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HDFC Ergo Single Trip Insurance

HDFC Ergo travel insurance quotes

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Travel Insurance

HDFC Ergo Travel Insurance will cover you against any medical or non medical expenses.

Why Choose HDFC Ergo Travel Insurance?

  • Upto the age of 70 years there is no medicals.
  • Optimum Coverage at Low Costs.
  • There are four overseas travel insurance plans with comprehensive coverage namely Single Trip, Multi Trips, Asia & Family which are designed to satisfy the travelers’ requirements.
  • Online purchase.

HDFC ERGO Travel Insurance review

Sum Insured

USD 30,000 to 5,00,000

Claims settlement ratio **


Incurred claims ratio


Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *




Policy Wordings

Policy Wordings

HDFC Ergo Travel Insurance Overview

  • Eligibility criteria to purchase HDFC Ergo Travel Insurance

    • HDFC Ergo travel insurance plan for single trip can be purchased between the age of 6 months to 70 years.
    • HDFC Ergo travel insurance plan for annual multi trip can be purchased between the age of 18 years to 70 years.
    • HDFC Ergo travel insurance plan for single trip Asia Excluding Japan can be purchased between the age of 6 months to 70 years.
    • HDFC Ergo travel insurance plan for Family Floater Excluding & Canada can be purchased upto the age of 60 years, Spouse upto the age of 60 years & maximum of 2 children from 3 months upto the age of 21 years.

  • Benefits of HDFC Ergo travel insurance

    Benefits Titanium Platinum Gold Silver
    Emergency Medical Expenses (EME) Deductible: $100 $500,000 $200,000 $100,000 $50,000
    Medical Evacuation & Repatriation Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses
    Accidental Death - Common Carrier $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000
    Permanent Disablement - Common Carrier $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000
    Hospital Cash $15 per day / Max $150
    (Deductible 1 Day)
    $15 per day / Max $150
    (Deductible 3 Day)
    $15 per day / Max $150
    (Deductible 1 Day)
    $15 per day / Max $150
    (Deductible 4 Day)
    Emergency Dental Treatment Deductible: $150 $500 $500 $500 $300
    Loss of Baggage and Personal Documents Deductible: $30 $250 $250 $250 $250
    Loss of Checked Baggage Deductible: Max 50% Per Bag / 10% Per Item $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
    Delay of Checked Baggage Deductible: 12 Hours / $10 per 8 Hours $200 $200 $200 $100
    Accidental Death $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000
    Permanent Disablement $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000
    Personal Liability $200,000
    (Deductible $200)
    (Deductible $200)
    (Deductible $200)
    (Deductible $150)
    Financial Emergency Assistance $1,500 $1,000 $700 $500
    Hijack Distress Allowance Deductible: 1 Day $75 per day / Max $525 $75 per day / Max $525 $75 per day / Max $450 $75 per day / Max $450
    Flight Delay Deductible: 6 hours $10 per hrs / Max $120 $10 per hrs / Max $120 $10 per hrs / Max $120 $10 per hrs / Max $120
    Hotel Accommodation $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000
  • What does HDFC Ergo Travel Insurance Cover?

    • Emergency Medical Expenses: Covers medical costs incurred due to illness or accident including medically necessary and prescribed emergency evacuation. It covers outpatient, in-patient, medical aid, therapies and diagnostic tests which are described in the policy brochure.
    • Emergency Medical Evacuation: Evacuation to the home country is covered up to the medical sum insured chosen.
    • Repatriation of remains: Covers the funeral expenses or expenses of repatriating the remains back to India, in case of death of the insured overseas.
    • Emergency Dental Expenses: Covers acute anesthetic treatment of natural teeth.
    • Hospital Cash: Pays a daily allowance as stated in the policy schedule in the event of hospitalization either due to sickness or accidents.
    • Accidental Death and Permanent Total Disability Common Carrier: The company will pay the sum insured specified in the schedule in addition to the sum insured specified under the Personal Accident section, if the insured sustains Accidental Bodily Injury during the course of the journey while travelling in a common carrier such as rail, bus, tram, or aircraft; and such bodily injury results in death or permanent total disability.
    • Personal accident: Compensation paid in case of death or permanent total disability caused due to an accident.
    • Flight delay: Compensation if the aircraft is delayed for more than 12 hours than the original scheduled departure time.
    • Loss of Passport: Expenses incurred in obtaining a fresh or new passport.
    • Loss of Checked Baggage: Compensation for the permanent loss of checked-in baggage.
    • Delay of Checked Baggage: Compensation for reasonable expenses incurred for the purchase of toiletries, clothing and medication due to delay of checked-in baggage for more than 12 hours.
    • Personal Liability: Compensation of damages to be paid to a third party, resulting from death, injury or damage to health or property caused involuntarily by the insured.
    • Financial Emergency Assistance: Insurance cover is provided in the event of the Insured Person getting into a financial emergency due to theft, pilferage, robbery or dacoity of his/her travel funds. A fixed sum is paid as emergency assistance up to the limits specified under the Policy.
    • Hotel Accommodation: Pays for the cost of hotel accommodation, if the Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury or Sickness which directly and independently of all other causes results in a hospital stay as an in-patient and misses his/her flight back to the country of residence.
    • Hijack Distress Allowance: Insurance cover is provided in the event of the hijack of the air or sea common carrier in which the Insured Person is traveling whilst on the trip abroad during the Period of Insurance. An allowance will be paid for each day of the hijack up to the limits specified under the Policy.

  • Exclusions under HDFC Ergo Travel insurance policy

    • Travelling against the advice of a physician, for obtaining treatment, preexisting ailments & complications arising out of them, suicide or attempted suicide, War, Terrorism, Illegal Acts, Dangerous Sports, Pregnancy resulting childbirth, miscarriage abortion or any other complications.
    • Children below the age of 5 yrs are covered by excluding following diseases:
      Mumps, Chickenpox, Measles, German Measles, Spina Bifida, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria, Poliomyelitis, Meningitis & Scarlet Fevers

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