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New India Top Up Mediclaim insurance

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Key features of Top Up Mediclaim insurance

Available as indidivial or family health insurance up to 6 members in the family. If the policy is to be issued on Individual Sum Insured basis, then separate document will be issued to each Insured. Family mainly comprises of Self, Legal Spouse, dependent Children and dependent Parents.

  • Room Rent: Covered upto 1% of Sum Insured daily limit .
  • Co-pay: Copay, payable under the deductible .
  • Restoration Benefit: NIL Restoration benefit.

New India health insurance review

Sum Insured

2 lacs − 100 lacs options available

Claims settlement ratio **


Incurred claims ratio


Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *


List of network hospitals

3,000+ hospitals

Family floater coverage

Self, Spouse + dependent children + parents


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Policy Wordings

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The Top Up plan from New India is below.

Sl No Coverage Details Sum Insured
1. Sum Insured options available Sum Insured Deductible/Threshold
5,00,000 5,00,000
10,00,000 5,00,000
15,00,000 5,00,000
7,00,000 8,00,000
12,00,000 8,00,000
17,00,000 8,00,000
22,00,000 8,00,000
2. Room Rent, Boarding and Nursing expenses as provided by the Hospital Upto ₹5,000 / ₹8,000 (for Thresholds of ₹5 lacs and ₹8 lacs)
3. Hospital Cash Upto ₹500 / ₹800 (for Thresholds of ₹5 lacs and ₹8 lacs) (Maximum 10 days)
4. Get Well Benefit Upto ₹5,000 / ₹8,000 (for Thresholds of ₹5 lacs and ₹8 lacs. Payable for the first four admissible claims
5. Ambulance Charges Upto ₹5,000 / ₹8,000 (for Thresholds of ₹5 lacs and ₹8 lacs)
6. Cataract Benefit Up to ₹50,000 for each eye
7. Anaesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre Charges, Surgical Appliances, Medicines & Drugs, Dialysis, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Artificial Limbs, Cost of Prosthetic devices implanted during surgical procedure like pacemaker, Relevant laboratory / Diagnostic test, X–Ray and other medical expenses related to the treatment Covered
8. AYUSH Treatment Upto of Sum Insured
9. Congenital Internal Diseases Covered up to the Sum Insured provided the Insured has Continuous Coverage of twenty four months
Eligibility Criteria
1. Entry Age / Maximum Age All the persons proposed for this Insurance should be between the age of 18 years and 65 years.

Children between the age of 3 months and 18 years are covered provided one or both parents are covered concurrently.

Children between 18 years to 25 years can be covered provided they are financially dependent on the parents and one or both parents are covered simultaneously.
2. Family Members Eligible
  • Proposer
  • Proposer's Spouse
  • Proposer's Children
  • • Proposer’s Parents

Salient features of the plan

  • This Policy covers In–Patient Hospitalisation Expenses incurred in India.
  • This policy will respond only when the aggregate of all Hospitalisation expenses (except Pre / Post hospitalization expenses) of one or all members of the policy, exceeds the "Threshold" stated in the policy.
  • This Policy will respond for each and every Hospitalisation after the Threshold has been exceeded by previous Hospitalisation expenses subject only to the Sum Insured stated in the Policy.
  • The Sum Insured is the maximum liability of the company for all members of the policy.
  • Thus, this Policy offers protection in excess of any Primary Health Policy/Benefit scheme that the Insured may have.
  • If there is any expense in excess of Threshold, receivable from any other entity, the Insured Person has an option to recover it from either that entity or this policy, but not both.
  • However, the Sum Insured under the policy will be available over and above any reimbursement received from any other entity if such amounts exceed the Threshold.
  • The policy can be issued on Individual or Floater Sum Insured basis covering up to 6 members of the family. If the policy is to be issued on Individual Sum Insured basis, then separate document will be issued to each Insured.
  • 74 Day Care Procedures are covered.

New India Health Insurance FAQ’s

Your ideal sum insured or total coverage would highly depend on factors such as your current age, lifestyle, medical history, income and place of residence. Looking at the medical inflation, most of our customers prefer a health insurance policy with a sum insured of 5 lacs and above.

  • Initial Waiting Period is the cooling period applied at the start of new policy. This waiting period is not applicable for renewal policy or portability policy. Only Accidents are covered in the Intial Waiting period.
  • Pre Existing Disease waiting period is the waiting period applied for any of the existing disease customer is suffering from. It might vary from 4 years in Classic to 2 years in Elite Plan. With each policy year, the pre existing disease waiting period reduces by 1 year. Any claim related to pre existing disease hospitalization will not be covered in the policy during waiting period.

Absolutely! With employee health cover the major drawbacks come in picture when you leave your job that's when your policy goes out of action and exposes you to health risks. Your new employer may or may not cover you sufficiently. Also, having your own policy means a better buying decision and complete control to buy a cover which suits your requirement from time to time.

New India has an extensive network of 3,500+ network hospitals across India growing steadily over the years. One must get admitted to a network hospital in order to avail cashless treatment for their illness. One can get the hospital closest to them by going through the New India network hospital list available on New India Assurance Health insurance

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