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Reliance Insurance Plans Reliance travel insurance claims procedure

Please intimate as soon as a claim occurs, to our service provider, Europ Assist who would assist you with the claim form and procedure.
Please choose any of the below options to intimate your claim.

Please provide the following information when you intimate a claim:

  • Your Contact numbers
  • Policy Number
  • Name of Injured person
  • Date & Time of Loss
  • Location of loss
  • Nature of accident ( if any)
  • Nature of injury / sickness
  • Place & contact details of insured
Our Service Center is equipped to provide you with the necessary guidance in your situation, and will direct you on claims procedure.

Note: Failure to call this number in respect of Medical Accident & Sickness Claims (Travel) shall invalidate your claim, if any. In case of OPD treatment (where hospitalization is not required), please collect all bills and receipts and submit on return to India.

Documents required * Procedure
Medical Accident & Sickness Expenses** (Outside India)
  • Claim form
  • Doctor’s report
  • Original Admission/discharge card
  • Original Bills/Receipts/Prescription
  • Original X-ray reports/ Pathological/ Investigative reports/Medical records/Consultation Papers
  • Copy of passport/Visa with Entry & exit stamp 7.Pan Card 8.Aadhar Card Copy
  • NEFT form and Cancelled cheque stating insured’s / Claimant Indian Bank account details.
  • Intimate the airline about your loss and lodge complaints
  • Claim Form can be obtained from our Service Center.
  • Fill in the Claim Form and send all documents to our Service centre at the address given below
Loss of Baggage
  • Claim form
  • Copies of Baggage Tags
  • Copies of Correspondence with the Airline authorities/Others about loss of checked baggage
  • Property Irregularity Report (obtained from Airline)
  • Details/Proof of compensation received from Airlines/Other authorities, if any
  • Copy of passport/Visa with Entry & exit stamp/. /Complete travel itinerary.
  • Pan Card
  • Aadhar Card Copy
  • NEFT form and Cancelled cheque stating insured’s / Claimant Indian Bank account details.
  • Intimate the airline about your loss and lodge complaints
  • Claim Form can be obtained from our Service Center.
  • Fill in the Claim Form and send all documents to our Service centre at the address given below
Delay of Baggage
  • Claim form,
  • Copies of baggage tags
  • Copies of Correspondence with the Airline authorities certifying about the delay (confirming the date of delivery of the baggage and the actual flight time)
  • Property Irregularity Report (obtained from Airline)
  • Original bills/receipts/invoices pertaining to expenses incurred/purchases made during the delay period.
  • Copy of passport/Visa with Entry & exit stamp/. /Complete travel itinerary.
  • Details of compensation received from airlines, if any.
  • Pan Card
  • Aadhar Card Copy
  • NEFT form and Cancelled cheque stating insured’s / Claimant Indian Bank account details.
  • Obtain confirmation of the delay from the airline
  • Claim Form can be obtained from our Service Center.
  • Fill in the Claim Form and send all documents to our Service centre at the address given below
Trip Delay/ Cancellation/ interruption/ missed connection
  • Claim Form
  • Please attach confirmation from the airlines, clearly mentioning the scheduled arrival time and the actual arrival time
  • Copies of Correspondence with the Airline authorities certifying about the delay
  • If trip is cancelled or interrupted due to medical reasons then provide medical reports and doctors statement
  • If trip is cancelled or interrupted due to employment reason, then termination letter from the company shall be submitted
  • If due to other insured events, police report confirming the incident shall be submitted
  • In case the cancellation or interruption is owing to the sickness, injury or death of a traveling companion, the original tickets of the insured and the traveling companion indicating travel to the same destination for the same dates needs to be submitted.
  • All the bills / receipts of reasonable additional expenses incurred and / or proof of cancellation charges levied by the carriers shall be submitted.
  • Copy of passport/Visa with Entry & exit stamp/. /Complete travel itinerary.
  • Pan Card & Aadhar Card Copy
  • NEFT form and Cancelled cheque stating insured’s / Claimant Indian Bank account details.
  • Claim Form can be obtained from our Service Center.
  • Fill in the Claim Form and send all documents to our service centre at the address given above.
Loss of Passport
  • Duly Signed Claim Form stating exact circumstances of the loss
  • Copy of new passport
  • Copy of previous passport (if available)
  • Original bills/invoices of expenses incurred for obtaining a new passport
  • Copy of FIR/ Police Report
  • Pan Card
  • Aadhar Card Copy
  • New passport copy or certificate of travel issued.
  • NEFT form and Cancelled cheque stating insured’s / Claimant Indian Bank account details.
  • File a complaint with the local police
  • Contact with the Indian Embassy, where ever necessary
  • Submit all documents to our Service centre at the address given above.
Personal Liability
  • Full statement of the facts in writing
  • Witness statements
  • Any other documents relevant to the incident, including Summons, Legal Notice etc.
  • Any other information you would like to share with us.
  • Copy of passport/Visa with Entry & exit stamp/. /Complete travel itinerary. f.Pan Card & Aadhar Card Copy g. NEFT form and Cancelled cheque stating insured’s / Claimant Indian Bank account details.
  • Inform our service provider immediately giving full details of the incident.
  • Do not commit any benefit/compensation or enter into any agreement.
  • Submit all documents to our Service centre at the address given above, along with a detailed statement
  • Full statement of the events in writing
  • Claim Form
  • Airline correspondence (copy of Passenger List etc.)
  • Copy of ticket/ Boarding Pass
  • NEFT form and Cancelled cheque stating insured’s / Claimant Indian Bank account details
  • Claim Form can be obtained from our Service Center.
  • Fill in the Claim Form and send all documents to our Service centre at the address given above
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
  • Claim form
  • Original Death Certificate,
  • Copy of FIR/Police inquest report/Coroners report
  • Copy of Post Mortem report.
  • Dismemberment Case:
    • Copy of treatment papers along with No. 1 &3 above
    • Pan Card copy
    • Aadhar Card Copy
    • NEFT form and Cancelled cheque stating insured’s / Claimant Indian Bank account details.
  • Collect all documents pertaining to the loss including correspondence with Carrier and send to our Service Centre at the address given below.
  • Claim Form can be obtained from our Service Center.
Financial Emergency Assistance
  • Date of loss
  • Copy of FIR/ Police Report
  • Pan Card copy
  • Aadhar Card Copy
  • Copy of passport/Visa with Entry & exit stamp/
  • File a complaint with the local police
  • Submit all documents to our Service centre at the address given above, along with a detailed statement
Bail Bond
  • Provide the court order stipulating the required amount as bail bond
  • Police report
  • File a complaint with the local police
  • Contact with the Indian Embassy, where ever necessary.
  • Submit all documents to our Service centre at the address given above, along with a detailed statement
Sponsor Protection
  • Provide medical reports, doctor's statement giving the details of the sponsor and cause of death certificate of the sponsor
  • Medical statements from relations / spouse will not be accepted
  • Inform our service provider immediately giving full details of the incident.
  • Submit all documents to our Service centre at the address given above, along with a detailed statement
Compassionate Visit
  • Full statement of the facts in writing
  • Witness statements
  • Any other documents relevant to the incident, including Summons, Legal Notice etc.
  • Any other information you would like to share with us.
  • Inform our service provider immediately giving full details of the incident.
  • Do not commit any benefit/compensation or enter into any agreement.
  • Submit all documents to our Service centre at the address given above, along with a detailed statement
Study Interruption
  • Provide Medical reports, statement from the treating doctor and eath certificate as a proof of the reason of study interruption
  • Medical statements from relations or spouse will not be accepted
  • Provide receipts of the university fees paid
  • Inform our service provider immediately giving full details of the incident.
  • Submit all documents to our Service centre at the address given above, along with a detailed statement
* Note: We may call for additional documents/ information as relevant.
** If any hospital does not submit a bill to you for the treatment/service rendered, please intimate our Service Center before you leave the hospital.

Procedure to file the claim documents:

All claim documents as per the document checklist to be sent to the office of our service provider, M/s

Address : Claims Department

Medical Assistance & Emergency Services are implemented by our Service Providers EUROP ASSISTANCE INDIA PVT LTD. 7th Floor, Star Hub, Bldg No. 2, Near ITC Maratha Hotel, Sahar, Andheri East, Mumbai – 400 059, INDIA.

Website : www.europ-assistance.com

  • On receipt of the intimation, claim form and document checklist will be sent within 24 hrs.
  • Claim processing within 7 (seven) working days from the receipt of complete claim documents.
Disclaimer : Eindiainsurance markets Reliance various insurance products. However Eindiainsurance is not responsible for any claims. Claims are settled directly by the Reliance General Insurance Company Limited.