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Royal Sundaram Student Travel Insurance

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What can be covered?

  • Minimum age of proposer must be 18 years.
  • No medical reports required.
  • You need to be in good health condition.
  • Minimum age at entry of insured person must be 12 years.
  • Maximum age of entry of insured person must be 40 years.
  • 1 year covered initially.
  • 6 renewals permitted.

Royal Sundaram student travel insurance overview

Sum Insured

USD 50,000 to 1,000,000

Claims settlement ratio **


Incurred claims ratio


Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *



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Royal Sundaram Student Travel Insurance

Royal Sundaram General Insurance Co. Limited (formerly known as Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Company Limited), is the first private sector general insurance company in India to be licensed in October 2000 by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India. Royal Sundaram has been providing innovative general insurance solutions to individuals, families and businesses directly as well as through its intermediaries and affinity partners. The company offers Motor, Health, Personal Accident, Home and Travel Insurance to individual customers and offers specialized insurance products in fire, marine, engineering, liability and business interruption risks to commercial customers. Royal Sundaram has over 2000 employees with 150 branches across India and its products are distributed through various channels-agents, distribution partners, affinity partners, brokers and online.

Royal Sundaram student travel insurance overview

  • Travel Secure – Student Insurance Plans

    Plans Adult Children
    Student Plan Maximum entry age is 40 years at the commencement date of the policy Minimum entry age is 12 years

    Royal Sundaram offers perhaps the most comprehensive Student Insurance solution in India at the moment. The plan is for Student who are between the ages of 12 upto 40 years of age proceeding abroad for their Secondary and Higher Education. They have Five Plan Categories under the Student Insurance plan namely Silver (A&S Cover of $50,000), Gold (A&S Cover of $100,000), Platinum (A&S Cover of $250,000), Titanium (A&S Cover of $500,000) and Diamond (A&S Cover of $750,000). They are one of the few insurers who offer the $750,000 Sum insured option for Accident & Sickness Medical Expenses (A&S).

    Their Accident & Sickness Benefits include A&S Medical Expenses, Dental Relief, Accidental Death & Dismemberment (including Common Carrier), Daily Cash Allowance while in Hospital, Repatriation and Medical Evacuation. Their Non Medical Benefits are very comprehensive and include Delay and Loss of Baggage, Passport Loss, Personal Liability, Trip Cancellation and Curtailment, Bounced Hotel, Compassionate Visit etc. Apart from these benefits, they also offer some specific benefits to cater to the Student community when they travel to study abroad and these include Sponsor Protection, Study Interruption, Felonious Assault, Maternity Coverage, Coverage for Nervous Disorders, Cancer Screening, Loss of Laptop etc.
  • Royal Sundaram student travel insurance overview

    Benefits(in USD) Diamond Titanium Platinum Gold Silver Deductible
    Medical Expenses including Medical Evacuation 750,000 500,000 250,000 100,000 50,000 100
    Sickness Dental Relief 500 500 400 300 250 100
    Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit (24 hrs) 50,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 10,000 Nil
    Repatriation of Mortal Remains 10,000 10,000 7,500 5,000 2,500 Nil
    Delay of Checked-in Baggage 250 250 150 50 - after 6 hours
    Loss of Checked-in Baggage 2,500 2,500 2,000 1,000 500 Nil
    Loss of Passport 250 250 250 250 250 25
    Personal Liability 500,000 500,000 500,000 100,000 100,000 100
    Trip Delay 10 per 12hr.(max. 100) 10 per 12hr.(max. 100) 10 per 12hr.(max. 100) 10 per 12hr.(max. 100) 10 per 12hr.(max. 100) after 6 hours
    Hijacking Benefit 100 per day(max. 500) 100 per day(max. 500) 100 per day(max. 500) 100 per day(max. 500) 100 per day(max. 500) after 12 hours
    Missed Connection/Missed Departure 1,000 1,000 750 500 250 after 6 hours
    Compassionate Visit 10,000 10,000 7,500 5,000 1,500 Nil
    Assistance Services Included Included Included Included Included Nil
    Study Interruption 25,000 25,000 15,000 7,500 7,500 Nil
    Sponsor Protection 25,000 25,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 Nil
    Bail Bond 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 500 Nil
    Felonious Assault (Accidental Death and Dismemberment) 25,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 5,000 Nil
    Maternity benefit for termination of pregnancy only 3,000 2,500 1,000 500 NA Nil
    Treatment for mental and nervous disorders: including alcoholism and drug dependency 2,500 2,000 1,000 500 NA Nil
    Cancer screening and mammography examinations 3,000 2,500 1,500 500 250 Nil
    Child Care Benefits 1,500 1,250 1,000 500 250 Nil
    Coverage for pre-existing conditions Accidental & Sickness 5,000 5,000 2,500 1,000 500 Nil
    Ambulance Charges 500 500 250 250 250 Nil
    Physiotherapy 500 500 500 500 500 Nil
    Loss of Laptop 500 500 500 - - Nil
    Suicide 2,000 2,000 1,500 - - Nil
    Royal Sundaram offers perhaps the most comprehensive Student Insurance solution in India at the moment. The plan is for Student who are between the ages of 12 upto 40 years of age proceeding abroad for their Secondary and Higher Education. They have Five Plan Categories under the Student Insurance plan namely Silver (A&S Cover of $50,000), Gold (A&S Cover of $100,000), Platinum (A&S Cover of $250,000), Titanium (A&S Cover of $500,000) and Diamond (A&S Cover of $750,000). They are one of the few insurers who offer the $750,000 Sum insured option for Accident & Sickness Medical Expenses (A&S).

    Their Accident & Sickness Benefits include A&S Medical Expenses, Dental Relief, Accidental Death & Dismemberment (including Common Carrier), Daily Cash Allowance while in Hospital, Repatriation and Medical Evacuation. Their Non Medical Benefits are very comprehensive and include Delay and Loss of Baggage, Passport Loss, Personal Liability, Trip Cancellation and Curtailment, Bounced Hotel, Compassionate Visit etc. Apart from these benefits, they also offer some specific benefits to cater to the Student community when they travel to study abroad and these include Sponsor Protection, Study Interruption, Felonious Assault, Maternity Coverage, Coverage for Nervous Disorders, Cancer Screening, Loss of Laptop etc.
  • Coverage Descriptions

    1. Out Patient Treatment, Hospitalization Expenses, Medical Practitioner’s charges, Ambulance services for any illness or injury sustained while abroad.
    2. Medical Evacuation to another better nearby location or to India subject to obtaining prior approval from our end for further treatment.
    Sickness Dental Relief
    Coverage for actual expenses incurred resulting from sickness sustained to Sound Natural Teeth during a Trip abroad.

    Accidental Death & Dismemberment (including Common carrier)
    The policy covers the insured for Accidental Bodily Injury during the course of his overseas journey while travelling abroad apart from in a common carrier such as rail, bus, tram or aircraft and such bodily injury is the sole and direct cause of the Insured’s death or Permanent Total Disablement.

    Repatriation of Mortal Remains
    In the event of the unfortunate death of the Insured Person during the Trip due to illness/ injuries, compensation will be provided for the transportation expenses reasonably incurred to return the mortal remains of the Insured Person to the place of residence in the Republic of India or the expenses for local burial or cremation in the country where the death occurred.

    Loss / Delay of Checked-in Baggage
    The Company will reimburse (up to the limits specified) any purchase of essential clothes, toiletries and essential medicines in the event that the Insured Person suffers a loss of baggage or delay of more than 6 hours from the Scheduled Arrival time at the destination. This benefit is only payable on outward journey from India and not on return journey to India.

    Loss of Passport
    In the event that the Passport, Visa belonging to the Insured Person is lost, the Company will reimburse the direct expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred in connection with obtaining emergency travel documents in lieu of passport /visa or duplicate or new passport.

    Personal Liability
    In the event of the Insured Person becoming legally liable to a Third Party (under statutory liability provisions or in common law for an incident which results in death, injury of such third party or damage to his/ her properties), the company will compensate the Insured person.

    Compassionate Visit
    If the insured person is hospitalized on account of an illness/accident for a period exceeding 5 days and requires special assistance from an immediate family member, the insurance company shall reimburse the cost of the economy class flight ticket incurred by the immediate family member and accommodation expenses not exceeding 200 USD/day.

    Study Interruption
    In the event of Hospitalization of the insured person of more than one consecutive month due to a covered Injury or Sickness or in the case of Terminal Sickness or in the case of a medical repatriation or in case of the death of an immediate family member and the insured student is unable to continue his/her studies for the remaining part of a school semester for which Tuition fee has been paid, the Company shall reimburse the Insured Person the Tuition fees which has already been advanced to the educational institution.

    Sponsor Protection
    In the case of injury to the Insured Person’s Sponsor (as stated in the Enrolment Form) resulting in Death or Permanent Disablement, the Company shall reimburse the insured person the Tuition Fee incurred for the remaining period of this education.

    Bail Bond
    The insurance company will pay bail bond costs that the insured student incurs, as a result of any inadvertent law breaking or false arrest or wrongful detention by any government or foreign power during his/her travel overseas.

    Maternity benefit
    Coverage is available towards Inpatient Medical expenses related to termination of pregnancy as a result of physician's advice to terminate pregnancy only due to medical reasons.

    Treatment for mental and nervous disorders: including alcoholism and drug dependency
    Medical expenses related to treatment for mental and nervous disorders, including alcoholism and drug dependency are covered.

    Cancer screening and mammography examinations
    Coverage is available for Cancer Screening and mammographic examination which are done on recommendation of a physician.

    Loss of Laptop
    The Company will indemnify the Insured for the loss due to Theft of the insured’s laptop. The claim shall be settled at present market value of the laptop at the time of the loss, which will be arrived at by depreciating the replacement value of the laptop by 25% per annum.
  • Claims Assistance

    Royal Sundaram has an alliance with M/s Paramount Healthcare as Their Third Party Administrators (TPA) to help the insured with speedy and convenient claims process and assist you 24 X 7, whenever required.

    For Claim, queries or information, you can contact the Travel TPA. The Toll Free Numbers are mentioned below.

    For USA and Canada
    Country International Code Number
    Canada 001 18663 77 11 77
    USA 001 18663 815 720 AND 18669 785 205

    For other countries
    To connect to the TPA from other countries, please dial the International Access Code followed by our worldwide UIFN (Universal International Freephone Number) 800 8000 8400.
    Country International Access Code Number
    Australia 0011 800 8000 8400
    Austria 00 800 8000 8400
    Belgium 00 800 8000 8400
    China 00 800 8000 8400
    Denmark 00 800 8000 8400
    Finland 990 / 999 800 8000 8400
    France 00 800 8000 8400
    Germany 00 800 8000 8400
    Hongkong 001 800 8000 8400
    Germany 00 800 8000 8400
    Hong Kong 001 800 8000 8400
    Hungary 00 800 8000 8400
    Ireland 00 800 8000 8400
    Israel 014 800 8000 8400
    Japan 001 010 / 0033 010 / 0061 010 / 0041 010 800 8000 8400
    South Korea 001 / 002 800 8000 8400
    Malaysia 00 800 8000 8400
    Netherlands 00 800 8000 8400
    New Zealand 00 800 8000 8400
    Norway 00 800 8000 8400
    Philippines 00 800 8000 8400
    Portugal 00 800 8000 8400
    Singapore 001 800 8000 8400
    Spain 00 800 8000 8400
    Sweden 00 800 8000 8400
    Switzerland 00 800 8000 8400
    Thailand 001 800 8000 8400
    United Kingdom (UK) 00 800 8000 8400

    You can also contact Royal Sundaram's dedicated line for Travel Insurance customers - 0091 22 4090 8315.
    If there are Claim documents to be submitted, the same should be sent to:
    Health Claims Department
    M/s.Royal Sundaram General Insurance Co. Ltd.,
    Vishranthi Melaram Towers,
    No.2/319, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR),
    Karapakkam, Chennai 600 097.
    Tel.No: 044-7117 7117.
  • FAQ for Student Insurance Plan

    What are the Current Declined list of countries to which travel insurance coverage is not extended?
    Afghanistan, Myanmar (Burma), Democratic Republic of Congo, East Timor, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Libya, North Korea, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yeman, Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville), Timor-Leste (East Timor), Zaire , Pakistan

    The list of declined countries may undergo change from time to time depending on the geo-political situation in the respective country. Any revision to the country list shall be updated on our website every quarter.

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Royal Sundaram insurance plans


Asia Travel

Popular affordable comprehensive travel insurance among Indian travelers visiting the Asian countries from India. It does not offer coverage for travelers visiting Japan and Korea.

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Senior Citizen

Overseas senior citizen travel insurance from Royal Sundaram is available for Indian travelers above 71 years going abroad.

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Annual Multi Trip

Royal Sundaram Annual Multi trip travel insurance plan offers overseas travel insurance for frequent travelers.

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Pre - existing medical conditions

Royal Sundaram international travel insurance offers coverage for expenses arising from pre-existing conditions under life threatening situation up to maximum limit as provided in the benefits.

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Schengen Visa

Royal Sundaram travel insurance satisfies Schengen Visa requirements.

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Royal Sundaram offers perhaps the most comprehensive Student Insurance solution in India at the moment.

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