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Star Health Star Senior citizen red carpet insurance

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Star Senior Citizen Red Carpet Family health insurance plans provide coverage for the entire family within the scope of a single health plan. find quotes, compare & buy Star Senior Citizen Red Carpet Quotes for Family/p> Buy Comprehensive for Family »

Star Health was one of the first insurance companies to introduce a Senior Citizen plans and it is one of the most comprehensive plan for this age category. It comes in 10 sum insured categories that allows the insured to choose a plan and sum insured that best suits their needs.

Star health insurance review

Sum Insured

5 Lac - 1 Crore options available

Claims settlement ratio **


Incurred claims ratio


Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *


Tenure options

1, 2, 3 years options available

List of network hospitals

12,000+ hospitals

Maximum family floater coverage

Self, Spouse + 3 dependent children


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Policy Wordings

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* As per IRDAI report   |   ** As per NL25 data published on the Insurance Company website

Senior Citizen Red Carpet insurance review

  • Key features of Star health insurance for Senior Citizen Red Carpet health insurance

    • Room Rent: 1% of SI per day till SI of 5 lacs / Rest between₹6,000 and ₹10,000
    • Co-pay: Between 30% and 50% for Non Pre Existing (PED) and PED claims
    • Restoration Benefit: NIL Restoration Benefit
    Senior Citizen Red Carpet health insurance plan - key highlights
    • For Senior citizens aged between 60 to 75 years.
    • Available in 10 different Sum Insured options – 1 lac, 2 lacs, 3lacs,4 lacs,5 lacs,7.5 lacs, 10 lacs,15 lacs, 20 lacs and 25 lacs
    • No pre-insurance medical test required.
    • Covers Pre-Existing Diseases (PED) from the 13th Month onwards.
    • Policy can be issued both on Individual and Floater Basis
    • Policy is available for 1 / 2 / 3 years
    • Guaranteed Lifetime Renewals
    • No Age based Premium Revision – Premium is Sum Insured based
    • All Day Care Procedures covered
    • Cost of Health Check-up for every claim free year upto the limits specified
    • Pre-Hospitalization expenses up to 30 days and Post-hospitalisation paid as lump-sum upto ₹10,000 depending on the plan opted for
    • Expenses on Medical Consultations as an Out Patient in a Network Hospital up to the limits specified.
  • Benefits of Senior citizen red carpet health plan (All Amounts in ₹ INR)

    1 Lac 2 Lac 3 Lac 4 Lac 5 Lac 7.5 Lac 10 Lac 15 Lac 20 Lac 25 Lac
    Policy Term
    Can be purchased for 1/2/3 year which can be renewed.
    Available Coverage options
    Plans available for individual are 1 lacs to 25 lacs,
    Plans available for Family Floater Basis are 10 lacs to 25 lacs.
    Hospitalisation - Room Rent limit per day
    upto 1% of the Sum Insured upto 1% of the Sum Insured upto 1% of the Sum Insured upto 1% of the Sum Insured upto 1% of the Sum Insured 6,000 6,000 7,000 8,500 10,000
    ICU / Operation Theatre Charges
    Upto 2% of the Sum Insured Upto 2% of the Sum Insured Upto 2% of the Sum Insured Upto 2% of the Sum Insured Upto 2% of the Sum Insured Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual
    Professional Fees (Surgeon, Anaesthetist, Medical Practioner, Consultants
    upto 25% of the Sum Insured
    Other Medical Expenses (Anaesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Theatre Charges etc)
    upto 50% of the Sum Insured
    No of Daycare Treatments / Procedures Covered
    All day care procedures are covered.
    Sub Limits for Treatment of Cataract as Daycare (per episode / per policy period)
    Upto 25% of Sum Insured and maximum of 25,000.
    Ambulance Charges by Road (per policy period)
    Upto 600 per hospitalisation and maximum of 1,200 per policy period Upto 1,000 per hospitalisation and maximum of 2,000 per policy period Upto 1,500 per hospitalisation and maximum of 3,000 per policy period
    Pre Hospitalisation Expenses incurred
    Upto 30 days
    Post Hospitalisation Expenses incurred
    7% of Hospitalisation Expenses upto maximum of 5,000 7% of Hospitalisation Expenses upto maximum of 7,000 7% of Hospitalisation Expenses upto maximum of 10,000
    Medical Consultations as an Outpatient (on Individual Basis)
    - 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,800 2,200 2,600
    Medical Consultations as an Outpatient (on Floater Basis) - Limit Per Person / Per Policy Period
    - - - - - - 1,400 / 2,400 1,800 / 3,000 2,200 / 3,800 2,600 / 4,400
    Cost of Health Check Up (Limit per person on Individual Basis)
    - - - - 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500
    Cost of Health Check Up (Limit per person on Floater Basis) - Limit Per Person / Per Policy Period
    - - - - - - 2,000 / 3,500 2,000 / 3,500 2,500 / 4,500 2,500 / 4,500
    Co Payment
    PED Claims : 50% of each and every admissible claim
    Non PED Claims : 30% of each and every admissible claim
    PED and Non PED Claims - 30% of each and every admissable claim

    Sublimits for Policy with Sum Insured on Individual Basis

    Sum Insured in Rs. Cataract Cerebro Vascular Accident, Cardio Vascular Diseases, Cancer (including Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy), Medical Reneal Diseases (including Dialysis), Treatment for Breakage of Long Bones All Other Major Surgeries
    Limit Per Person, per Policy Period for each Disease/Condition in Rs.
    1,00,000 15,000 75,000 60,000
    2,00,000 15,000 1,50,000 1,20,000
    3,00,000 18,000 2,00,000 1,50,000
    4,00,000 20,000 2,25,000 2,00,000
    5,00,000 21,500 2,75,000 2,25,000
    7,50,000 23,000 3,00,000 2,50,000
    10,00,000 25,000 3,50,000 2,75,000
    15,00,000 30,000 4,00,000 3,00,000
    20,00,000 35,000 4,50,000 3,25,000
    25,00,000 40,000 5,00,000 3,50,000

    Sublimits for Policy with Sum Insured on Floater Basis

    Sum Insured in ₹ Cataract Cerebro Vascular Accident, Cardio Vascular Diseases, Cancer (including Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy), Medical Reneal Diseases (including Dialysis), Treatment for Breakage of Long Bones All Other Major Surgeries
    Limit Per Person Limit per policy period Limit Per Person Limit per policy period Limit Per Person Limit per policy period
    10,00,000 25,000 45,000 3,50,000 6,00,000 2,75,000 4,50,000
    15,00,000 30,000 50,000 4,00,000 7,00,000 3,00,000 5,00,000
    20,00,000 35,000 60,000 4,50,000 7,50,000 3,25,000 5,50,000
    25,00,000 40,000 70,000 5,00,000 8,50,000 3,50,000 6,00,000

    Out Patient Consultation

    Sum Insured in Rs. Limit per person per policy period for policy with Sum Insured on Individual Basis Rs For Policy with Sum Insured on Floater Basis
    Limit Per Person Rs. Limit Per Policy Period Rs.
    Not Available Not Available
    3,00,000 600
    4,00,000 800
    5,00,000 1,000
    7,50,000 1,200
    10,00,000 1,400 1,400 2,400
    15,00,000 1,800 1,800 3,000
    20,00,000 2,200 2,200 3,800
    25,00,000 2,600 2,600 4,400
  • Senior citizen red carpet health insurance - Eligibility

    • Starts from age 60 to 75 years.
    • Guaranteed Lifelong renewals
    • This policy can be taken by HIV positive persons - provided the CD 4 count at the time of entry is above 350 (proof to be produced). However, hospitalization for any opportunistic infections is not covered.
  • Claims settlement process for Star health insurance

    Cashless Claim Procedure during hospitalization
    Cashless Claim: a six step process
    • Step 1 - Approach the insurance desk at a network hospital. Intimation can be given either through contacting us at 1800 425 2255 / 1800 102 4477 or e-mail us at support@starhealth.in
    • Step 2 - Show your Star Health ID card for identification purpose at the hospital reception.
    • Step 3 - Submit to the hospital Pre admission investigations and Doctor’s consultation papers.
    • Step 4 - Network hospitals will verify your identity and submit duly filled pre - authorization form with Star Health.
    • Step 5 - Our doctors verifies all the submitted documents before processing the claim as per terms and conditions. An assigned field doctor may visit the patient at the hospital if required.
    • Step 6 - After discharge, the hospital will send the claim documents to the company and the authorized amount will be settled directly to the hospital.
    (Note: Non-Payable items would be at the insured's own cost)
    a) In case of planned hospitalization:
    • Please contact the toll-free help line: 1800 425 2255 / 1800 102 4477
    • The hospital will send the duly filled pre-authorization from through hospital portal (or) at the below number (or) Email ID
      • Call : Toll-free FAX: 1800 425 5522 (or)
      • Call : Non Toll-free FAX: 044 -28302200
      • Email : cashless.network@starhealth.in
    • Please carry your ID card.
    b) Procedures to be followed in case of emergency hospitalization:In case of Emergency like accident or sudden bout of illness may that requires immediate admission to the hospital
    • Upon receiving intimation from the insured/insured’s attender, they are contacted by the network hospital
    • Customer Care will verify the validity and coverage of the policy
    • A field visit doctor is deputed to visit the patient at the hospital if required.
    • Our medical team will process the cashless request for the insured person subject to policy terms and conditions.
    c) Cashless claim authorization process
    • Upon receiving intimation from the insured/insured’s attender, they are contacted by the network hospital.
    • Customer Care will verify the validity and coverage of the policy
    • A field visit doctor is deputed to visit the patient at the hospital if required
    • Our medical team will process the cashless request for the insured person subject to policy terms and conditions.
    d) Documents required for cashless claim submission by Hospital
    • Health card
    • Doctor's consultation papers
    • Discharge summary
    • Investigation reports (e.g. X-ray, scans, blood report, etc.)
    • Pharmacy invoices supported by respective prescriptions
    • In cases of accidents, Medico Legal Certificate (MLC) and / or FIR
    • KYC documents of the insured if claimed amount exceed Rs.1, 00,000/-
    (Note: Documents other than the Health Card should be submitted in original)

    When the Insured gives prior intimation about the treatment and the insured pays the expenses himself with the hospital and then claims for a reimbursement of those expenses within 15 days from the date of discharge.

    Reimbursement Claims Procedure following hospitalization

    Procedure for Reimbursement of Claim
    • All claims need to be intimated within 24 hours of hospitalization. Reimbursement facility is available at network hospitals as well as at non-network hospitals
    • Avail treatment, settle all bills and file a claim for reimbursement.
    • Submit the claim documents to the company within 15 days from the date of discharge.
    • To receive Star Health Insurance claim form, cite your policy number and intimate Star Health about hospitalization.
    Reimbursement Claim Procedure
    • Upon discharge, pay all hospital bills and collect all original documents of treatment undergone and expenses incurred.
    • Star Health Claim form has to be filled in and along with, all the relevant original documents have to be submitted at the nearest Star Office
    • We settle the claim in subject to policy terms and conditions.
    • Non-Payable items would be at the insured's own cost.
    Documents required for reimbursement claim submission
    • Copy of Health card
    • Duly filled claim form
    • Pre admission investigations and Doctor's consultation papers
    • Discharge summary from hospital in Original.
    • Investigation reports (e.g. X-ray, scans, blood report, etc.)
    • Pharmacy invoices supported by respective prescriptions
    • Case receipts from hospital, chemist
    • In cases of accidents, Medico Legal Certificate (MLC) and / or FIR
    • Copy of the KYC documents - NEFT details, Contact number and E-mail ID
  • How can one buy a Star health insurance cover?

    Today in the India market, it is not very difficult to purchase an appropriate Health insurance plan, on the contrary it is relatively simple if one follows the defined steps below:
    • Step 1- Visit a product comparison website like eindiainsurance to review and compare policy benefits, coverage and premium details online
    • Step 2 - Seek information and clarity on the charges, inclusions, exclusions, other terms and conditions under the policy
    • Step 3 - Fill the online Star Health Insurance proposal form stating your personal details and health profile while ensuring the information given is complete and accurate
    • Step 4 – Star Health will then process the application forwarded to them. Based on the information provided, one may be required to undergo pre-policy medical examination at Star Health’s network diagnostic centers.
    • Step 5 - Depending on Star Health team’s evaluation, if the proposal is accepted, then they will issue the policy subject to receipt of annual single premium as published on the website and remitted online through the payment gateway
    • Step 6 - Please note that the proposer will have to pay the necessary amount for undergoing the specified medical examination and such tests shall be valid for a maximum period of 30days only…however, if the policy is issued we will refund you 100% of the cost of the pre-policy medical examination
    • Step 7 - The Policy Schedule, Policy Wordings, Cashless Cards and Health Guide will be sent to the insured’s mailing address mentioned on the proposal form
  • Exclusions under the Star health policy

    Some of the major exclusions under the policy are listed below, kindly go through the entire list of exclusion in the policy kit which accompanies the insurance policy:
    • Congenital External Condition / Defects / Anomalies (except to the extent provided under Section specific to a New Born infant).
    • Intentional self injury.
    • Use of intoxicating substances, substance abuse, drugs / alcohol, smoking and tobacco chewing.
    • Venereal Disease and Sexually Transmitted Diseases,
    • Injury/disease directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or attributable to war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not)
    • Injury or disease directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by nuclear weapons/materials
    • Expenses incurred on weight control services including surgical procedures such as Bariatric Surgery and /or medical treatment of obesity (except to the extent provided as per “Coverage” of the opted policy variant)
    • Expenses incurred on High Intensity Focused Ultra Sound, Uterine Fibroid Embolisation, Balloon Sinoplasty, Enhanced External Counter Pulsation Therapy and related therapies, Chelation therapy, Deep Brain Stimulation, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance Therapy, VAX-D, Low level laser therapy, Photodynamic therapy and such other therapies similar to those mentioned under this exclusion
    • Charges incurred on diagnostics that are not consistent with the treatment for which the insured is admitted in the hospital / nursing home. Admission primarily for diagnostic purpose with no positive existence of sickness / disease / ailment / injury and no further treatment is indicated
    • Unconventional, Untested, Unproven, Experimental therapies
    • Stem cell Therapy, Autologous derived Stromal vascular fraction, Chondrocyte Implantation, Procedures using Platelet Rich plasma and Intra articular injection therapy
    • All types of Cosmetic, Aesthetic treatment of any description, all treatment for Priapism and erectile dysfunctions, Change of Sex
    • Plastic surgery (other than as necessitated due to an accident or as a part of any illness)
    • Inoculation or Vaccination (except for post–bite treatment and for medical treatment for therapeutic reasons)
    • Dental treatment or surgery (in excess of what is specifically provided) unless necessitated due to accidental injuries and requiring hospitalization
    • Treatment arising from or traceable to pregnancy, childbirth, family planning, miscarriage, abortion and complications of any of these (other than ectopic pregnancy and to the extent covered under polic variant)
    • Medical and / or surgical treatment of Sleep apnea, treatment for genetic and endocrine disorders. Expenses incurred on Lasik Laser or other procedures Refractive Error Correction and its complications, all treatment for disorders of eye requiring intra-vitreal injections
    • Cochlear implants and procedure related hospitalization expenses
    • Cost of spectacles and contact lens (in excess of what is specifically provided), hearing aids, Cochlear implants and procedures, walkers and crutches, wheel chairs, CPAP, BIPAP, Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis, infusion pump and such other similar aids.

Description of the benefits under the Star Health plans

Please note that all benefits listed below may not be part of all plans offered by Star Health in the market, please go through the benefit coverage on this EIndia website to be acquainted with the coverages under each plan in more detail.
  • Hospitalisation Expenses include
    • Room, Boarding, Nursing Expenses all inclusive as provided by the Hospital / Nursing Home
    • Surgeon, Anesthetist, Medical Practitioner, Consultants, Specialist Fees
    • Anesthesia, blood, oxygen, operation theatre charges, surgical appliances, medicines and drugs, diagnostic materials and X-ray, diagnostic imaging modalities, dialysis, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, cost of pacemaker, stent and such other similar expenses.Expenses on Hospitalization for a minimum period of 24 hours only are admissible. However this time limit will not apply for the day care treatments / procedures, where treatment is taken in the Hospital / Nursing Home and the Insured is discharged on the same day.
  • Emergency Ambulance ChargesThese charges are paid per hospitalization with an overall limitper policy period for transportation of the insured person by private ambulance service when this is needed for medical reasons to go to hospital.
  • Air Ambulance ChargesThis is paid towardsimmediate and rapid ambulance transportation to the hospital/medical centre that ground transportation cannot provide in the case of life threatening emergency health condition/s of the insured person.
  • PreHospitalization Expenses Medical expenses incurred for a period not exceeding 30/60 days prior to the date of hospitalization, for the disease/illness, injury sustained following an admissible claim for hospitalization under the policy.
  • Post Hospitalization ExpensesMedical Expenses incurred for a period of 60/90 days from the date of discharge from the hospital towards Consultant fees, Diagnostic charges, Medicines and Drugs wherever recommended by the Hospital / Medical Practitioner, where the treatment was taken, following hospitalization.
  • Domiciliary Hospitalization Coverage for medical treatment for a period exceeding three days, for an illness/disease/injury, which in the normal course, would require care and treatment at a Hospital but, on the advice of the attending Medical Practitioner, is taken whilst con?ned at home.
  • Organ Donor ExpensesExpenses incurred for organ transplantation where the insured person is the recipient are payable provided the claim for transplantation is payable and subject to the availability of the sum insured. Donor screening expenses and postdonation complications of the donor are not payable.
  • Cost of Health Check-up Expenses incurred towards cost of health check-up up to the limits mentioned in the table given below for every claim free year provided the health checkup is done at network hospitals and the policy is in force. Payment under this bene?t does not form part of the sum insured and will not impact the Bonus. If a claim is made by any of the insured persons, the health check up bene?ts will not be available under the policy.
  • Hospitalization expenses for treatment of New Born Baby The coverage for New Born Baby starts from the 16 day after its birth till the expiry date of the policy and is subject to a limit of 10% of the Sum Insured or Rupees Fifty thousand, whichever is less, subject to the availability of the sum insured, provided the mother is insured under the policy for a continuous period of 12 months without break.
  • Emergency Domestic Medical Evacuation Subject to limits, the Company will reimburse reasonable and necessary expenses incurred towards transportation of the insured person from the hospital where the insured person is currently undergoing treatment to another hospital for further treatment provided
  • Compassionate TravelIn the event of the insured person being hospitalized for a life threatening emergency at a place away from his usual place of residence as recorded in the policy, the Company will reimburse the transportation expenses by air incurred upto ?5,000/- for one immediate family memberfor travel towards the place where hospital is located, provided the claim for hospitalization is admissible under the policy.
  • Repatriation of Mortal RemainsThe Company shall reimburse up to ?5,000/- per policy period towards the cost of repatriation of mortal remains of the insured person (including the cost of embalming and cof?n charges) to the residence of the Insured as recorded in the policy.
  • Shared Accommodation If the Insured person occupies, a shared accommodation during in-patient hospitalization, then amount as per policy terms and conditions will be payable for each continuous and completed period of 24 hours of stay in such shared accommodation.
  • AYUSH TreatmentExpenses incurred on treatment under Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy systems of medicines in a Government Hospital or in any institute recognized by the government and/or accredited by the Quality Council of India/National Accreditation Board on Health is payable up to the plan limits.
  • Second Medical Opinion The Insured Person can obtain a Medical Second Opinion from a Doctor in the Company's network of Medical Practitioners. All the medical records provided by the Insured Person will be submitted to the Doctor chosen by him/her online and the medical opinion will be made available directly to the Insured by the Doctor.
  • Assisted Reproduction Treatment The Company will reimburse medical expenses incurred on Assisted Reproduction Treatment, where indicated, for sub-fertility.
  • Additional Sum Insured for Road Traffic Accident (RTA) If the insured person meets with a Road Traf?c Accident resulting in in-patient hospitalization, then the Basic sum insured shall be increased by 25% subject to a maximum of ?5,00,000/-
  • Bonus In respect of a claim free year of Insurance, for the Basic Sum Insured options Rs.3,00,000/- and above, the insured would be entitled to bene?t of bonus of 25% of the expiring Basic Sum Insured in the second year and additional 10% of the expiring Basic sum Insured for the subsequent years. The maximum allowable bonus shall not exceed 100% .
  • Automatic Restoration of Basic Sum Insured There shall be automatic restoration of the Basic Sum Insured immediately upon exhaustion of the limit of coverage, during the policy period.Such Automatic Restoration is available 3 times at 100% each time, during the policy period. Each restoration will operate only after the exhaustion of the earlier one.

Star health insurance FAQ's

Which hospitals are covered under Star Health Insurance Network in India?

Star Health mediclaim insurance in India has amongst the largest network of 9900+ hospitals across India and this number has been growing steadily over past few years. Hence it is important while seeking treatment following a sickness or an accident to ideally get admitted to a network hospital. One can get the hospital closest to them by going through the Star network hospital list

Yes, Star Health mediclaim insurance offers Cashless treatment for inpatient hospitalization of the insured. The important criteria to avail of the cashless facility is to seek admission into one of Star’s network hospitals across the country. Subject to the claim being admissible under the policy, Star will offer cashless settlement upto the policy limits of the insured’s policy.

Under their most comprehensive health insurance plan, the sum insured options range from ₹1 lacs to ₹100 lacs (1 cr).

The sum insured options available under the Arogya Sanjeevani plan range from ₹1 lac to ₹5 lacs with multiples of ₹50,000.

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