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TATA AIG Student Insurance

Key highlights of Care Student Explore insurance

  • Cashless hospitalization for sickness and accident medical expenses in overseas.
  • Loads of optional covers to customize your plan depending on University requirements.
  • It is the best student travel insurance as you pay in Indian rupees for coverage in US Dollars.

Care travel insurance India reviews

Sum Insured

USD 50,000/1Lac/3Lac/5Lac

Claims settlement ratio **


Incurred claims ratio


Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *



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Care Student Explore

Like most of the other insurers in the India market, Care also has a suite of products which cater to the India students venturing abroad to carry out their undergraduate/pst graduate studies in different parts of the world. Under the Student Explore variants, Care offers Explore, Start, Explore Plus, Explore Super and Explore Ultra – each plan has varying sum insures to cater to the requirement of each student and the University they are going to study.

Explore Start Explore Plus Explore Super Explore Ultra Deductible
Medical Expenses
NA US $50,000 / $100,000 US $50,000 / $100,000 / $300,000 / $500,000 US $50,000 / $100,000 / $300,000 / $500,000 / $1,000,000 US $100
Medical Evacuation(Part of Medical Expenses)
NA US $7,500 Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured -
Repatriation of Mortal Remains
NA US $7,500 Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured -
Accidental Death
US $30,000 US $15,000 US $30,000 US $30,000 -
Pre-Existing Disease
NA Up to 10% of Sum Insured Up to 10% of Sum Insured Up to 10% of Sum Insured US $100
Out-Patient Care
NA Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured US $100
Dental Care Expenses
NA US $250 US $500 US $750 US $50
In-Patient Care
NA Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured US $100
Compassionate Visit
US $5,000 NA US $5,000 US $7,500 -
Loss of Passport
US $150 US $150 US $150 US $200 US $50
Loss of Checked-in Baggage
US $1,000 US $500 US $1,000 US $2,000 -
Delay of Checked-in Baggage
US $150 NA US $150 US $150 12 hours
Personal Liability
US $100,000 US $100,000 US $100,000 US $100,000 US $200
Study Interruption
US $10,000 US $7,500 US $10,000 US $15,000 -
Bail Bond
US $5,000 US $500 US $5,000 US $5,000 -
Sponsor Protection
US $15,000 US $10,000 US $15,000 US $15,000 -
Coverage at home country
NA Up to 5% of Sum Insured Up to 5% of Sum Insured Up to 5% of Sum Insured US $100
Treatment for Mental & Nervous disorders
NA NA US $1,500 US $3,000 -
Cancer screening and Mammographic Examination
NA NA US $2,000 US $4,000 -
University Insolvency
NA NA NA US $7,500 -
Loss of Laptop / Tablet
NA NA NA US $250 -
Trip Delay
NA NA NA US $200 12 hours
Emergency Cash Advance
NA NA NA US $1,000 -
Treatment for Mental and Nervous disorders
NA NA US $1,500 US $3,000 -
Treatment for Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
NA NA US $1,500 US $3,000 -
Loss of international driving license
US $100 NA US $100 US $150 US $50

Coverages under the Student Explore plan variants :

  • Personal Accident: Covers Death or Permanent or Partial Disablement due to accidently bodily injury.
  • Emergency Medical Expenses and Medical Evacuation: Covers Medical Treatment Cost incurred for any illness, injury suffered during overseas trip.
  • Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains: Covers cost of evacuation to a medical facility with proper medical facilities for treatment of insured; Also covers cost of repatriation of mortal remains to India.
  • Loss of Checked Baggage / Passport / International Driving License : Covers complete, permanent loss or destruction of the Insured's Checked Baggage or Cost of obtaining a duplicate passport / International driving license
  • Personal Liability: Covers payment of Damages to Third Party Civil Claims arising out of Accident Bodily Injury or Accidental Property Damage occurring during overseas trip.
  • Bail Bond Insurance: If the insured is arrested for any inadvertent law breaking during his/her travel overseas the company would pay the amount as mentioned in the schedule towards the bail amount for release.
  • Loss of Laptop/Tablet : If the Insured incurs a loss due to Theft of his/her laptop during the journey abroad and within the Policy Period, the Company will indemnify the Insured for the loss due to Theft
  • Sponsor Protection - Sponsor named in the schedule meets with an accident during the policy period, which results in his death or permanent total disability during the policy period, the Company shall reimburse the remaining school fee subject to maximum the limit shown in the schedule
  • Study Interruption - Care will reimburse tuition fee paid in advance for the current semester if your studies are interrupted due to medical or compassionate reasons.
  • Sponsor Protection - In the event of accidental death or permanent disablement of your sponsor, Care will reimburse the remaining school fees up to a specified maximum limit shown in the table of benefits.
  • Compassionate Visit (2-way) - (Subject to maximum coverage as provided in the Schedule of Benefits.)
    • Visit by Family Member: - If you are hospitalized for more than seven(7) consecutive days, Care will cover the cost of round-trip economy class air ticket and accommodation expenses for an immediate family member to be with you.
    • Visit by Student: In the event of death or hospitalization of parent(s)/spouse/child(ren) for more than seven(7) consecutive days, Care will cover the cost of a round trip economy class air ticket.
  • Medical Expenses will also include:
    • Only Inpatient Medical expenses related to pregnancy, termination of pregnancy only as a result of physician’s advice to terminate pregnancy due to medical reasons and not due to insured person’s choice to terminate pregnancy subject to waiting period of 10 months
    • Medical expenses related to treatment for mental and nervous disorders, including alcoholism and drug dependency are covered subject to maximum amount as provided in the schedule of benefits
    • Medical Expenses related to Cancer Screening and Mammographic examination on recommendation from a physician is covered subject to maximum amount as provided in the schedule of benefits. Any tests done as a part of preventive health check-up are not included under this benefit
  • Pre-existing disease cover: covers the emergency medical treatment with a proportion of Sum Insured (10%) towards any pre-existing medical conditions

Exclusions for Care Travel policy

  • Traveling against the advice of a physician
  • Traveling with the specific purpose of receiving treatment in a foreign location
  • Any dental treatment or surgery unless it is necessitated due to an accident
  • Expenses arising out of or attributable to alcohol or drug use/misuse/abuse.
  • Charges as a result of Spectacles, Contact lenses, Hearing aid, Routine eye and ear examinations
  • War and Nuclear perils or consequences thereof.
  • Ionising Radiation or contamination arising out of the same.
  • Treatment of Congenital injuries or illness and treatment of anything related to birth defects
  • Non allopathic treatment
  • Any preventive care taken including vaccinations, immunisations etc
  • Any sporting activity which is in the nature of training or participation in competitions for professionals or semi professionals
  • Any intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide.
  • Any claim relating to hazardous activities.
  • The insured being involved in Breach of taw.
Please note that this is not the complete list of exclusions. Please refer to the terms and conditions (policy wordings) that have been shared with the insured along with the policy certificate for the exhaustive list.

Care Student travel health insurance plans

  • Plan available with non-medical expenses
  • Initially plan can be purchased for 2 years and can be renewed for another 1 year
  • Suitable plan for students looking for non-medical expenses cover
  • Sum insured is US $50,000 and $100,000
  • Initially plan can be purchased for 2 years and can be renewed for another 1 year
  • Cheaper and affordable plan
  • Sum insured is US $50,000 to $500,000
  • Initially plan can be purchased for 2 years and can be renewed for another 1 year
  • Low cost and relatively economical
  • Sum insured is US $50,000 to $1,000,000
  • Initially plan can be purchased for 2 years and can be renewed for another 1 year
  • High end plan with more benefits

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