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hdfc student travel insurance HDFC ERGO Medisure super top up

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HDFC ERGO health insurance review

Sum Insured

8lac − 20 lacs

Claims settlement ratio **


List of network hospitals

10,000+ hospitals

Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *


Number of policies issued *


Tenure options

2 years

Maximum family floater coverage

Self, Spouse + dependent (children (upto 25 yrs) + parents)


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HDFC ERGO Medisure super top up benefits

  • Features of HDFC ERGO Medisure super top up Insurance

    • Room Rent :Payable at Actuals upto Sum Insured
    • Co-pay : NIL for all treatment upto 80 yrs / 10% Co pay for insured > 80 yrs
    • Restoration Benefit: NIL Rebound Benefit under this plan
    • High Sum Insureds with range of Deductible options at extremely competitive premiums
    • Entry age is 65 years with lifetime renewal option
    • Hospitalisation cover limit upto Sum Insured – No Sublimits
    • Coverage under the Family Option is provided for entire family that include parents, in-laws, niece, nephew, spouse and kids
    • Constant premiums from Age 61 – this means that even in a plicy year in which there have been claims, the base premium (without GST) at the time of renewal will remain the same
    • No health checkupsuptothe insured age of 55 years – ensure no time spent in unnecessary pre policy check ups. However proposed insureds above the age of 55 years and those with declared pre existing medical conditions irrespective of age will need to undergo medical tests
    • Pay less, Get more - Opt for a long-term policy of 2 years and get a 5% discount on the premium. If one wishes to cover a family of more than 2 members on individual Sum Insured basis, they can avail 10% discount.
    • HDFC Service Guarantee – 6 hour turn around time for cashless claims guarantee to Network hospitals, 6 day turn around time for reimbursement claims on submission of complete documents
    • Free Look Period of 15 days
  • Covered of HDFC ERGO Medisure super top up Insurance

    The Critical Illnesses covered are dependant on the option chosen by the insured.

    In Patient Hospitalisation If any Insured Person suffers an Illness or Accident during the Policy Period requiring Inpatient Hospitalization, the insurer will pay the MedicalExpenses (upto SI) incurred for
    • Room Rent/ Boarding & Nursing
    • Cost of Operation Theatre, diagnostic tests, medicines, blood, oxygen and cost of prosthetic and other devices or equipment if implanted internally like pacemaker during a surgical procedure
    • Fees of Surgeon, Anaesthetist, Nurses and Specialists
    • ICU Charges
    Occurrence of same illness after a lapse of 45 days will beconsidered as fresh illness for the purpose of this Policy
    Pre Hospitalisation Medical Expenses The Medical Expenses incurred in the 30 days immediately before the insured was Hospitalized is payable under the policy upto SI, provided that:
    • Such Medical Expenses were in fact incurred for the same condition requiring subsequent Hospitalization, and
    • The insurance company has accepted the Claim under Scope of Cover "In-patient Hospitalization expenses”.
    Post Hospitalisation Medical Expenses The Medical Expenses incurred in the 60 days immediately after the insured is discharged is payable under the policy upto the SI, provided that:
    • Such Medical Expenses were in fact incurred for the same condition for which Your Hospitalization was required, and;
    • The insurer has accepted the Claim under Scope of Cover”In-patient Hospitalization expenses”.
    Day Care Treatment The Medical Expenses for a day care treatment is covered where the procedure or surgery:
    • is undertaken under General or Local Anaesthesia in a Hospital/Day care centre for less than 24 hours because of technological advancement, and
    • does not cover any treatment in an outpatient department or diagnostic procedures
    • which would have otherwise required hospitalization of more than 24 hours
  • Sum Insured and Deductible Options

    Aggregate Deductible (₹) Sum Insured (₹)
    2 lacs 3 lacs 8 lacs
    3 lacs 7 lacs 12 lacs
    4 lacs 6 lacs 11 lacs 16 lacs
    5 lacs 5 lacs 10 lacs 15 lacs 20 lacs
    (All figs in INR ₹) Policy Deductible Sum Insured for the Policy Claim Amount Paid by Policy Deductible Claim Payable by Top Up Policy
    At Inception 3,00,000 12, 00,000
    Claim 1 3,00,000 12,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 NIL
    Claim 2 3,00,000 12,00,000 5,00,000 1,00,000 4,00,000
  • Key highlights of Medisure super top up

    • Insured’s Age
      • Adults – 18 years to 65 years
      • Children – 91 days to 23 years
    • Insured’s Parents and Parents-in-law can be covered under the same policy on Individual Sum Insured basis or under a Separate Policy on Floater basis
    • Other Family Members who can be covered under a Single Policy on an Individual Sum Insured basis include : Grand Mother, Grand Father, Grand Son, Grand Daughter, Brother, Sister, Nephew, Niece
  • Exclusions of HDFC ERGO Medisure super top up Insurance

    Some of the key exclusions under this plan are as follows; however please go through the policy wordings for the entire list:
    • All pre-existing diseases / illness / injury / conditions as defined in the Policy, until 36 months of continuous covers have elapsed since inception of the first Policy with us.
    • Any disease contracted and/or Medical Expenses incurred by You in respect of any illness during the first 30 days from the commencement date of the Policy except in case of accidental injuries. This Exclusion doesn't apply for those having any health insurance indemnity policy in India at least for 1 year prior to taking this Policy as well as for subsequent renewals with Us without a break.
    • All expenses along with their complications on treatment towards following ailments/illness are excluded and will be covered after the first two years (24 months) of continuous operation of this insurance cover:
      • Cataract
      • Uterine prolapse including any condition requiring Hysterectomy
      • Polycystic Ovarian Diseases, Myomectomy for Fibroids
      • Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis
      • Arthritis, Arthroscopic Surgery, Rheumatism, Joint Replacement Surgery (other than caused by accident), Prolapse of Intervertibral discs(other than caused by accident)
      • Congenital internal anomaly
      • Fistula in anus, Piles, Fissure
      • Gastric and duodenal ulcer, any type of Cysts/Nodules/Polyps, and any type of Breast lumps, benign ear, Nose and Throat disorders and surgeries Chronic Nephritis and Nephropathy (Kidney diseases).
      • Fibroids, Dilatation & Curettage for treatment purposes, Pilonidal sinus, Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM)
      • Hypertension, Diabetes and related complications
      • Deviated Nasal Septum, Sinusitis and related disorders
      • Surgery on tonsils/Adenoids

HDFC ERGO Health insurance - FAQ’s

Under cashless hospitalization, the insured person does not settle the hospitalization expenses at the time of discharge from hospital. The settlement is done directly by us for treatment that the insured person is eligible to receive under the terms of his/her policy. This is for your convenience. However, it is important to note here that prior approval is required from us before admission into the hospital.

In some cases, you may have to pay for all or part of the treatment if it is not fully covered under the terms of the policy. However, in case of emergency hospitalization, you can obtain approval post-admission. Please note that the cashless facility is available only at our Network Hospitals.

HDFC Ergo has an extensive network of 10,000+ network hospitals across India growing steadily over the years. One must get admitted to a network hospital in order to avail cashless treatment for their illness. One can get the hospital closest to them by going through the HDFC Ergo network hospital list

There is no upper limit on the number of claims during the policy period. However, the total cumulative claim amount cannot exceed the Policy Sum Insured.

A pre - existing disease is any condition, ailment or injury or related condition(s), for which the insured person had signs or symptoms, and /or were diagnosed, and / or received medical advice / treatment within 36/48 months prior to 1st health insurance policy issued by Us under which the insured person was covered.

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