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Royal Sundaram Asia Travel Insurance

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Why choose Royal Sundaram Asia travel insurance?

Popular affordable comprehensive international travel insurancefor Indian travelers visiting the Asian countries from India. It does not offer coverage for travelers visiting Japan and Korea.

Eligibility of Royal Sundaram Asia travel insurance

  • Minimum age of proposer must be 18 years.
  • No medical reports required.
  • You need to be in good health condition.
  • Minimum age at entry of insured person must be 91 Days.
  • Maximum age of entry of insured person must be 70 years.

Royal Sundaram Travel Insurance review

Sum Insured

USD 50,000 to 1,000,000

Claims settlement ratio **


Incurred claims ratio


Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *



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Royal Sundaram Asia travel insurance overview

  • What does Royal Sundaram Asia travel insurance cover?

    1. Accidental Death & Dismemberment (Common carrier)
      The policy will pay the sum insured specified in the schedule in addition to the sum insured specified under the personal accident section if the insured sustains accidental bodily Injury during the course of his overseas journey while travelling in a common carrier such as rail, bus, tram or aircraft and such bodily injury is the sole and direct cause of the Insured's death or permanent total disablement and which was sustained within 12 months from the date of the accident.
    2. Emergency cash advance
      We will provide an assistance service when the insured person requires emergency cash following incidents like theft/burglary of luggage/money or hold up whilst on a trip covered under policy. The service provider will coordinate with the insured person's family members in his country of residence to provide emergency cash advance to the insured person as per his requirement up to the limit specified (including service and delivery charges) in the policy schedule under this section.
    3. Trip Cancellation
      We will reimburse the unused and non-refundable portion of the pre-paid lodging cost and/or the ticket cancellation charges (up to the maximum amount specified in the schedule) if the trip is cancelled and the insured person is unable to undertake the trip due to death or serious injury or sudden sickness requiring minimum 3 days of hospitalization within 5 days before the date of departure or any natural catastrophic event like earthquake or volcano eruption.
    4. Compassionate Visit
      If the insured person is hospitalized on account of an illness/accident for a period exceeding 5 days and as opined and recommended by the attending Medical Practitioner requires special assistance from an immediate family member, we shall reimburse the cost of the economy class Iight ticket incurred by the immediate family member rendering such special assistance from and to the place of residence/origin of such person together with accommodation expenses not exceeding 200 USD/day.
  • Royal Sundaram Asia travel insurance benefits

    Benefits(in USD) Asia 50,000 Deductible
    Medical Expenses including Medical Evacuation 50,000 100
    Sickness Dental Relief 500 100
    Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit (24 hrs) 10,000 Nil
    Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit (Common Carrier) 5,000 Nil
    Repatriation of Mortal Remains 5,000 Nil
    Delay of Checked-in Baggage 100 after 6 hours
    Loss of Checked-in Baggage(Per Baggage maximum 50 % and per item in the baggage 10%) 500 Nil
    Loss of Passport Benefit 250 25
    Personal Liability Benefit 100,000 200
    Trip Delay Benefit 30 per 12hrs to max. 180 after 6 hours
    Hijacking Benefit 100 per day (6 Days Max) after 12 hours
    Emergency Cash Advance 500 Nil
    Trip Cancellation 500 Nil
    Compassionate Visit 5000 Nil
    Assistance Services Included Nil

    Benefits in USD Limits
    Hospital Room and boarding 1500/day upto 30 days
    Intensive Care Unit 2500/day upto 7 days
    Surgical treatment * Max 10,000
    Anaesthetist services Max upto 25% of Surgical Treatment
    Physician's visit Max 75/day upto 10 visits
    Diagnostic and pre-admission testing Max upto 500
    Ambulance services ** Max upto 400
    * Includes OT charges, Surgeon Fee and implant charges
    ** Includes cost of transportation to hospital and paramedic services

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Royal Sundaram insurance plans


Asia Travel

Popular affordable comprehensive travel insurance among Indian travelers visiting the Asian countries from India. It does not offer coverage for travelers visiting Japan and Korea.

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Senior Citizen

Overseas senior citizen travel insurance from Royal Sundaram is available for Indian travelers above 71 years going abroad.

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Annual Multi Trip

Royal Sundaram Annual Multi trip travel insurance plan offers overseas travel insurance for frequent travelers.

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Pre - existing medical conditions

Royal Sundaram international travel insurance offers coverage for expenses arising from pre-existing conditions under life threatening situation up to maximum limit as provided in the benefits.

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Schengen Visa

Royal Sundaram travel insurance satisfies Schengen Visa requirements.

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Royal Sundaram offers perhaps the most comprehensive Student Insurance solution in India at the moment.

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