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New India Cancer Guard Policy

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New India health insurance review

Sum Insured

2 lacs − 100 lacs options available

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3,000+ hospitals

Family floater coverage

Self, Spouse + dependent children + parents

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New India Assurance Cancer Guard Policy benefits

  • Who Can Take New India Assurance Cancer Guard Policy?

    • The Proposer for this Insurance should be between the age of 18 years and 65 years.
    • Children above the age of 3 months can be covered by the parents / guardians provided they are financially dependent on the parents / guardians. On ceasing to be financially dependent on the parents / guardians, they can take a separate Policy on renewal. In such an event the benefits on Continuous Coverage can be ported to the new Policy. This limit will not apply to a mentally challenged children.
    • The persons beyond 65 years can continue their Insurance provided they are Insured under the Policy with us without any break.
    • Midterm inclusion is not allowed. Newly married spouse can be added only at the time of renewal.
    • The members of the family who could be covered under the Policy are:
      • Proposer
      • Spouse
      • Children
      • Parents
      • Ward
    (Each Insured Person shall be covered with separate Sum Insured)

    Sum Insured Options

    Sum Insured option available for this policy are Rs. 5, 10, 15, 25 & 50 Lakhs. The Premium You pay depends upon Your Age and the Sum Insured chosen. The eligibility of the Sum Insured is based on your age when you choose to buy your first Policy as below:
    50 years Rs. 5, 10, 15, 25 & 50 lakhs
    51 - 55 Years Rs. 5 , 10 & 15 lakhs
    56 - 60 Years Rs. 5 & 10 lakhs
    61 - 65 Years Rs. 5 lakhs

    Once you have been issued a Policy, you can continue to renew it with the same Sum Insured.

  • Coverages of New India Assurance Cancer Guard Policy

    The policy shall cover treatment for Cancer taken as Inpatient or Outpatient or Day Care. Following Conventional and Advanced Treatment shall be covered in the Policy:

    • Chemotherapy
    • Radiotherapy
    • Organ transplant, as part of Cancer treatment
    • Onco-surgery (Surgeries for excision of cancerous tissue or removal of organs/ tissues)
    • Proton Treatment
    • Personalised & Targeted therapy
    • Hormonal Therapy or Endocrine manipulation
    • Immunotherapy including immunology agents
    • Stem cell transplantation
    • Bone marrow transplantation
    • Room Rent, Boarding and Nursing
      • For Sum Insured for 5, 10 and 15 Lakhs - Single AC room
      • For Sum Insured for 25 and 50 Lakhs - Deluxe room
    • Intensive Care Unit (ICU) expenses, as actuals
    • Surgeon, Anaesthetist, Medical Practitioner, Consultants/ Specialist fees
    • Anaesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre Charges, SurgicalAppliances, Medicines & Drugs, Dialysis, Chemotherapy,Radiotherapy, Cost of Prosthetic devices implanted duringSurgery, Relevant Laboratory / Diagnostic test, X-Ray and othermedical expenses related to the treatment of Cancer
    • Pre-Hospitalization Medical expenses, up to 30 days
    • Post-Hospitalization Medical expenses, up to 60 days
    • Ambulance services not exceeding Rs. 3,000 per Hospitalization
    • Medical Expenses for Organ Transplant, as part of Cancertreatment
    • Medical Expenses incurred for the reconstruction of affected body part to restore your essential physical functioning as a directresult of Cancer Surgery.
    • Medical Expenses incurred on follow up check-up shall be payable up to Rs. 10,000 once in a Period of Insurance.
    • Second Opinion for Surgery: the expenses incurred towardsconsultation with another Medical Practitioner to seek advice onthe Surgery shall be payable up to Rs. 5,000 for Sum Insured ofRs. 5, 10 & 15 Lakhs and up to Rs. 10,000 for Sum Insured of Rs.25 & 50 Lakhs.
    • Cancer Care Benefit: If during the Period of Insurance anyInsured Person is first time diagnosed for Cancer and is in StageIV (based on TNM classification) or advanced metastatic cancer ,50% of the Sum Insured would be paid as Critical Care Benefit inaddition to the admissible claim amount
  • Exclusions under New India Assurance Cancer Guard Policy

    • Any Treatment other than for Cancer.
    • Pre-Existing Condition for Cancer for which Insured Person had signs or symptoms, and/or was diagnosed, and/or received medical advice / treatment prior to the first policy issued by Us (as mentioned in the Schedule).
    • Cancer diagnosed/contracted by the Insured person during the first ninety days of the commencement date of first Policy.
    • Any treatment directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or attributable to War, invasion, Act of Foreign enemy, War like operations (whether war be declared or not), nuclear weapon / ionising radiation, contamination by Radioactive material, nuclear fuel or nuclear waste or from the combustion of nuclear fuel.
    • Plastic Surgery, cosmetic, aesthetic treatment.
    • Cost of external prosthetic devices, non-durable implants, external medical equipment.
    • Dental treatment or Surgery of any kind unless necessitated due to treatment of Cancer.aposi Sarcoma.
    • Charges incurred at Hospital primarily for diagnosis, x-ray or Laboratory examinations or other diagnostic studies not consistent with or incidental to the diagnosis and treatment of positive existence or presence of Cancer for which confinement is required at a Hospital.
    • Expenses on vitamins and tonics unless forming part of treatment for Injury or Illness as certified by the attending Medical Practitioner.
    • Non Allopathic treatment.
    • Any expenses relating to cost of items detailed in Annexure II.
    • Unproven/Experimental Treatment and pharmacological regimens.
    • Any kind of Service charges, Surcharges, Luxury Tax and similar charges levied by the Hospital.
    • Treatment including investigation / diagnostic services availed outside India.
    • Rest Cure, Rehabilitation and Respite care.
    • Any services for people who are terminally ill to address medical, physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs.
    • Treatments rendered by a Medical Practitioner, who is a member of the Insured Person’s family or stays with him, however proven material costs are eligible for reimbursement in accordance with the applicable cover
    • Any treatment or part of a treatment that is not of a reasonable charge, not Medically Necessary; drugs or treatments that are not supported by treating doctor’s prescription.
    • Charges related to a Hospital stay not expressly mentioned as being covered in this Policy, including but not limited to charges for admission, discharge, administration, registration, documentation and filing.
    • Any non-medical expenses mentioned on our website and or attached with this policy

    Disclaimer: “For the detailed list of exclusions under the policy, kindly refer to the same provided in your policy kit”

New India health insurance FAQ’s

No, This Policy does not have any Pre-acceptance Medical Examination. But Sum Insuredshall be restricted, based on your age at the time of applying for this Policy, as shown in theabove table.

Yes. You may seek enhancement of Sum Insured in writing before payment of premium forrenewal, which may be granted subject to the underwriting guidelines. Before granting suchrequest for enhancement of Sum Insured, We have the right to have You examined by aMedical Practitioner authorized by Us or the TPA. Our consent for enhancement of SumInsured is dependent on the recommendation of the Medical Practitioner.

No. Once the Insured Person is diagnosed for positive existence of Cancer, the claims forOutpatient, Inpatient and Daycare towards the treatment of Cancer is payable under thePolicy.

The Policy pays where the Hospitalisation is for more than twenty four hours. But for certaintreatments specified in the Policy, period of stay at the Hospital could be less than twentyfour hours.

Yes. Relevant medical expenses, towards treatment of Cancer, incurred before admission inthe Hospital for a period of THIRTY (30) days prior to the date of admission under Pre Hospitalisation Medical Expenses and those incurred after Discharge from the Hospital for a period of SIXTY (60) days after the date of discharge are payable are payable under Post Hospital Medical Expenses.

Yes, the Policy covers treatment and/or services rendered anywhere in India.

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