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bajaj Insurance Plans Bajaj Allianz travel insurance - claims procedure

To avail cashless facility for Hospitalization

  • Call the assistance number (Toll-free/ Service center number)
  • Provide the certificate number & the insured name
  • Specify your geographic location
  • The assistance will guide you to the nearest hospital. (If you have a hospital of your choice - please check with the assistance, if cashless facility can be arranged with the hospital of your choice.
    • Direct settlement will be done with the hospital for the expenses under the covered benefits.
    • Settlement will be as per the covered benefit subject to policy terms and conditions.

In case of emergency if there was no-time to inform the assistance number & in the event of a hospitalization

  • After hospitalization - Insured/Or someone on behalf of the insured calls the assistance number.
  • Provide the certificate number & insured name.
  • Provides the 'name of the Hospital & location'/'Address'/'Telephone number of the hospital'/'treating doctors name'/'medical expenses incurred'/'paid and review appointment details' to the assistance executive.
  • GOP (guarantee of payment) is placed by the assistance company to the Hospital.
  • Please note - GOP may take 24 hours or less after intimating the assistance toll free.
    • Direct settlement will be done with the hospital for the expenses under the covered benefits
    • Settlement will be as per the covered benefit subject to policy terms and conditions.

OPD Treatments less than $500 & OPD Treatments above $500

For outpatient consultation(s), the Insured will have to self-pay and file the claim upon return to India. However, if the amount is above USD 500 we can arrange to make payments on behalf of the patient, provided the medical condition is confirmed to be non-pre-existing.

Please note :
  • The Insurance medical assistance department (doctor) will discuss your medical condition with the treating doctor and if it is confirmed that the admission to a hospital is NOT due to any pre-existing conditions or any conditions listed in the exclusion list, then the Insurance Company shall guarantee payments to the hospital and settle the payments with the hospital.
  • For medical sickness/accident there is a policy excess of 100 USD (deductible) which the Insured will have to self-pay and this amount cannot be claimed. This implies for any claim the first 100 USD are to be borne by the insured. This applies for both outpatient and inpatient treatment.

Please contact the respective toll free number or our 24-hour Service Center in India on +91-11-41898862. Our assistance service is equipped to provide you with the necessary guidance in your situation, and will direct you on claims procedure. You may contact the claims department through email also: delhi.bajajallianz@internationalsos.com.

Benefit Table of Bajaj Allianz Travel Insurance - Claims Procedure

Type of claim Documents required* Procedure
Medical Accident & Sickness Expenses** (Outside India)
  • Signed Claim form
  • Doctor's report (Attending Physician's Statement)
  • Original Admission/discharge card
  • Original Bills/Receipts/Prescriptions
  • Original X-ray reports/ Pathological/ Investigative reports
  • Copy of passport/Visa with Entry & exit stamp
  • Please contact our Assistance Company at the number given above and obtain a Claim Form from them and fill in. It is necessary to obtain the attending physician's signature on the Form.
  • Please collect all bills/receipts/invoices
  • Send all documents to Bajaj Allianz, Bangalore.(Refer to detailed steps on Accident & Medical sickness claims)
Loss of Baggage
  • Claim form
  • Copy of the passport/Visa with Entry & exit stamp
  • Copies of boarding pass/Ticket/ Baggage Tags
  • Copies of Correspondence with the Airline authorities/Others about loss of checked baggage
  • PIR report (To be obtained from the Airline authorities)
  • Details of compensation received from Airlines/Other authorities
  • Intimate the airline about your loss and lodge complaints.
  • Claim Form can be obtained from our Assistance Company or IBM Intranet.
  • Fill in the Claim Form and send all documents to Bajaj Allianz, Bangalore.
Loss of Passport
  • Copy of new passport
  • Copy of previous passport (if available)
  • Copy of return tickets
  • Original bills/invoices of expenses incurred for obtaining a new passport
  • Copy of FIR/ Police Report
  • Intimate the airline about your loss and lodge complaints.
  • Claim Form can be obtained from our Assistance Company or IBM Intranet.
  • Fill in the Claim Form and send all documents to Bajaj Allianz, Bangalore.
Delay of Baggage
  • Claim form
  • Copy of the passport/Visa with Entry & exit stamp
  • Copies of boarding pass/Ticket/baggage tags
  • Copies of Correspondence with the Airline authorities certifying about the delay
  • PIR report (To be obtained from the Airline authorities)
  • Original bills/receipts/invoices pertaining to expenses incurred/purchases made during the delay period
  • Details of compensation received from Airlines/Other authorities
  • Obtain confirmation of the delay from the airline
  • Claim Form can be obtained from our Assistance Company.
  • Fill in the Claim Form and send all documents to our Bajaj Allianz

* Note: We may call for additional documents/ information as relevant.
** If any hospital does not submit a bill to you for the treatment/service rendered, please intimate our Service Center before you leave the hospital.

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