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Reliance HealthGain Quotes for Family

Reliance HealthGain Family health insurance plans provide coverage for the entire family within the scope of a single health plan. find quotes, compare & buy Reliance HealthGain Quotes for Family

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Reliance HealthGain is a Unique Health plan which will protect our Customer against ever increasing medical costs and would provide a flexibility to increase their coverage with time to meet upto to market requirement.

Reliance insurance review

Sum Insured

5 lac - 10 lacs options available

Claims settlement ratio **


Incurred claims ratio


Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *


Tenure options

1 and 3 years options available

List of network hospitals

8,600+ hospitals

Maximum family floater coverage

Self, Spouse + 6 dependent children


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Policy Wordings

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* As per IRDAI report   |   ** As per NL25 data published on the Insurance Company website

Schengen visa medical insurance - Benefits

  • Unique features of Reliance health plans

    • Special Privileges for covering girl child and single woman
    • Reinstate the policy with base Sum Insured after its exhaustion
    • Cumulative bonus at the end of a claim-free year
    • 5% / 10% family discount with an individual policy
    • Claim and policy service guarantee in case of delay
    • Free auto-extension of the policy for an additional year
    • 5% premium discount for Reliance Private Car Package policy customers

    Reliance health insurance - Key features

    • Room Rent : Upto Private Single A/c Room
    • Co-pay : NIL for insureds <61 yrs/ 20% co-pay for ages > 61 yrs
    • Restoration Benefit :Upto 100% of Base SI per year under certain plans
  • Reliance health insurance - Eligibility Criteria

    Plan A Plan B
    Pre-policy Issuance Medical Check-up
    >=46 years >=18 years
    Entry Age - Maximum
    65 years. No entry age bar for an insured sum of 3 lakh 65 years
    Entry Age - Minimum
    Individual/Floater - 5 years or above. Children between 91 days & up to 4 years can be covered under a floater with at least one member aged 21 years or above
    Exit Age
    No exit age. This policy offers lifelong renewability.
    Individual Option
    Can cover maximum 6 members individually under the same policy
    Floater Option
    Can cover maximum 6 members under the same floater = 4 (children) + 2 (members >=21 years of age)
  • Benefits of Reliance standard insurance

    Plan A Plan B
    Sum Insured - on annual basis
    3Lacs, 6Lacs , 9Lacs 12Lacs, 15Lacs & 18Lacs
    Domestic Road Ambulance
    Upto 1500 Upto 3000
    Policy Service Guarantee
    Sum Insured of 10,000 for delay in policy issuance Sum Insured of 20,000 for delay in policy issuance
    Accidental Death Cover for No Claim Renewal
    No 1 lac personal accident- Death Cover for policyholder insured.
    Insurance renewal
    No One time renewal premium waiver if the policy holder - Insured suffers from named critical illness
    60 days 60 days
    Post hospitalisation
    60 days 60 days
    Re - instatement of Base Sum Insured
    One re-instatement upto 100% of base Sum insured, subject to submit of 20% for related illness / injury. One re-instatement upto 100% of Base Sum Insured, subject to sublimit of 20% for related illness/ injury
    Hospitalisation Expenses
    (a)In-patient treatment
    (b)Day care treatments
    Yes Yes
    Yes Yes
    Donor Expenses
    50% of base sum insured upto a maximum of 5 lacs 50% of base sum insured upto a maximum of 5 lacs
    Domiciliary Hospitalisation
    Upto 10% of base sum insured, subject to a maximum of 50000 Upto 10% of base sum insured, subject to a maximum of 50000
    Yes Yes
    Cumulative Bonus
    33 1/3% increase in base sum insured for every claim - free year; maximum upto 100%.
    33 1/3% decrease in base sum insured for every claim year; maximum upto cumulative bonus earned.
    33 1/3% increase in base sum insured for every claim - free year; maximum upto 100%.
    33 1/3% decrease in base sum insured for every claim year; maximum upto cumulative bonus earned.
    Call Option
    The maximum Sum Insured (Base + Cumulative Bonus) shall be Minimum of four times of the base sum insured (under first policy period) or Rs. 50 lakhs. Can be exercised up to the age of 60 years. Exercising of call option will attract extra premium. The maximum Sum Insured (Base + Cumulative Bonus) shall be Minimum of four times of the base sum insured (under first policy period) or Rs. 50 lakhs. Can be exercised up to the age of 60 years. Exercising of call option will attract extra premium.
    Claim Service Guarantee
    Cashless Claims 1% of claim amount for every delay of 6 business hours beyond 6 hours of receipt of all information / documents

    Re-imbursement Claims -1% of claim amount for every delay of 21 days beyond 21 days of receipt of all information / documents. (Maximum - 6% for a claim amount)
    Cashless Claims 1% of claim amount for every delay of 6 business hours beyond 6 hours of receipt of all information / documents

    Re-imbursement Claims -1% of claim amount for every delay of 21 days beyond 21 days of receipt of all information / documents. (Maximum - 6% for a claim amount)
  • Exclusions under the Reliance health plans

    • Intentional self-injury / injury under influence of alcohol or drugs / criminal act
    • Treatment received outside India / Stem Cells surgery
    • War / Nuclear / Chemical / Biological
    • Diseases such as HIV or AIDS or STD
    • Diseases existing from the time of birth (Congenital diseases)
    • Maternity, fertility excluding Ectopic pregnancy
    • Cost of spectacles, contact lenses and hearing aids
    • Dental treatment or surgery
    • Treatment of mental illness
    • Cosmetic, aesthetic treatment
    • Non-allopathic, Out-patient treatment
    • Unproven / Experimental treatments

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