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Care Mediclaim insurance - Key highlights

  • Covers more than 540 Day Care treatments
  • Inbuilt Maternity coverage of upto ₹ 1 lac under specific plans
  • Life Time Renewal of all policies + No Upper Entry Age limit for all plans
  • Avail treatment anywhere in the world for 12 defined major illnesses under “Care Anywhere” on Cashless basis
  • Additional Features like Tax Benefit under section 80D , Auto Recharge of Policy Sum Insured, as well as an option to avail Personal Accident Cover
  • Covers Non Allopathic treatment like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani & Sidha (AYUSH)
  • Coverage for Modern Treatments like Robotic Surgery, HIV/AID
  • Up to 150% increase in Sum Insured With No Claim Bonus with NCB Super in 5 consecutive claim free years
  • Cashless & Hassle-free direct claim settlement with us at 7400+ Hospitals

Care Health insurance reviews

Sum Insured

USD 4lacs/600Lac

Claims settlement ratio **


Incurred claims ratio


Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *


List of Network Hospitals

19,000+ hospitals

Tenure Options

1, 2, 3 years

* As per IRDAI report  |   ** As per NL25 data published on the Insurance Company website

Care Health insurance plan overview

  • Care Health insurance overview

    Care Medical Insurance is today one of the fastest growing Cashless Health insurance players in India with a lot of focus on both retail health and travel. Today the Care health insurance premium is one of the most competitive in the market across all their plans. This ensures that customers not only get comprehensive coverages under their Care plans, they also enjoy competitive premiums for the same. They are also one of the players who have built a strong hospital network across India and the Care health insurance hospital list is one of the most exhaustive in the industry today and they are still continuing to expand the same. Most of the customer’s Care health insurance reviews have been positively influencing the growth of their business year on year. One can renew Care health insurance online and if one needs to file a claim, all they need to do is to fill in the Care health insurance claim form.

    Key features of Care Health insurance

    • Room Rent : Upto 1% of Sum Insured for a Private Single room and upgradable
    • Co-pay : No co-pay if entry age < 60 yrs / 20% co-pay for ages > 60 years
    • Restoration : Upto 100% of Base Sum Insured per year
  • Claims Settlement Process for Care Cashless Health Insurance

    1.Claim process in case of Cashless Treatment at Network Hospitals

    Step 1 : Claim Intimation
    • In case of an emergency hospitalization, call and inform Care Health at 1800-102-4488 within 24 hours of admission. However, if hospitalization is planned, kindly intimate Care Health 48 hours prior to your admission by calling on the same number or writing at customerfirst
    Step 2 : Initiating the process for Pre-Authorization
    • A Pre-Authorization form will be available at the hospital's Insurance/TPA desk, or one can alternatively download the same from Care website
    • Please fill the first section of the form by giving your personal details and hand over signed Pre-Authorization form to hospital's Insurance/TPA desk for them to fill up the balance details.
    • Hospital will fax the completed Pre-Authorization form to us at 1800-200-6677
    Step 3 : Processing a request for Pre-Authorization
    • Care in-house medical team will review the case and documents submitted by hospital. If the request for Pre-Authorization is approved, insured and the hospital will be duly informed by Care.
    • In case of any information deficiency or further information requirement, the insured and the hospital will be regularly intimated by us to ensure resolution of the same at the earliest.
    • If the request for Pre-Authorization is not approved, it only indicates that we are not able to process your request basis the requisite information available with us at this point of time. In such cases, one may claim for reimbursement of your expenses after discharge from the hospital.

    2. Reimbursement of Treatment Expenses

    Step 1 : Claim Intimation - In case of emergency, call and inform Care within 24 hours of your admission. However, if hospitalization is planned, kindly intimate Care 48 hours prior to admission. The following information is to be provided during the claim intimation
    • Policy Holder's Name
    • Claimant's Name & Customer ID
    • Hospital details
    • Diagnosis and Treatment details
    • Approximate claim amount
    • Date of admission
    Care Health will provide a reference ID for all future communication pertaining to the claim request.

    Step 2 : Initiating the Claim process (Also applicable for Pre/Post Hospitalization claims)
    The completed and duly signed claim form has to be sent to Care Health along with the following documents:
    • Duly completed and signed Claim form, in original
    • Valid photo-id proof
    • Medical practitioner's referral letter advising Hospitalization
    • Medical practitioner's prescription advising drugs/diagnostic tests/consultation
    • Original bills, receipts and Discharge card from the Hospital/Medical Practitioner
    • Original bills from pharmacy/Chemists
    • Original pathological/diagnostic tests reports/radiology reports and payment receipts
    • Indoor case papers
    • First information Report, final police report, if applicable
    • Post mortem report, if conducted
    • Any other document as required by the company to assess the claim
    Care health insurance claim form and additional documents are to be sent to Care Health at the following address:
    Care Health Insurance Company Limited,
    Unit No. 604 - 607, 6th Floor, Tower C, Unitech Cyber Park,
    Sector-39, Gurugram-122001 (Haryana).

    Step 3 : Claim Processing and Reimbursement
    • Care In-house medical team will review the case and documents submitted by the insured. If request for reimbursement of expenses is approved, insured will be duly informed.
    • In case of any information deficiency or further information requirements, the insured will be communicated instantly to ensure resolution of the same at the earliest.
    • If the request for claims is declined, the insured will be communicated the same along with valid reason(s) for rejection. However, if the insured/ insured's representative has further documents to enhance/substantiate his case for claim, the same can also be sent to Care ; and if found rational, the case will be reopened for review of the documents and response, if any.
    We will ensure that you are updated at all important stages of your claim process. To help us serve the insured better, please ensure the following :
    • The Pre-Authorization/Claim form is filled completely, sincerely and truly and all the required documents are submitted along with the form and in original, wherever specified. Retain a copy of the duly filled forms.
    • We will provide a reference id for all communication pertaining to claim request. Kindly quote that reference number for all communication related to the above.

Popular Care health insurance plans

Health insurance plan (Care)

Covers cashless hospitalization, treatment for Critical Illness, diseases, accidents and much more.
Key Features:
  • Automatic policy recharge if claims amount exhaust your coverage, at no extra cost.
  • The free annual health checkup to all insured members.
  • Get cashless medical treatment at 7400+ network hospitals.
  • Hassle-free direct settlement of Claims.
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Top-Up insurance for already insured (Enhance)

Ideal top-Up Insurance plan if you already have insurance from any company. Higher coverage at lesser premiums.
Key Features:
  • The plan gives free annual health insurance check-up for insured members.
  • A network of 7400+ hospitals for cashless treatment.
  • No 'Claim based' loading ever.
  • Policy is renewable for lifetime.
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Critical illness benefit plan (Assure)

Helps by Giving a lump sum amount on detection of Critical illness.
Key Features:
  • Policy covers 20 major Critical illness.
  • Accidental Death & Permanent Total Disability also covered.
  • Avail health check-ups for yourself and adult members of your family.
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Personal accident insurance (Secure)

Helps by giving a lump sum amount on fractures, Accidental Death, Disablement.
Key Features:
  • Reconstructive surgery covered.
  • Accidental Death, Permanent total / partial Disability also covered.
  • Policy take care of child education.
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Maternity health insurance (JOY)

Covers hospitalization expenses during pregnancy but also addresses your maternity and health needs.
Key Features:
  • Covers Maternity expenses after a waiting period of nine months.
  • Premium is for three years tenure.
  • Policy can be bought for single women also.
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Care group health insurance

Care Health Insurance also offers customized group health insurance coverages that are tailor-made to suit the individual needs of any organization/group.
Key Feature:
  • Flexible choice of deductible with wide range of Sum Insured options- upto Rs. 60 lacs (Deductible + Sum Insured)
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Care health insurance for senior citizens

Senior citizens, parents or elderly members of your family are more vulnerable to fall sick and the cost of health treatment for them can be very high. Care has specially designed best health insurance for older parents with coverage options up to 10 lakhs.
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Super mediclaim heart insurance plan

While it is important to be active and eat healthy, it is also equally important to be financially prudent and invest in a comprehensive Heart related insurance plan like Care Super Mediclaim Heart, which can offer financial assistance and support at a crucial time in one's life. Get Premium Know more »

Super mediclaim surgery insurance plan

Surgery is a medical specialty that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as a disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Get Premium Know more »

Care heart insurance plan

Care Heart is a heart insurance plan that offers coverage for pre-existing heart illnesses. A specific heart insurance product, it serves as an ideal health insurance for cardiac patients i.e. those with pre-existing heart ailments.
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Arogya Sanjeevani

The Policy covers Hospitalisation Expenses for In-Patient Care or Day Care Treatment incurred for treatment of an Illness contracted/ Injury sustained during the Policy Period.
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Care Plus Youth Health Insurance

Care Health Insurance brings Care Plus – Youth Health Insurance Plan, the most Comprehensive Health Insurance policy designed specifically for Youth.
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Care Plus - The Complete Health insurance

Care Health Insurance brings Care Plus- The Complete Health insurance Plan designed for individuals with no upper age limit.
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Corona Kavach

A health insurance plan designed to safeguard you and your family from COVID-19.
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Care cancer insurance plan

Cancer Insurance plan really does is to offer financial support to the insured at this important phase in their life and ensure they do not have to dip into their life savings for treating cancer.
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Care health insurance FAQ's

Care Health is one of the leading standalone health insurance companies in India, they are also one of the fastest growing. • Care offers a Wide Range Of Health Insurance Products From Individual Plans to Family Floater Schemes To Senior Citizen Health Coverage. They are also prompt at claims settlement with a 93% claims settlement over the past year.

Care has an extensive network of 7400+ network hospitals across India and this number has been growing steadily over the years. Hence it is important while seeking treatment following a sickness or an accident to ideally get admitted to a network hospital. One can get the hospital closest to them by going through the Care network hospital list available on Care health insurance.

Yes, Care Health offers Cashless treatment for inpatient hospitalisation of the insured. The important criteria to avail of the cashless facility is to seek admission into one of Care’s network hospitals across the country. Subject to the claim being admissible under the policy, Care will offer cashless settlement upto the policy limits of the insured’s policy.

Care Health offers a free look period to review it’s policy terms and conditions. In case one is not satisfied with the same, one can request for cancellation of their policy during this period. The insured will be charged the pro-rated premium for the period during which your policy was in-force, the cost of pre-policy health check-up, if any, and the stamp duty. The balance premium would be refunded.
Also, one can request for cancellation of your policy at any time during the policy period post the free look period. In this case, the refund of the premium amount is as per the short scale grid, which is shared as part of the Policy Terms and Conditions sent as part of the policy kit. However, in case you of any claim being reported with Care, the insured will not be entitled to any refund of premium on cancellation of the policy.

Yes, Maternity is an inbuilt coverage for all plans where the primary sum insured is ₹50, 60 and 70 lacs. For the remaining plans the Maternity coverage can be opted for by the insured.

One can log onto to select the Care Health insurance plan and make the premium payment accordingly.

Under their most comprehensive “Care Plan”, the sum insured options range from ₹4 lacs to ₹600 lacs (6 crs)

This concept works on the same lines as the no-claim bonus on car insurance. A Policyholder, who hasn’t made any claim in a year, can use the bonus to their benefit the following year.
Similarly, CARE offers a 10% increase in the policy sum insured for every claim-free year, with no change in premium. So, a policy with a sum insured of Rs 5 lakh, will get an extended cover of Rs 50,000 the following year at the same premium. A claim-free third year will see him earning another ten per cent extra cover on his base sum insured, taking the total to Rs 6 lakh. A maximum bonus of up to 50 per cent is permissible. For 5 consecutive claim free years by using No Claims Bonus (NCB) & No Claims Bonus – Super (Optional Cover). Incremental increase every year is applicable on base Sum Insured. If a claim is made in any particular year, accrued NCB and NCB-Super will be reduced at the same rate at which it is accrued.
In case of claim, the accumulated bonus is reduced by 10%.

Under the Care Personal Accident policy, the sum insured ranges from ₹10 lacs to ₹50 lacs.

Care Health Insurance (RHI), the health insurance arm of Care Enterprises Limited (REL), is a specialized Health Insurer offering health insurance services to employees of corporates, individual customers and for financial inclusion as well. Launched in July’12, Care Health Insurance is promoted by Care Enterprises Limited, a leading diversified financial services group based out of India; its other shareholders are Union Bank of India & Corporation Bank. The promoters are also the founders of Fortis hospitals, SRL Diagnostics and Care Wellness – India’s leading wellness and pharmacy retailers.

Some of the key features under this plan include:
  • Five Plans with Sum insured options from ₹4 lacs to ₹600 lacs (6 crs)
  • 30/60 Pre and Post hospitalization medical expenses covered
  • Room Rent, ICU Charges, Day Care charges remain covered
  • Ambulance Charges remain Covered as per limits
  • Domiciliary Hospitalisation
  • No Claims Bonus (NCB) offered upto 150% of SI after 5 claim free renewals
  • Covers more than 540 Day Care treatments
  • Inbuilt Maternity coverage of upto ₹ 1 lac under specific plans
  • Avail treatment anywhere in the world for 12 defined major illnesses under “Care Anywhere” on Cashless basis
  • Auto Recharge of Policy Sum Insured, as well as an option to avail Personal Accident Cover
  • Covers Non Allopathic treatment like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani & Sidha (AYUSH)
  • Coverage for Modern Treatments like Robotic Surgery, HIV/AID

Some of the key exclusions are below…please go through the entire list of exclusions which are part of the terms and conditions of the policy:
  • Any diagnosis of diseases / undergoing of surgery / occurrence of event, whose signs or symptoms first occur within 30 days of Policy Period Start date
  • Expenses attributable to self-inflicted injury (resulting from suicide, attempted suicide)
  • Expenses arising out of or attributable to alcohol or drug use/misuse/abuse
  • Treatment arising from or traceable to pregnancy and childbirth, miscarriage, abortion and its consequences
  • Congenital disease
  • Tests and treatment relating to infertility and in vitro fertilization.
  • War, riot, strike, nuclear weapons induced hospitalization

Some of the key reasons for investing in a Care Health insurance policy are:
  • Increase in the incidence of lifestyle-related illnesses - Sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, increasing pollution and high stress levels are the growing norm day by day giving rise to chronic diseases like cancer, lung conditions and stroke, claiming younger lives.
  • Increase in Treatment expenses - With the healthcare industry in India witnessing double-digit inflation, it is getting extremely expensive to treat ailments in India both for regular medical as well as specialised medical conditions.
  • Group health cover may not be sufficient - Group employer plans, rarely have sufficient coverage to meet medical expenses incurred in many cases. In the event of switching jobs or remain unemployed, an individual an remain exposed to financial risks from medical exigencies.
  • Health insurance coverage is more than just hospitalization - Many health insurance plans nowadays give coverage for day care procedures and OPD, cover for pre and post-hospitalisation, as well as doctor consultations, tests and medicines which are incurred during this period. There are also Care health plans that cover vector-borne diseases like dengue. Domiciliary treatments, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) are also covered by the best health insurance plans in India.
  • Credit Shield - Not everyone retains a high bank balance or cash at home for facing unforeseen medical emergencies. Hence having Health insurance helps one protect themselves from having to pay for treatment arising out of a sickness/accident and allows the health insurance policy to take over especially since the Care plans also offer Cashless facilities.

The Co-payment under the Care plan is as follows:
  • During purchase of the first policy, if eldest member insured is
  • Below 61 years, no co-payment is applicable.
  • 61 years or above, 20% of the claim amount under the policy has to be borne by the insured

Health insurance is also an investment best made the individual is young and healthy. The key reasons why one should purchase a Care Health policy at a young age is :
  • Lower premium – Premiums are much lower when at a younger age.
  • Waiting Periods – Care health insurance plans come with waiting periods of 30 days to 48 months – better to serve the waiting period when younger
  • Rise of lifestyle diseases among the youth- Increasing sedentary lifestyles among the younger generation, many of them are getting predispositioned to lifestyle illnesses like obesity, respiratory and heart diseases.
  • Employer provided health cover may not be enough
  • Tax savings

There is no upper limit on the number of claims during the policy period. However, the total cumulative claim amount cannot exceed the Policy Sum Insured.

As on date Care Health have settled 4.7 lacs + health claims

The process is as follows:
  • Cashless - For any emergency hospitalisation, the insured should intimate Care Health within 24 hours from the time of hospitalization. For any planned hospitalization, the Insured should seek cashless authorization from us at least 48 hours prior to hospitalization.
  • Reimbursement - In case of a reimbursement claim, the insured pays the hospitalization expenses (which is otherwise claimable under his insurance policy) himself and then claims for a reimbursement of those expenses from Care. The Insured should submit all the bills and treatment papers in original to us and intimate regarding the hospitalization as per policy terms & conditions.

Care Health takes 15 days after receiving the required documents from the insured to process a health insurance claim. However, it can take a longer time depending on the verification process conducted by our claim management team depending on the case.

In a cashless claim/hospitalisation, the insured/hospital intimates us regarding the hospitalization and submits a pre-authorization request. On authorization, the claim is directly settled with the network hospital and the insured is not required to pay any charges except for expenses not covered under the policy. Cashless facility can only be availed at a Care Health Insurance network hospital.



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