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Key highlights of Care Travel Insurance

Care brings you a comprehensive travel insurance plan that curbs out the worries of uninvited troubles on your dream family holiday. Avail remarkable benefits like automatic policy extension and upgradation to business class during medical emergencies and much more with no sub-limits and fair premium charges on a per-day basis.

Care Health Insurance Company Limited is a specialist health insurer engaged in the distribution & servicing of health insurance products. Care Health Insurance is promoted by Care Enterprises Limited, a leading diversified financial services group based out of India; its other shareholders are Union Bank of India & Corporation Bank.

Care travel insurance India reviews

Sum Insured

USD 50,000/1Lac/3Lac/5Lac

Claims settlement ratio **


Incurred claims ratio


Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *



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* As per IRDAI report  |   ** As per NL25 data published on the Insurance Company website

Care Health Insurance Company Limited

Care Enterprises Limited, a new but enterprising financial services group offers a wide range of services including Broking, Insurance, Asset Management, Lending solutions, Investment Banking and Wealth Management. Operating out of 1650 locations and with more than a million customers already across all product, they occupy an enviable space in the financial services landscape. Union Bank, a leading public sector bank operates across 3500 locations and boast of 24 million customers till date and have been part of the banking space for the past 90 years offering cross industry financial solutions across their diversified asset portfolio. Corporation Bank on the hand is a Southern financial powerhouse of a bank with a 1700 branch footprint across India. Known for their prudent and conservative approach they are one of the pore profitable public sector banks.

Care is promoted by the founders of Fortis Healthcare, which owns or manages 54 healthcare facilities in India, Dubai & Mauritius; SRL Diagnostics, India’s largest diagnostics company with 306 networking laboratories, 6900 collection points and presence in Dubai, Sri Lanka & Nepal and the Fortis Healthworld chain of pharmacy and wellness stores. Their expertise in the spectrum of financial services, healthcare delivery and preventive health solutions, coupled with a robust distribution model, offers us a unique edge to deliver and excel in a business environment that is driven by serviceability & scale.

Care Travel is a relative new entrant in the Travel space having started to offer Travel products to the Indian traveller only in 2012. Since then they have grown their business successfully across the country. Their key products include:

Explore Travel Plans – Worldwide Including & Excluding US & Canada Explore Travel Plans – Asia, Africa, Europe and Canada Explore Student Plans

Key features of Care Travel Insurance

  • Care Health Insurance Company Limited is a specialist health insurer engaged in the distribution & servicing of health insurance products including Travel Insurance. Care Health Insurance is promoted by Care Enterprises Limited, a leading diversified financial services group based out of India; its other shareholders are Union Bank of India & Corporation Bank.
  • One of the only insurance plans to offer coverage for Pre-existing conditions - covered upto 10% of Principal Sum Insured of Accident & Sickness Coverage for Pre-existing conditions, highest in the industry.
  • Age band covered from Day 1 (baby) which is a unique cover. There is also no upper age limitation under the Care travel insurance plans. Also all Care Travel Policies don't have per aliment limit capping.
  • Premium is calculated on Per day basis and not trip bands – this means that the traveller pays premium only for the actual number of days they have travelled.
  • Double SI in case of accident - Customer buying USD $50,000 cover will have coverage of USD $50,000 for any Sickness related treatment and upto USD $100,000 in case claim arising due to accident.
  • Treatment in home country (India) covered upto 30 days if the customer returns to India as per Doctor’s advice/recommendation post hospitalization abroad. Also, the traveller can Upgrade their return tickers to Business class travel in case of they are returning within 20 days of discharge from the hospital. These expenses will be covered under the Accident & Sickness limit.
  • Not merely covering the hospital bills, Care Travel insurance also provides daily allowances for the patient during their stay in the hospital. Such daily expenses for the patient may be transportation, meals, communication expenses and more.
  • Care international travel insurance covers the expense incurred for medical evacuation and transportation charges for the insured in case of the emergency medical requirement in any network hospitals that are close by.

Care international travel insurance Overview

  • Some of the unique Key Features in the Care Travel insurance plans are:

    • Pre-existing covered upto 10% of Principal Sum Insured for Accident & Sickness Coverage
    • Age band covered from Day 1 (baby). There is no upper age limitation under the Care travel plans.
    • Per day rates – Premium calculated for actual days of travel i.e. Slab rates not applicable
    • Double SI in case of accident - Customer buying USD $50,000 cover will have coverage of USD $50,000 for any Sickness related treatment and upto USD $100,000 in case claim arising due to accident.
    • Explore Europe, Explore Canada, Explore Gold & Explore - Platinum Plans are approved by all the Schengen consulates up to unlimited age cover without any restriction.
    • E- Travel Insurance Card comes with every policy issued instantly. This helps the customer in case of any accident/ immediate reference in case of emergency.
    • All Care Travel Policies don't have per aliment limit capping.
    • Customer can Upgrade their return tickers to Business class travel in case of they are returning within 20 days of discharge from the hospital
    • Treatment in home country covered upto 30days if the customer returns to India as per Doctor’s advice/recommendation post hospitalization abroad. This expense will be covered under the Accident & Sickness limit.

  • Explore Travel Plans – Worldwide Including & Excluding US & Canada

    Under the Explore Worldwide Plans, Care offers two options which are the Gold & Platinum based on the Sum Insured variants offered and a tweak in the benefits/limits under each plan.
    Explore Gold Explore Platinum Deductible
    Geographical scope
    Worldwide / Worldwide excluding US and Canada Worldwide / Worldwide excluding US and Canada -
    Sum Insured
    USD 50,000, USD 100,000, USD 300,000 & USD 500,000 USD 50,000, USD 100,000, USD 300,000 & USD 500,000 -
    Hospitalization expenses
    Yes Yes -
    In-patient Care
    Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured US $100 / € 75
    Pre-Existing Disease (Life Threatening Condition)
    Up to 10% of Sum Insured Up to 10% of Sum Insured US $100 / € 75
    Additional Sum Insured for Accidental Hospitalization
    Yes, up to 100% Sum Insured Yes, up to 100% Sum Insured US $100 / € 75
    Out-patient care
    USD 50,000 USD 50,000 US $100 / € 75
    Daily Allowance
    US $25 per day, max 5 days US $25 per day, max 5 days 2 days
    Compassionate Visit
    - US $5,000 -
    Return of Minor Child
    - US $2,000 -
    Upgradation to Business Class
    US $1,000 US $1,000 -
    Dental Expenses
    US $300 US $300 US $100 / € 75
    Personal Accident
    US $15,000 US $15,000 -
    Common Carrier Accidental Death
    - US $5,000 -
    Medical Evacuation
    US $50,000 US $50,000 -
    Repatriation of Mortal Remains
    US $50,000 US $50,000 -
    Trip Cancellation and Interruption
    US $1,000 US $1,000 -
    Trip Delay
    US $500 US $500 12 hours
    Loss of Checked-in-Baggage
    US $100 US $100 -
    Delay of Checked-in-Baggage
    US $100 US $100 12 hours
    Loss of Passport
    US $300 US $300 -
    Personal Liability
    US $100,000 US $100,000 US $100 / € 75

    Sublimits applicable to Gold Plan only for insureds above 60 years of age

    Medical Expenses Sub-limit
    Room rent including boarding and lodging 1.5% of the sum insured subject to a maximum of US $2,000 per day / €1,500 per day
    ICU Charges 2% of the sum insured subject to a maximum of US $3,000 per day / €2,250 per day
    Operation Theatre Charges(incl. Surgeon Charges) 10% of the sum insured subject to a maximum of US $20,000 per Claim / €15,000 per Claim
    Anesthesia 25% of the surgery cost payable
    Ambulance Services US $500 per Claim / €375 per Claim
    Diagnostics and Radiology US $1,000 per Claim / €750 per Claim
    Medical Practitioners visit fees US $100 per visit / €75 per visit subject to maximum of 10 visits per Claim
    Miscellaneous Expenses US $1,000 per Claim / €750 per Claim

  • Explore Travel Plans – Asia, Africa, Europe and Canada

    Apart from the worldwide plans which forma part of the Explore Product offerings, Care also has specific plans for specific destinations based on the Indian outbound traveller. They offer a specific plan to Asia, Africa, Europe and Canada. While the benefits are almost similar across each of these plans, there are different sum insured variants that can be offered.
    Explore Asia Explore Africa Explore Europe Explore Canada Deductible
    Geographical scope
    Asia Africa Europe Worldwide excluding US -
    Sum Insured
    USD 25,000, USD 50,000 & USD 100,000 USD 25,000, USD 50,000 & USD 100,000 € 30,000 & € 100,000 USD 50,000 & USD 100,000 -
    Hospitalization expenses
    Yes Yes Yes Yes -
    In-patient Care
    Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured Up to Sum Insured US $100 / €75
    Pre-Existing Disease (Life Threatening Condition)
    Up to 10% of Sum Insured Up to 10% of Sum Insured Up to 10% of Sum Insured Up to 10% of Sum Insured US $100 / €75
    Additional Sum Insured for Accidental Hospitalization
    Yes, up to 100% Sum Insured Yes, up to 100% Sum Insured Yes, up to 100% Sum Insured Yes, up to 100% Sum Insured US $100 / €75
    Out-patient care
    20% of Sum Insured 20% of Sum Insured € 30,000 USD 50,000 US $100 / € 75
    Daily Allowance
    US $25 per day, max 5 days US $25 per day, max 5 days € 25 per day, max 5 days US $25 per day, max 5 days 2 days
    Upgradation to Business Class
    US $1,000 US $1,000 € 750 US $1,000 -
    Dental Expenses
    US $300 US $300 € 300 US $300 US $100 / € 75
    Personal Accident
    US $15,000 US $15,000 € 10,000 US $15,000 -
    Medical Evacuation
    US $10,000 US $10,000 € 7,500 US $10,000 -
    Repatriation of Mortal Remains
    US $10,000 US $10,000 € 7,500 US $10,000 -
    Trip Cancellation and Interruption
    US $1,000 US $1,000 € 750 US $1,000 -
    Trip Delay
    US $500 US $500 € 300 US $500 12 hours
    Loss of Checked-in-Baggage
    US $100 US $100 € 100 US $100 -
    Delay of Checked-in-Baggage
    US $100 US $100 € $100 US $100 12 hours
    Loss of Passport
    US $300 US $300 € 250 US $300 -
    Personal Liability
    US $100,000 US $100,000 € 75,000 US $100,000 US $100 / € 75
  • Below are the Coverages of the Explore Plans of Care Travel

    • Pre-existing disease cover: covers the emergency medical treatment with a proportion of Sum Insured (10%) towards any pre-existing medical conditions
    • Personal Accident: Covers any unfortunate situation arising out of an accident, death or permanent total disability, while you’re traveling abroad.
    • Loss of Passport: Covers expenses for the issue of a new or duplicate passport of the insured.
    • Up-gradation To Business Class: Compensates for up-gradation to business class for return air travel, in case of hospitalization of the insured.
    • Dental Expenses: Covers emergency dental expenses incurred in connection with any injury while on your trip.
    • Emergency Accident & Sickness Cover: Covers hospitalization for treatment if during your travel you are diagnosed with an illness or as the result of an accident, or any life threatening previous illness.
    • Common Carrier Accidental Death: Lump sum payment of Sum Insured in case of accidental death as a passenger on a common carrier/transport.
    • Daily Allowance in case of Hospitalization: In case of Hospitalization we even pay an extra specified amount per day of stay at the hospital to meet numerous incidental expenses such as attendant's meals, transportation and communication incurred etc.
    • 2-way Compassionate Visit: Covers transportation expenses for one immediate family member to travel to the insured's current location in the event of continuous hospitalization for 5 days of the insured. Similarly if an immediate family member is hospitalized for a continuous period of 5 days in India, the policy covers transportation expenses for the insured’s travel to and from India.
    • Return of Minor Child: Covers the return cost of your minor child to your home location, in case you’re hospitalized and travelling alone with your child/children.
    • Medical Evacuation: Covers all costs incurred for any emergency transportation and evacuation services, to transfer you to an appropriate medical facility within our network for treatment if the facilities are not available in the medical establishment where the insured is currently availing treatment.
    • Compensation For Loss/Delay Of Checked-In Baggage : We cover expenses directly incurred as a result of your checked-in baggage that is lost while in custody of the Common Carrier. We also cover expenses directly incurred in case of a delay in receipt of the checked-in baggage beyond 12 consecutive hours.
    • Trip Delay/Trip Cancellation Coverage: We Cover expenses incurred if your departure is delayed beyond 12 consecutive hours due to specified reasons/issues.. We even cover expenses sustained by the insured, arising out of cancellation or interruption of the trip
    • Repatriation of Remains : Covers cost of repatriation of mortal remains to India.
  • Exclusions for Care Travel Policy

    • Traveling against the advice of a physician
    • Traveling with the specific purpose of receiving treatment in a foreign location
    • Any dental treatment or surgery unless it is necessitated due to an accident
    • Expenses arising out of or attributable to alcohol or drug use/misuse/abuse.
    • Charges as a result of Spectacles, Contact lenses, Hearing aid, Routine eye and ear examinations
    • War and Nuclear perils or consequences thereof.
    • Ionising Radiation or contamination arising out of the same.
    • Treatment of Congenital injuries or illness and treatment of anything related to birth defects
    • Degenerative or oncological(cancer) diseases
    • Non allopathic treatment
    • Any preventive care taken including vaccinations, immunisations etc
    • Any sporting activity which is in the nature of training or participation in competitions for professionals or semi professionals
    • Any intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide.
    • Any claim relating to hazardous activities.
    • The insured being involved in Breach of taw.
    • HIV/AIDS

Care Travel FAQ’s

Travel Insurance provides protection to you and your loved ones if unfortunate things happen while travelling. Our travel insurance covers your lost baggage, flight cancellation, hospital expenses and many more.

Anyone! All Indian citizens can be covered by our travel insurance.

Our Travel Plans provide coverage for travel trips as short as 2 days. Per day premium. Pay for the number of days you travel.

You need to fill the claim form on Care website and submit the following documents
  • Duly filled and signed Claim form A by Insurer and form B completed by hospital
  • Bills / Prescriptions / vouchers / reports / discharge summary, containing the name of the person treated
  • Copy of Passport of insured with entry and exit stamp
  • To claim loss of baggage, proof of value of articles required

It is strongly suggested that you should carry your travel insurance while travelling. In case you forget, just ensure that you remember the policy number and customer ID to claim.

IYes, you can cancel your policy. You just need to submit a copy of your passport that no travel has been undertaken. It is that easy!

Medical evacuation provides a transfer for you to the nearby hospital or medical care centre. This insurance covers all costs incurred for any medical emergency transportation and evacuation to transfer you to hospitals within our network.

Medical evacuation provides a transfer for you to the nearby hospital or medical care centre. This insurance covers all costs incurred for any medical emergency transportation and evacuation to transfer you to hospitals within our network.

Single trip Insurance: It stands valid for a single trip and is valid for pre-defined number of days. You can opt for a policy period of up to 365 days. Multi-trip Insurance: Go for a multi trip policy if you are a frequent flyer. There are two options to choose from – Multi Trip with maximum 45 days per trip Multi Trip with maximum 60 days per trip.

For Single Trip: Insurance starts the moment you board the flight. For Multi-trips: It offers coverage of multiple trips taken by an individual in a period of one year. Coverage per trip can be 45 or 60 days.

Yes,Condition : Extension needs to be requested 10 days before the end date of policy. No extension requests will be entertained after policy end date. Maximum extension can be given for 180 days. However it is to be noted that the total duration of coverage including extension must not exceed 365 days.The policy can be extended for a maximum of 180 days. You need to call our assistance service provider to get the extension.

Yes, we provide the visitors insurance for parents with no age limit for single trip. Maximum age limit is 70 years for multi trip.

No, there is no medical examination required to buy travel insurance.

Pre-departure which reimburses trip cancellation due to natural disaster, traffic accident, illness, etc.

Yes, passport loss is covered in our Travel Insurance policy. Moreover, the cost of procurement of a temporary passport is also covered.

In case you cut short your travel, your policy can be cancelled and premium will be refunded if difference Between the date of arrival of insured and end date of policy is 15 days or more. (Cancellation charges: Rs 300 would be deducted)

Yes, we provide 24X7 assistance duration of your trip. Please call our toll free numbers for any query: In USA : + 1 844 2091106 (Toll Free) In Canada : +1 844 209 1107 (Toll Free) From the rest of the world: +91 11 40608688(Call back facility) In India: 1800 102 4488(Toll Free and Accessible in India only) Fax: 18002006677 Email: travelclaims@religare.com.

Yes, we provide 24X7 assistance duration of your trip. Please call our toll free numbers for any query: In USA : + 1 844 2091106 (Toll Free) In Canada : +1 844 209 1107 (Toll Free) From the rest of the world: +91 11 40608688(Call back facility) In India: 1800 102 4488(Toll Free and Accessible in India only) Fax: 18002006677 Email: travelclaims@religare.com.

Yes, we offer cashless facility for hospitalization duration of your travel.

You will need to contact our Assistance Service Provider and they will arrange for cashless claims for the medical treatment. Toll free number is mentioned on the cashless health card shared with policy kit. One needs to inform the service provider of hospitalization at the time of admission..

Yes, it is mandatory to buy travel insurance before you apply for Schengen Visa. We have a plan specifically for your travels in Europe.

Care International Travel Insurance provides coverage for Single and Multiple Trips to destinations all across the world with tailor-made plans for different geographies. We even provide flexibility in the sum-insured for those plans so that you can choose the plan that suits you the best.

Deductible means the amount of a claim that has to be borne by the insured.

No. Care Travel Insurance does not require the traveler to undergo any medical test before purchasing its International travel insurance plans. Importantly, this is applicable to travelers of any age.

Care Health’s Explore Travel Insurance plans are comprehensive and protect the insured travelers against any exigencies during their trip. Some of the important benefits of Explore Travel Insurance plans include0::

  • Covers Medical Expenses, both for Accident & Sickness Hospitalization including coverage for Outpatient Care
  • Coverage for Personal Accident and Emergency Dental expenses - Double sum insured for Accidental Hospitalization
  • Offers Non medical benefits like Loss of Checked Baggage and Passport Loss
  • Coverage for any Interruption, Delay, or Cancellation of the trip for specified reasons

Before buying a travel insurance policy online, it is essential to know about the eligibility criteria as laid down by the insurance provider. The Travel Insurance Eligibility Criteria is as follows:

Travel Insurance Plans

Explore - International Travel Insurance
  • The minimum entry age is one day
  • The minimum entry age of a proposer is 18 years or above
  • The maximum entry age for an adult is as specified in the plan

Eligibility Criteria

Student Explore – Student Travel Insurance
  • The minimum entry age is 12 years
  • The maximum entry age is 40 years.

Yes. One can buy a Single trip International Travel insurance for their elderly parents who are above the age of 70 years. The policy will cover various travel risks, including medical emergencies, personal accident, loss of passport, loss of baggage, trip cancellations, etc. The travel policy also covers any pre-existing illness that the policyholder was suffering from before getting the policy.

In some countries, having a travel medical insurance is a pre-requisite for visa application. Opting for overseas travel insurance is crucial even if it is not mandatory since it can save you from a financial crisis and the stress of travelling. It covers emergency medical treatment costs and various unforeseen expenses incurred due to trip delays, loss of passport, etc.

Yes, one should make sure to carry your travel insurance policy with you during the trip. But in case you forget to carry it with you, you must remember your policy number and the customer ID to be able to make a claim. You can also email the Care Health Customer Support and ask them to share a duplicate policy copy for your reference.

Yes. Explore from Care Travel Insurance covers any pre-existing diseases under life-threatening situations during the trip upto the limits specified under the policy. However, such diseases should be declared on the application form to the insurance company at the time of buying the policy.

Yes, the Schengen Visa Authorities mandatorily need the traveler to have an overseas travel insurance policy with a minimum Accident & Sickness Cover (Sum Insured) of EUR 30,000 in order to obtain a Schengen visa. This also has to be purchased from a Schengen approved travel insurer like Care Health Insurance.

Yes, one can cancel the travel insurance policy midway during their trip. Cancellation of the policy before the policy period end date is allowed in specific cases like denial of visa, cancellation of the trip for specific reasons, or early return to India, provided the insured traveler provides the necessary documentary proof. There will be a refund of the premium post deducting the cancellation charges, as per the terms and conditions of the policy.

Yes, it is possible to file a travel insurance reimbursement claim after returning to India, but within a period of atleast 30 days post return. Please note that the necessary claims documents need to be submitted and the reimbursement will be made within a maximum of 30 working days post submission of all claim related documents.

Yes, Care Health ‘s Explore Travel insurance plans cover any loss (subject to policy limits) of Personal Belongings belonging to the traveler due to robbery or theft. Since Credit Cards and Cash come under the category of Personal Belongings, their theft will be covered under the policy, provided the traveler can provide proof that they were carrying the cash and credit cards on them at the time of the incident.

Care Health settles insurance claims within a maximum of 30 days of receipt of all necessary documents from the insured. An offer of settlement is made to the insured policyholder following which the payment is made within 7 days from the date of receipt of its acceptance by the policyholder.

Yes, Care Health Insurance ha now rebranded itself as Care Health Insurance effective from 1st September 2020. Care Health. The company is the Health Insurance arm of Care Enterprise Ltd. According to the company’s press release, the rebranding is aimed at further building on opportunities to deliver the best possible 'Care' to its consumers.

Extension of the policy can be and should be done ideally 7 days before the expiry of the current policy period. The insured can request for extension of the policy online through the company website by entering your required details. Policy extension is possible if no claim is made for any accident or sickness hospitalization. If there are claims filed, the extension can be done subject to underwriting review.

Some of the Diseases Not Covered Under Health Insurance are listed below…kindly refer to the policy wordings (terms and conditions) for the complete list of exclusions:

  • Pre-existing Illnesses, unless in Life threatening situations
  • Self-Inflicted injury
  • Congenital Diseases/Genetic Disordered
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Health issues due to consumption of drugs, alcohol, and smoking
  • IVF and Infertility Treatments
  • Pregnancy or Maternity related Treatment
  • Voluntary Abortion

Yes, we provide 24X7 assistance duration of your trip. Please call our toll free numbers for any query: In USA : + 1 844 2091106 (Toll Free) In Canada : +1 844 209 1107 (Toll Free) From the rest of the world: +91 11 40608688(Call back facility) In India: 1800 102 4488(Toll Free and Accessible in India only) Fax: 18002006677 Email: travelclaims@religare.com.

What does the insured do in the case of a claim?


In case of Claim, notify us immediately on any of the below touch-points for hassle free processing and speedy settlements.

Falck Global Assistance (Assistance Service Provider) USA: +1 844 301 3135 ( Toll Free)
Canada: +1 844 301 3146 ( Toll Free)
Rest of the world: +91 124 4498760(Call Back Facility)
Email: travelassistance@religare.com
Fax: +91 124 4006674

In case of reimbursement of treatment expenses, reach us at the below touch points

Care Health Insurance Company Limited
GYS Global, Plot No. A3, A4, A5, Sector - 125, Noida, U.P. - 201301
India: 1800 200 4488 (Toll Free & Accessible in India only)
Email: travelassistance@religare.com
Fax (RHICL): 1800 200 6677

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