of three sections
    Section 1: Hospital Confinement Benefit:A Daily Allowance as under would be payable upon normal hospitalization other than an admission in ICU for a maximum number of days as opted by you when you opt for coverage under this Section. The choice would be given to you to opt for any of the following options and remittance of premium accordingly

    Benefit Options
    Options Option I Option II Option III Option IV Option V Option VI
    Amount per day Rs 500/ - per day Rs 1000/ - per day Rs 1500/- per day Rs 2000 per day Rs 2500 per day Rs 3000 per day
    Maximum Amount per Policy Period Rs 90,000 Rs 1,80,000 Rs 2,70,000 Rs 3,60,000 Rs 4,50,000 Rs 5,40,000
    Section 2: Intensive Care Benefit:The amount as chosen by you from the above options shall be doubled when you/ your family member during the course of their treatment is admitted in an ICU other than normal hospitalization. Further during the course of treatment, if the hospitalization is for ICU and then shifting to the normal ward then confining therein , then ICU period of stay and normal Hospital Confinement period stay will be counted separately and Benefit will be paid separately as per the eligible amount for these this according to the no of days stayed separately.

    Section 3: Convalescence Benefit:A convalescence benefit of Rs 10,000 shall become payable under the policy if your or your covered family member’s hospitalization exceeds 21 days and this benefit would not become payable if the Hospital Cash Period is opted for 30 days or more maximum upto 180 days

    You can choose to cover Hospital Cash for a fixed no of 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 or 180 days as per your requirement. Other than the above mentioned prescribed no of days, the other combination of days cannot be chosen

    Other Benefits

    Long Term Policy Discount:The Policy can be taken for a period of one, two or three years and discount as under would be provided when the policy is bought from us for longer terms by paying premium in a single instalment
    Duration of policy Premium to be charged
    2 years 2 year premium (Double of the Annual Premium as mentioned below in the Table ) paid in advance less 10% discount
    3 years 3 year premium in (Three Times of Annual Premium as mentioned below in the Table ) paid in advance less 15% discount
    Even If the policy is purchased for 2years/3 years at once by paying the premium in one instalment, the Benefits will be applicable only on annual basis of the policy.

    Family Discount:Get Family discount of 5% towards total the total premium of the policy. Free Look-up period:The Policy shall have a free look period. The free look period shall be applicable at the inception of the policy andwill be a period of at least 15 days from the date of receipt of the Policy.

  • Exclusions of Universal Sompo Hospital Cash Insurance Policy

    • Pre-existing Diseases: Any condition , ailment or injury or related condition(s) for which You had signs or symptoms and/or Were diagnosed ,and / or received medical advice /treatment ,within 48 months prior to Your first Policy with Us.
    • Death within 30 days following the diagnosis of the Critical Illness
    • Treatment of following diseases within the first one year from the commencement of the Policy, will not be payable:
      • Cataract
      • Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
      • Myomectomy, Hysterectomy unless because of malignancy
      • Hernia, Hydrocele
      • Fistula in anus, Piles
      • Arthritis, gout, rheumatism
      • Joint replacements unless due to accident
      • Sinusitis and related disorders
      • Stones in the urinary and biliary systems
      • Dilatation and curettage
      • Skin and all internal tumors/cysts/nodules/polyps of any kind including breast lumps unless malignant/ adenoids and hemorrhoids
      • Dialysis required for chronic renal failure
      • Surgery on tonsils and sinuses
      • Gastric and Duodenal ulcers
    • Any Sickness that has been classified as an Epidemic by the Central or State Government.
    • General debility, nervous or other breakdown, rest cure, congenital diseases or defect or anomaly, sterility, sterilisation or infertility (diagnosis and treatment), any sanatoriums, spa or rest cures or long term care or hospitalisation undertaken as a preventive or recuperative measure
    • Sickness requiring Hospitalisation within the first 30 days from the commencement date of the Policy Period unless the Policy is renewed without interruption with the Company or the policy is a renewal of similar health insurance policy from any of the other Indian insurers and We have accepted your proposal with portability.
    • Any payment in case of more than one claim under the Policy during any one period of insurance by which the maximum liability of the Company in that period exceeds the Sum Insured.
    • Payment of compensation in respect of injury, hospitalisation resulting –
      • From intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide.
      • Self-exposure to needless perils except in an attempt to save human life.
      • Whilst under the influence of liquor or drugs or other intoxicants.
      • Emotional distress
      • Whilst engaging in aviation or ballooning whilst mounting into, dismounting from or travelling in any aircraft or balloon other than as a passenger (fare paying or otherwise) in any duly licensed standard type of aircraft anywhere in the world.
      • Directly or indirectly, caused by venereal disease, AIDS or insanity.
      • Arising or resulting from committing any breach of law with criminal intent or participating in an actual or attempted felony, riot, crime, misdemeanor or civil commotion.
      • Whilst engaging in racing, hunting, mountaineering, ice hockey, winter sports and the like.
      • Due to war or ionizing radiation or nuclear perils.
      • Whilst working in underground mines or explosive mines, electric installation with high tension supply, or as jockey or circus personnel or any such occupations of similar hazard.
      • Congenital anomalies or any complications or conditions arising therefrom; or
      • Any loss resulting directly or indirectly, contributed or aggravated or prolonged by childbirth or from pregnancy (except Ectopic Pregnancy)
      • Any treatment not performed by a Physician or any treatment of a purely experimental nature.
      • Circumcision, cosmetic or aesthetic treatments of any description change of life surgery or treatment, plastic surgery (unless necessary for the treatment of Illness or accidental Bodily Injury as a direct result of the insured event and performed within 6 months of the same).
      • Dental treatment or surgery of any kind unless necessitated by Accidental Bodily Injury.
      • Hospitalisation for the sole purpose of traction, physiotherapy or any ailment for which hospitalisation is not warranted due to advancement in medical technology
      • Naval or military operations of the armed forces or air force and participation in operations requiring the use of arms or which are ordered by military authorities for combating terrorists, rebels and the like.
      • All kind of Alternate Treatment
    Disclaimer: “For the detailed list of exclusions under the policy, kindly refer to the same provided in your policy kit”

Universal Sompo Health Insurance FAQ’s

Yes, your spouse, children and parents can be added as a dependant under the floater plan. The policy can also be taken for your father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son, daughter-in-law, daughter, grandparents, and grandchildren on individual basis. Your unmarried children, under the age of 18, are eligible as dependants under the policy. Your children enrolled as full-time education students are eligible until the age of 25.

No, all benefits shall be payable when incurred in India only, in Indian rupees.

Generally, No. In the instances where any of the applicants is above 55 years of age or based on declaration in proposal form, we feel that we require additional information for fair and accurate underwriting purposes, we will ask you to undergo medical tests or ask you previous medical records. Medical Examination reports validity period is 6 months.

Cover for all pre-existing medical conditions are excluded during the first three years of insurance. If you were covered under a health insurance policy from us or any other Indian insurer and we have accepted your request for portability, we shall make due adjustments towards pre-existing diseases and all other time-bound exclusions.

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