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New India Senior Citizen Health Insurance

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Who can buy New India Assurance Travel Insurance?

Senior citizen residing in India and aged between 60 and 80 years. The health insurance can be renewed up to 90 years provided there is no beak in policy coverage.

New India Assurance Senior citizen insurance mandatory health check up

The senior citizens applying for coverage must take up the prescribed pre-acceptance health check at their own cost to identify pre-existing diseases.

New India health insurance review

Sum Insured

2 lacs − 100 lacs options available

Claims settlement ratio **


Incurred claims ratio


Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *


List of network hospitals

3,000+ hospitals

Family floater coverage

Self, Spouse + dependent children + parents


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Policy Wordings

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Senior Citizen health insurance overview

This policy has been specifically designed for any senior citizen resident in India and aged between 60 and 80. If renewed without a break, the cover can be continued up to age 90.

  • Benefits of New India Health insurance

    Sl No Coverage Benefits Optima Senior
    1. Sum Insured options available 1,00,000
    2. Room Rent, Boarding and Nursing expenses as provided by the Hospital Not exceeding 1.0 % of the Sum Insured per day
    Not exceeding 2.0 % of the Sum Insured per day.
    Overall capped @ 25% of Sum Insured
    3. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) / Intensive Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU) expenses
    4. Surgeon, Anaesthetist, Medical Practioner, Consultant and Specialist Fees + Nursing Fees Covered
    5. Anesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Over All Limit 50% of O T Charges, Surgical Sum Insured. Appliances, Medicines, Drugs, Diagnostic, Materials and X Ray, Dialysis, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cost of Pacemaker, Artificial Limb Cost of Stents and Implants Covered. Overall capped @ 50% of Sum Insured
    6. Pre Hospitalisation expense – expenses incurred days prior to the date of Hospitalisation. 30 days
    7. Post Hospitalisation – expenses incurred post the date of discharge 60 days
    8. Health Check Up Upto 1% of Sum Insured subject to a 4 claims free years.

  • Premium for New India Senior Citizen Health Insurance (rates are pre GST)

    Sum Insured (in Rs.) 60-65 years 66-70 years 71-75 years 76-80 years
    1,00,000 3850 4250 4700 5150
    1,50,000 5720 6310 6980 7650
    • Loading for renewal between age of 81-85 years -- 10%
    • Loading for renewal between age of 86- 90 years -- 20%
    • Additional premium to cover pre-existing conditions of Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus from the inception of policy - 10% of basic premium for each condition.
  • What does New India Senior citizen Health Insurance Cover?

    The policy covers:
    • Hospitalization expenses incurred for the treatment of illness/injury.
    • Pre- and post-hospitalization expenses up to 30 and 60 days respectively.
    • Ambulance Charges.
    • Limited cover for hospitalizations in government and /or registered Ayurvedic/Homeopathic and Unani hospitals.
    • Pre-existing diseases are covered only after 18 months of continuous insurance with our Company.
    • Pre-existing conditions like Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus and its complications are covered after 18 months of continuous insurance but only on payment of additional premium.
  • Exclusions under New India Health insurance

    What are excluded under this policy? No claim will be payable under this Policy for the following:
    1. Treatment of any Pre–Existing Condition/Disease, until forty eight months of Continuous Coverage of such Insured Person have elapsed, from the Date of inception of his/her first Policy with Us as mentioned in the Schedule.
    2. Any Illness contracted by the Insured person (except Injury) during the first 30 days of the commencement date of this Policy. This exclusion shall not however, apply if the Insured person has Continuous Coverage for more than twelve months.
    3. Unless the Insured Person has Continuous Coverage in excess of twenty four months with Us, expenses on treatment of the following Illnesses are not payable:
      1. All internal and external benign tumors, cysts, polyps of any kind, including benign breast lumps
      2. Benign ear, nose, throat disorders
      3. Benign prostate hypertrophy
      4. Cataract and age related eye ailments
      5. Gastric/ Duodenal Ulcer
      6. Gout and Rheumatism
      7. Hernia of all types
      8. Hydrocele
      9. Infective Arthritis
      10. Piles, Fissures and Fistula in anus
      11. Pilonidal sinus, Sinusitis and related disorders
      12. Prolapse inter Vertebral Disc and Spinal Diseases unless arising from Accident
      13. Skin Disorders
      14. Stone in Gall Bladder and Bile duct, excluding malignancy
      15. Stones in Urinary system
      16. Treatment for Menorrhagia/Fibromyoma, Myoma and Prolapsed uterus
      17. Varicose Veins and Varicose Ulcers
      18. Renal Failure
      Note: Even after twenty four months of Continuous Coverage, the above Illnesses will not be covered if they arise from a Pre–existing Condition, until 48 months of Continuous Coverage have elapsed since inception of the first Policy with the Company.
    4. Unless the Insured Person has Continuous Coverage in excess of forty eight months with Us, the expenses related to treatment of
      1. Joint Replacement due to Degenerative Condition,
      2. Age–related Osteoarthritis & Osteoporosis are not payable.
    5. Injury / Illness directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or attributable to War, invasion, Act of Foreign enemy, War like operations (whether war be declared or not), nuclear weapon/ ionising radiation, contamination by Radioactive material, nuclear fuel or nuclear waste or from the combustion of nuclear fuel.
    6. No Coverage for
      1. Circumcision unless Medically Necessary for treatment of an Illness not excluded hereunder or as may be necessitated due to an Accident
      2. Change of life/sex change or cosmetic or aesthetic treatment (except for burns/Injury) of any description such as correction of eyesight, etc
      3. Plastic Surgery other than as may be necessitated due to an Accident or as a part of any Illness.
    7. Vaccination and/or inoculation.
    8. Cost of braces, equipment or external prosthetic devices, non–durable implants, eyeglasses, Cost of spectacles and contact lenses, hearing aids including cochlear implants, durable medical equipment.
    9. Dental treatment or Surgery of any kind unless necessitated by Accident and requiring Hospitalisation.
    10. Convalescence, general debility, ’Run–down’ condition or rest cure, obesity treatment and its complications, treatment relating to all psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders, infertility, sterility, Venereal disease, intentional self–Injury and Illness or Injury caused by the use of intoxicating drugs/alcohol.
    11. Congenital Internal and External Disease or Defects or anomalies.
      However, the exclusion for Congenital Internal Disease or Defects or anomalies shall not apply after twenty four months of Continuous Coverage, if it was unknown to You or to the Insured Person at the commencement of such Continuous Coverage. Exclusion for Congenital Internal Disease or Defects or Anomalies would not apply to a New Born Baby during the year of Birth and also subsequent renewals, if Premium is paid for such New Born Baby and the renewals are effected before or within thirty days of expiry of the Policy. The exclusion for Congenital External Disease or Defects or anomalies shall not apply after thirty six months of Continuous Coverage, but such cover for Congenital External Disease or Defects or anomalies shall be limited to 10% of the average Sum Insured of the Insured Person in the preceding four years.
    12. Bodily Injury due to willful or deliberate exposure to danger (except in an attempt to save human life), intentional self–inflicted Injury, attempted suicide, Illness arising out of non–adherence to medical advice.
    13. Treatment of any Bodily Injury or Illness sustained whilst or as a result of active participation in any hazardous sports of any kind.
    14. Treatment of any Injury or Illness sustained whilst or as a result of participating in any criminal act.
    15. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, any condition directly or indirectly caused to or associated with Human T–Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type III (HTLB – III) or lymphadenopathy Associated Virus (LAV) or the Mutants Derivative or Variation Deficiency Syndrome or any syndrome or condition of a similar kind commonly referred to as AIDS.
    16. Charges incurred at Hospital primarily for diagnosis, x–ray or Laboratory examinations or other diagnostic studies not consistent with or incidental to the diagnosis and treatment of positive existence or presence of any Illness or Injury for which confinement is required at a Hospital
    17. Expenses on vitamins and tonics unless forming part of treatment for Injury or Illness as certified by the attending Medical Practitioner.
    18. Maternity Expenses, except abdominal operation for extra uterine pregnancy (Ectopic Pregnancy), which is proved by submission of Ultra Sonographic Report and Certification by Gynaecologist that it is life threatening one if left untreated.
    19. Naturopathy and Siddha Treatment
    20. External and or durable Medical / Non–medical equipment of any kind used for diagnosis and or treatment including CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), CPAD (Continuous Peritoneal Ambulatory Dialysis), Oxygen Concentrator for Bronchial Asthmatic condition, Infusion pump etc. Ambulatory devices i.e., walker, crutches, Collars, Caps, Splints, Elasto crepe bandages, external orthopaedic pads, sub cutaneous insulin pump, Diabetic foot wear, Glucometer / Thermometer and similar related items etc., and also any medical equipment, which is subsequently used at home and outlives the use and life of the Insured Person.
    21. Any expenses relating to cost of items detailed in Annexure II (of policy document).
      1. Genetic disorders and stem cell implantation/Surgery.
      2. Domiciliary Hospitalisation.
      3. Acupressure, acupuncture, magnetic therapies
      4. Experimental or unproven treatments/ therapies.
      5. Any kind of Service charges, Surcharges, Luxury Tax and similar charges levied by the Hospital.
      6. Treatment for Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) , treatments such as Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance (RFQMR), External Counter Pulsation (ECP), Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP), Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

New India Health Insurance FAQ’s

The term Pre–existing condition/disease is defined in the Policy as Any condition, ailment or Injury or related condition(s) for which there were signs or symptoms, and/or were diagnosed, and/or for which medical advice / treatment was received within forty eight months prior to the first policy issued by Us and renewed continuously thereafter. If You had:

  • Signs or symptoms, or
  • Been diagnosed or received Medical Advice, or
  • Been Treated for any condition or disease within forty eight months prior to the commencement of the first policy with us,

Such a condition or disease shall be considered as Pre–existing. Any Hospitalisation arising out of such pre–existing disease or condition is not covered under the Policy until forty eight months of Continuous Coverage have elapsed for the Insured Person.

Pre–acceptance medical check–up is required for all the members entering after the age of 50 years. A person also needs to undergo this pre–acceptance medical check–up if he has an adverse medical history or if the health condition of the person/s to be Insured is such that the office in–charge feels that he / she be subjected to a medical examination. The cost of this check–up will be borne by the proposer. But if the proposal is accepted, then 50% of the cost of this check–up will be reimbursed to the proposer.Pre–acceptance medical check–up shall be conducted at designated centers authorized by Us.

Yes. Unless the Insured Person is Hospitalised for a condition warranting Hospitalisation, no claim is payable under the Policy. The Policy does not cover outpatient treatments.

Yes, the Policy covers treatment and/or services rendered only in India.

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