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HDFC ERGO Travel Insurance

HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Ltd. is a joint venture between HDFC Ltd., India’s premier Housing Finance Institution and ERGO International AG, the primary insurance entity of Munich Re Group. Headquartered in Mumbai, HDFC Ergo currently operated across India through 120+ branches in 106 cities with 3000+ employees.

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Travel Insurance

The Company offers complete range of general insurance products ranging from Motor, Health, Travel, Home and Personal Accident in the retail space and customized products like Property, Marine and Liability Insurance in the corporate space. They have been assigned 'iAAA' rating by ICRA indicating its highest claim paying ability as well as have an ISO certification for their claim services, policy issuance, customer servicing and standardization and uniformity of Information Security processes being followed across all branches & locations. In Travel insurance, HDFC Ergo initially catered to the Corporate Travel insurance market offering customised solutions to small, medium and large corporates under their Group insurance programs and now have entered the Retail Travel Insurance space and offer comprehensive Travel insurance solutions to the India traveller. Going with their strong brand name, prompt claims servicing, HDFC Ergo have started becoming a strong player in the Retail Travel insurance space for the past few years.

HDFC ERGO Travel Insurance review

Sum Insured

USD 30,000 to 5,00,000

Claims settlement ratio **


Incurred claims ratio


Number of policies issued *


Number of lives covered *




Policy Wordings

Policy Wordings

How can one Buy a HDFC Ergo Health Insurance policy?

There are many distribution channels that distribute HDFC Ergo Health insurance products that include Agents, Banks and Brokers. One of the key distributors is the Web Aggregators which are online distributors of insurance and the advantage is that they offer a comparison of all insurance products to the customer, to allow them to compare the plans before opting for best HDFC ERGO health insurance plan that most suits his/her needs.
  • Step 1 - Visit HDFC Ergo Compare health insurance to review and compare policy benefits, coverage and premium details online
  • Step 2 - Seek information and clarity on the charges, inclusions, exclusions, other terms and conditions under the policy
  • Step 3 - Fill the HDFC Ergo online Health Insurance proposal form stating your personal details and health profile while ensuring the information given is complete and accurate
  • Step 4 – If this is a Straight through proposal, the premium remitted online will be transferred directly to the insurance company, and the policy will be issued, dispatched and will reach you in 7 working days
  • Step 5 – For Non Straight through cases, HDFC Ergo will process the application forwarded to them. Based on the information provided, one may be required to undergo pre-policy tests at designated diagnostic centers or they may just levy a loading based on the health report
  • Step 6 - If the proposal is accepted, the same will be issued accordingly
  • Step 7 - The Policy Schedule, Policy Wordings, Cashless Cards and Health Guide will be sent to the insured’s mailing address mentioned on the proposal form in the prescribed Turn around time.

Insured’s Eligibility Criteria for HDFC Ergo’s Travel Plans

Plans Adult Insured Children
Individual Single Trip Minimum entry age is 18 months. Maximum entry age is 70 years at the commencement date of the Policy The minimum entry age under this policy is 6 months and maximum is 18 years
Annual Multi trip Plans Age of the insured to be between 18 and 70 years on the date of commencement of the policy. N.A.
Family Floater Plan Age of the insured to be between 6 months and 60 years on the date of commencement of the policy. Spouse can be covered upto the age of 60 years. Two Children from 3 months upto the age of 21 years.
Student Plan Maximum entry age is 35 years at the commencement date of the policy Minimum entry age is 16 years
  • Insured above 70 years to submit medical reports irrespective of trip band (Disease mentioned in the report to be excluded)
  • Foreign nationals employed in India and earning salary in Indian Rupees can be covered under HDFC Ergo plans
  • Foreign nationals domiciled in India are also eligible to purchase HDFC Ergo’s Travel policies.
  • Family Floater Plan coverages are only for countries Excluding USA & Canada
They also offer plans across various Geographies And Sum Insureds (for Accident & Sickness Medical Expenses) across the world. Their Countries Included in their respective plans are as below:
  1. Single Trip Plans
  2. Annual Multi Trip Plans
  3. Asia Plan (excluding Japan)
  4. Family Floater Plan (excluding USA / Canada)
  5. Student Suraksha Plan

HDFC Ergo Travel Insurance Overview

  • Countries Covered in HDFC Ergo Travel Insurance

    Plans Countries Covered Sum Insured Options
    (Accident & Sickness Expenses)
    Worldwide Including USA / Canada – Single Trip All Countries in the world including North America, South America, and Canada. Bronze - $30,000
    Silver - $50,000
    Gold - $100,000
    Platinum - $200,000
    Titanium - $500,000
    Worldwide Excluding USA / Canada – Single Trip All countries across the world apart from North America, South America and Canada Bronze - $30,000
    Silver - $50,000
    Gold - $100,000
    Platinum - $200,000
    Titanium - $500,000
    Worldwide - Annual Multi Trip Al Countries across the World Gold - $250,000
    Platinum - $500,000
    Single Trip Asia Plan All countries in Asia excluding Japan. Japan can however to be included in Worldwide Excluding America / Canada Plan Bronze - $15,000
    Silver - $30,000
    Family Floater Plan – Single Trip All countries across the world apart from North America, South America and Canada Standard Plan - $50,000
    Student Suraksha Student Insurance Plan Options available for both Including and Excluding USA & Canada Bronze - $50,000
    Silver - $100,000
    Gold - $250,000
    Platinum - $500,000

  • What does HDFC Ergo Single Trip Travel Insurance Cover?

    HDFC Ergo offers amongst the widest ranges of options for their Single Trip Plans under their comprehensive travel insurance product for Including and Excluding USA / Canada. Coverage is available whether you are on business or leisure trip / holiday. Since it is a comprehensive plan, the benefits include Accident & Sickness Expenses, Dental Expenses, Personal Accident included Accidental Death & Permanent Total Disability, Loss and Delay of Baggage Checked in with the Carrier, Personal Liability, Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Mortal Remains, Flight Delay, Contingency Travel Benefits and Emergency Financial Assistance among others.

    They provide five variants in terms of Accident & Sickness Sum Insureds from $30,000 to $500,000.
    Titanium Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
    Emergency Medical Expenses (EME)  Deductible: $100
    $500,000 $200,000 $100,000 $50,000 $30,000
    Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
    Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses
    Accidental Death - Common Carrier
    $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000 $3,000
    Permanent Disablement - Common Carrier
    $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000 $3,000
    Hospital Cash
    $15 per day,Max $150
    (Deductible 1 Day)
    $15 per day,Max $150
    (Deductible 3 Day)
    $15 per day,Max $150
    (Deductible 1 Day)
    $15 per day,Max $150
    (Deductible 4 Day)
    $15 per day,Max $150
    (Deductible 4 Day)
    Emergency Dental Treatment  Deductible: $150
    $500 $500 $500 $300 $300
    Loss of Baggage and Personal Documents  Deductible: $30
    $250 $250 $250 $250 $250
    Loss of Checked Baggage  Deductible: Max 50% Per Bag,10% Per Item
    $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
    Delay of Checked Baggage  Deductible: 12 Hours,$10 per 8 Hours
    $200 $200 $200 $100 $100
    Accidental Death
    $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $10,000
    Permanent Disablement
    $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $10,000
    Personal Liability
    (Deductible $200)
    (Deductible $200)
    (Deductible $200)
    (Deductible $150)
    (Deductible $150)
    Financial Emergency Assistance
    $1,500 $1,000 $700 $500 $300
    Hijack Distress Allowance  Deductible: 1 Day
    $75 per day,Max $525 $75 per day,Max $525 $75 per day,Max $450 $75 per day,Max $450 $75 per day,Max $450
    Flight Delay Deductible: 6 hours
    $10 per hrs,Max $120 $10 per hrs,Max $120 $10 per hrs,Max $120 $10 per hrs,Max $120 $10 per hrs,Max $120
    Hotel Accommodation
    $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $2,000
  • What does HDFC Ergo Annual MultiTrip Travel Insurance Cover?

    For the frequent fliers / travellers HDFC Ergo also offers flexible and comprehensive travel insurance options. The plan is eligible for adults between the ages of 18 years and 70 yearsThey have two plans namely Gold & Platinum and the Accident & Sickness coverages of this variants are $250,000 and $500,000 respectively. Accident & Sickness Expenses, Dental Expenses, Personal Accident included Accidental Death & Permanent Total Disability, Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Mortal Remains, Loss and Delay of Baggage Checked in with the Carrier, Loss of Personal Documents, Personal Liability, Flight Delay, Contingency Travel Benefits and Emergency Financial Assistance among others.

    The policy is available for 365 days but each single trip cannot exceed 45 consecutive days.
    Titanium Platinum Gold Silver
    Emergency Medical Expenses  Deductible: $100
    $500,000 $200,000 $100,000 $50,000
    Hospital Cash  Deductible: 4 days
    $15 per day,Max $150 $15 per day,Max $150 $15 per day,Max $150 $15 per day,Max $150
    Emergency Dental Treatment  Deductible: $75
    $200 $200 $200 $200
    Loss of Baggage and Personal Documents  Deductible: $20
    $200 $200 $200 $200
    Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
    Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses
    Loss of Checked Baggage  Deductible: Max 50% Per Bag,10% Per Item
    $400 $400 $400 $400
    Delay of Checked Baggage  Deductible: 12 Hours,$10 per 8 Hours
    $100 $100 $100 $100
    Accidental Death
    $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
    Permanent Disablement
    $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
    Personal Liability  Deductible: $200
    $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
    Hijack Distress Allowance  Deductible: 1 day
    $75 per Day,Max $525 $75 per Day,Max $525 $75 per Day,Max $525 $75 per Day,Max $525
  • What does HDFC Ergo Family Floater Plan Cover?

    For business and leisure travellers going to Asian Destinations, HDFC Ergo also offers an Asia Plan for all Countries excluding USA & Canada. They have two variants to offer namely Bronze and Silver with Accident & Sickness Sum Insureds of $15,000 and $30,000. Other Benefits under the Plan include Hospital Cash, Dental Coverage, Loss and Delay of Baggage Checked in with the Carrier, Loss of Personal Documents, Personal Liability, Hijack Coverage, Accident Death & Permanent Total Disability, Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains.

    Coverage is available for a typical family of four (insured, spouse and two children upto the age of 21 years). The advantage of a Family Floater plan is that the premiums will be lower than individual plans for each member of the family and it operates under the pre text that all members of a family travelling together rarely or never face an illness at the same time.
    Titanium Platinum Gold Silver
    Emergency Medical Expenses  Deductible: $100
    $500,000 $200,000 $100,000 $50,000
    Hospital Cash  Deductible: 4 days
    $15 per day,Max $150 $15 per day,Max $150 $15 per day,Max $150 $15 per day,Max $150
    Emergency Dental Treatment  Deductible: $75
    $200 $200 $200 $200
    Loss of Baggage and Personal Documents  Deductible: $20
    $200 $200 $200 $200
    Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
    Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses
    Loss of Checked Baggage  Deductible: Max 50% Per Bag,10% Per Item
    $400 $400 $400 $400
    Delay of Checked Baggage  Deductible: 12 Hours,$10 per 8 Hours
    $100 $100 $100 $100
    Accidental Death
    $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
    Permanent Disablement
    $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
    Personal Liability  Deductible: $200
    $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
    Hijack Distress Allowance  Deductible: 1 day
    $75 per Day,Max $525 $75 per Day,Max $525 $75 per Day,Max $525 $75 per Day,Max $525
  • What does HDFC Ergo Asia Travel Plan Cover?

    For business and leisure travellers going to Asian Destinations, HDFC Ergo also offers an Asia Plan for all Asian Countries excluding Japan. They have two variants to offer namely Bronze and Silver with Accident & Sickness Sum Insureds of $15,000 and $30,000. Other Benefits under the Plan include Hospital Cash, Loss and Delay of Baggage Checked in with the Carrier, Loss of Personal Documents, Personal Liability, Flight Delay, Contingency Travel Benefits, Hijack Coverage and Emergency Financial Assistance.
    Silver Plan Bronze Plan
    Emergency Medical Expenses
    $30,000 $15,000
    Accidental Death - Common Carrier
    NA NA
    Permanent Disablement - Common Carrier
    NA NA
    Hospital Cash
    $10 per day/Max150 $10 per day/Max150
    Emergency Dental Treatment
    $500 $500
    Loss of Baggage and Personal Documents
    $150 $150
    Medical Evacuation
    Included Included
    Included Included
    Loss of Checked Baggage
    $300 $300
    Delay of Checked Baggage
    $100 $100
    Accidental Death
    $10,000 $10,000
    Permanent Disablement
    $10,000 10,000
    Personal Liability
    $20,000 $15,000
    Financial Emergency Assistance
    $300 $300
    Hijack Distress Allowance
    $75 per Day, Max upto $525 $75 per Day, Max upto $450
    Flight Delay
    10 per hrs/Max 120 10 per hrs/Max 120
    Contingency Travel Benefits
    $2,000 $2,000

  • What does HDFC Ergo Student Suraksha Student Insurance Plan Cover?

    Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Standard
    Emergency Medical Expenses (EME) Deductible: $100
    $500,000 $250,000 $100,000 $50,000 This Plan Does not Cover for Accident and Sickness Medical Expenses
    Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
    Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses Included Under Medical Expenses  
    Accidental Death
    $25,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000
    Permanent Total Disability
    $25,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000
    Emergency Dental Treatment  Deductible: $100
    $500 $500 $250 $250 $250
    Loss of Passport  Deductible: $50
    $250 $250 $200 $200 $200
    Loss of Checked Baggage(Waiting Period of 10 months is applicable for Pregnancy to be covered) Deductible: Per Baggage Max 50% of Sum Insured & Per article Limit Max 10% of Sum Insured
    $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
    Delay of Checked Baggage  Deductible: 12 hours, $10 per, 8 hours
    $200 $200 $150 $100
    Personal Liability
    $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000
    Compassionate Visit (2 way)
    $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500
    Study Interruption
    $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500
    Sponsor Protection
    $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
    Bail Bond
    $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

  • Description of the Benefits under the HDFC Ergo’s Travel insurance Plans

    (please note that all expenses are subject to the maximum sum insured mentioned against each benefit on the policy schedule)

    • Medical Expenses (including Medical Evacuation / Repatriation of Remains)
      This coverage is the most important cover under any Travel insurance plan, and it covers
      1. Actual expenses incurred for Out Patient Treatment, Hospitalization Expenses for any illness or injury sustained while abroad.
      2. Medical Evacuation to a nearby location or to India due to a lack of medical facilities available subject to obtaining prior approval from insurer’s end for further treatment.
      3. Repatriation of Remains is the expenses incurred to transport the mortal remains of the insured back to India.
    • Dental Expenses
      Coverage for actual expenses incurred resulting from sickness or accident to the teeth of the insured sustained during a Trip abroad.
    • Accidental Death / Permanent Total Disability
      This is a compensation paid to the insured’s nominee in the even of unfortunate demise of the insured as a result of an accident while abroad. Similarly if the insured is in an accident resulting in a Permanent Total Disability, compensation is payable to the insured.
    • Hospital Cash
      Pays a daily allowance for hospitalization due to accident or sickness.
    • Loss of Baggage / Loss of Personal Documents
      This benefit will reimburse the insured person the cost of replacement articles for any damaged or lost articles due to the loss of baggage / personal documents in the custody of the common carrier.
    • Loss of Passport
      In the event that the passport belonging to the Insured is lost, the Insured is reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in obtaining a duplicate or fresh passport abroad.
    • Delay of Checked Baggage
      This benefit pays for reasonable expenses incurred for the purchase of toiletries, clothing and medication due to delay of checked-in baggage for more than 12 hours
    • Contingency Travel Benefits
      It pays for hotel accommodation for the insured if bodily injury or sickness results in hospitalization for more than 5 days and misses his/her scheduled flight back to the country of residence
    • Personal Liability
      In the event of the Insured Person becoming legally liable to a Third Party, for an incident which results in death, injury of such a third party or damage to his/ her properties, caused involuntarily by the insured, the company will compensate the Insured person.
    • Financial Emergency Assistance
      The insurance company will provide assistance to the insured person in case they require cash following incidents like theft, robbery, mugging or dacoity whilst on a trip abroad and covered under policy.
    • Flight Delay
      Compensation paid to the insured for purchase of meals, refreshments etc due to the delay of a covered flight.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s regarding HDFC Ergo Travel plans)

The Sum insured opted for by the insured should be based on Destination of Travel, Duration of Travel and age of the insured. It is advisable to buy a plan with higher sum insureds if you are traveling to developed markets like USA, Europe, UK, Australia etc.

Certainly. You can buy travel insurance policy for your parents on Individual Sum Insured basis or on floater basis as you deem right

Yes, the insured can purchase the policy for his/her minor child by providing the necessary information online while buying the policy. However they should not purchase the policy for anyone who is not an immediate family member to the insured.

Yes you can buy travel insurance in case you are an hypertensive /diabetic. Just declare the same. However, in case of medical emergency, you will be covered for all expenses excluding those for your Pre-existing Disease.

The Deductible is the amount that the insured has to bear first in all claims and is deducted from the payable claim amount. This is a fixed amount irrespective of the amount of the claim. IF the claim amount is less than the deductible stated on the policy, then the insured will not be eligible for any reimbursement.

Sublimits are applicable for only those over 61 years. The same is specified in the policy schedule. Kindly go through the same once you have purchased your policy.

Sublimits are applicable for only those over 61 years. The same is specified in the policy schedule. Kindly go through the same once you have purchased your policy.

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