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Senior Citizen Travel Insurance

Many Indian parents/senior citizens are now becoming more travel savvy and are willing to spend their savings on travel experiences across different countries in the world rather than having their money accumulate interest in the bank. Almost all countries have recorded a growth of inbound visitors in the age category 50-80 years and this is a welcome sign.

Senior citizen travel insurance india

Senior Citizen Travel happens in two ways, one is where parents travel on long trips to US/UK/Europe/Australia etc to support their own children in raising their grandchildren since their children are both employed abroad. The second form of Senior Travel is where the parents take a much needed international holiday for sightseeing while taking a break from their routine life.

Acknowledging the fact that more senior people are travelling, many of the Indian insurance companies have come out with Senior Citizen Travel Insurance plans which specifically cater to travellers beyond the age of 60 and is also know as Elderly Persons Travel Insurance or Older Persons Travel insurance. When purchasing a Senior Citizen plan, one must ensure to buy a plan with a sum insured of atleast $100,000 of Accident & Sickness cover for each parent since the average claim for a senior citizen are almost double to claim amount of younger travellers.

The website www.eindiainsurance.com offers a comprehensive range of Senior Citizen plans and any traveller can opt for the Senior Citizen Travel Insurance Compare option to review all available plans before deciding on the ideal plan for their travel needs. All the insured will need to do is to enter the travel related information and get a list travel insurance plans to choose from and then decide on the optimum plan, pay for the same online and receive their travel insurance policy.

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