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New India Insurance Plans

New India Premier Mediclaim Insurance

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Key features of New India Premier Mediclaim Insurance plan

New India Premier is a Policy designed to cover Hospitalisation expenses of the Persons who would like to be covered under this Policy. The reason this is a Premier plan is because it has only four Sum Insureds band from ₹15 lacs to ₹100 lacs.

  • Room Rent: No Capping on Room Rent on Premier plan.
  • Co - pay: NIL Co-pay under this plan.
  • Restoration Benefit: NIL Restoration benefit.

New India health insurance review

Sum Insured

2 lacs − 100 lacs options available

Claims settlement ratio **


Incurred claims ratio


Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *


List of network hospitals

3,000+ hospitals

Family floater coverage

Self, Spouse + dependent children + parents


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Policy Wordings

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Overview of New India Mediclaim Policy

Special Features under Plan A & B

Attributes Plan A Plan B
Sum Insured 15,00,000 / 25,00,000 50,00,000 / 1,00,00,000
Entry Age / Maximum Age All the persons proposed for this Insurance should be between the age of 18 years and 65 years.

Children between the age of 3 months and 18 years are covered provided one or both parents are covered concurrently.

Children between 18 years to 25 years can be covered provided they are financially dependent on the parents and one or both parents are covered simultaneously.
All the persons proposed for this Insurance should be between the age of 18 years and 65 years.

Children between the age of 3 months and 18 years are covered provided one or both parents are covered concurrently.

Children between 18 years to 25 years can be covered provided they are financially dependent on the parents and one or both parents are covered simultaneously.
Family Members Eligible
  • Proposer
  • Proposer’s Spouse
  • Proposer’s Children
  • Proposer’s Parents
  • Proposer
  • Proposer’s Spouse
  • Proposer’s Children
  • Proposer’s Parents
Entry Age / Renewable Age Upto 65 years / Lifetime Upto 65 years / Lifetime
Pre Acceptance Medical Test (100% cost reimbursement if accepted) Over 50 years (at Designated Centres) Over 50 years (at Designated Centres)
Room Rent / ICU Limit No Limit and Proportionate Deduction No Limit and Proportionate Deduction
Pre / Post Hospitalisation Expenses 60 /90 days 61 /90 days
OPD after 2 claim free years ** ₹5000 (for all) ₹5000 (for all)
PED Waiting Period 3 years (36 months) 4 years (36 months)
Organ Transplant Covered Covered
AYUSH Treatment upto 20% of Sum Insured upto 20% of Sum Insured
Cataract after 2 years upto ₹ 75,000 per eye upto ₹ 1,00,000 per eye
Congenital Disease (Internal & Unknown) Upto Sum Insured (Waiting Period - 2 years) Upto Sum Insured (Waiting Period - 2 years)
Congenital Disease (External Coverage) Upto 10% of Sum Insured (Waiting Period - 3 years) Upto 10% of Sum Insured (Waiting Period - 3 years)
Hazardous Sports (for Hospitalisation in India) *** Upto 10% of Sum Insured Upto 10% of Sum Insured

Benefits Under Plans A & B

Attributes Plan A Plan B
Maternity Benefit after 3 years continous coverage of mother in this policy Upto ₹50,000 (max 2 claims in Life under the Policy) Upto ₹1,00,000 (max 2 claims in Life under the Policy)
Mis-carriages and abortion in case of Life threatening conditions Covered Covered
Free New Born Baby Cover (including congenital internal disease) Upto Sum Insured (Covered from day one till the renewal) Upto Sum Insured (Covered from day one till the renewal)
Infertility Treatment including OPD (after 3 years of continous coverage) Upto ₹1,00,000 of all insured persons (once in lifetime) Upto ₹2,00,000 of all insured persons (once in lifetime)
Hospital Cash ₹2,000 per day / hospitalisation (upto 10 days) ₹4,000 per day / hospitalisation (upto 10 days)
Ambulance Charges including Air Ambulance) Upto ₹1,00,000 and necessary Ambulance charges for returning home upto ₹10,000 Upto ₹1,00,000 and necessary Ambulance charges for returning home upto ₹10,001
Free Critical Care Benefit for Ist time Diagnosis of Illness **** ₹200,000 once in lifetime ₹500,000 once in lifetime
Second Opinion for Major Surgeries Upto ₹5,000 Upto ₹8,000

Exclusive Benefits for Plan B

Attributes Plan B
Psychiatric & Psychosomatic Disorder Upto 5% of Sum Insured (for Inaptient Treatment) for diseases diagnosed after taking the policy
Dietician Counselling Reimbursement upto ₹5,000 for insured person
Treatment for Obesity (after 3 years of continous coverage) Upto ₹5,00,000 only if BMI>35 subject to clearance by the insurance company

** OPD Treatment - After every block of two continuous Claim Free Years, all the members covered in this Policy are entitled for OPD coverage of Rs. 5,000 for Plan A and Rs. 10,000 for Plan B cumulatively. The cover can be availed for:

  1. Dental Treatment.
  2. ealth Check-up.
  3. Consultation with a Medical Practitioner.
  4. Drugs and Medicines as prescribed by a Medical Practitioner.
  5. Investigations as prescribed by a Medical Practitioner.

The amount will not be carried forward to the next year. A claim under OPD Treatment clause will also be treated as a claim for determining Claim Free Year

*** Hazardous Sports Coverage - We shall pay expenses incurred towards treatment of any Injury or Illness arising out of the following hazardous sports only: Bobsledding; Bungee Jumping; Canopying; Hang Gliding; Heli-skiing; Horseback Riding; Jet, Snow, and Water Skiing; Kayaking; Martial Arts; Speed Motorcycling; Mountain Biking; Mountain Climbing (under 14,000 feet); Paragliding; Parasailing; Safari; Scuba Diving, Skydiving; Snowboarding; Snowmobiling; Spelunking; Surfing; Trekking; Whitewater Rafting; Wind Surfing; Zip Lining, Equestrian; Fencing; Archery, Hot Air Ballooning; Underwater Sea-walk; Snorkelling; Rugby.

Our liability under this clause shall not exceed 10% of Sum Insured. Payment under this clause is admissible only if the expenses are incurred in Hospital as In- Patient / Day Care Treatment in India.

**** Critical Illness - If during the Period of Insurance any Insured Person is diagnosed for the first time to be suffering from any Critical Illness as listed below, we will pay Rs. 2,00,000 for Plan A and Rs. 5,00,000 for Plan B as additional benefit i.e. other than the admissible claim amount:

  1. Cancer
  2. First Heart attack of specified severity
  3. Open chest CABG
  4. Open Heart replacement or repair of Heart valves
  5. Coma of specified severity
  6. Kidney failure requiring regular dialysis
  7. Stroke resulting in permanent symptoms
  8. Major organ / bone marrow transplant
  9. Permanent paralysis of limbs
  10. Motor neurone disease with permanent symptoms
  11. Multiple sclerosis with persisting symptoms

New India Health Insurance FAQ’s

The Policy is valid during the Period of Insurance stated in the Schedule attached to the Policy. It is usually valid for a period of one year from the date of beginning of insurance.

Yes. If Your Policy is renewed within thirty days of the expiry of the previous Policy, then the Continuity Benefits would not be affected. But even if You renew Your Policy within thirty days of expiry of previous Policy, any disease contracted or injuries sustained or Hospitalisation commencing during the break in insurance is not covered. Therefore it is in Your own interest to see that You renew the Policy before it expires.

We may agree for a request for increase in Sum Insured at the time of renewal. But We are not obliged to agree to this request, if we feel the Person is not in good health. Moreover, for persons aged over 60, such a request could entail subjecting the Person for Medical Examination and other Medical tests. (In case the risk is accepted, 50% of the reasonable cost of Medical Examination would be reimbursed). Enhancement of Sum Insured is subject to the limits mentioned below:

  • Age < 50 years Up to Sum Insured of 15 lakhs without Medical Examination
  • Age 51–60 Years By two slabs without Medical Examination
  • Age 61 – 65 Years By one slab with Medical Examination
Enhancement of Sum Insured will not be considered for:
  • Any Insured Person over 65 years of age.
  • Any Insured Person who had undergone more than one Hospitalisation in the preceding two years.
  • Any Insured Person suffering from one or more of the following Illnesses / Conditions: Any chronic Illness, Any recurring Illness, Any Critical Illness

No. Your Policy can be renewed, as long as You pay the Renewal Premium before the date of expiry of the Policy. There is an age limit for taking a fresh Policy, but there is no age limit for renewal. However, if You do not renew Your Policy before the date of expiry or within thirty days of the date of expiry, the Policy may not be renewed, and only a fresh Policy could be issued, subject to Our underwriting rules. In such cases, it is possible that a fresh Policy could not be issued by Us. It is therefore in Your interest to ensure that Your Policy is renewed before expiry.

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