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Benefits of Indian overseas travel insurance basis

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International travel insurance benefits for Indians Abroad

  • Emergency Accident & Sickness Medical Expenses – This is the most critical coverage under the Travel Insurance plan. This covers medical expenses for insured being hospitalised following a sickness or an accident is the most important coverage given the increasing cost of medical treatment in foreign countries. There are many options of Sum Insured that can be availed by the traveller, from $25,000 upto $1,000,000…compare and choose the ideal plan on eindiainsurance
  • Baggage Delay - Compensation for reasonable expenses incurred, whilst overseas, for purchase of emergency personal effects like toiletries, clothing, medication etc. due to late arrival of checked in baggage on account delay or misdirection by the common carrier
  • Baggage Loss – This benefit will reimburse the insured for loss of checked in baggage in the custody of the common carrier subject to the policy limits in the chosen plan
  • Loss of Passport – This benefit will reimburse reasonable expenses incurred by the insured to obtain a duplicate passport from the Indian embassy abroad
  • Personal Liability - If due to an act of negligence or otherwise, any property damage caused by you to a third party resulting in the said party filing a suit against you, the said claim is payable under the Personal Liability section of the policy. Similarly, if as a result of an accident any bodily injury caused to a third party, resulting in a law suit, then the medical expenses incurred by the third party is paid for by the policy under the Personal Liability section, upto the policy limits specified in the policy
  • Hijack Distress Allowance - If the common carrier in which the insured person aboard is hijacked, the company agrees to pay to a Distress Allowance in excess of the deductible
  • Flight/Trip Delay – The insured will be reimbursed reasonable expenses (subject to the maximum shown in the policy schedule), if your Trip is delayed for more than 6-12 (deductible) hours due to 1) delay of a Common Carrier caused by Inclement Weather; or 2) delay due to a strike or other job action by employees of the Common Carrier or 3) delay caused by Equipment Failure
  • Trip Cancellation - The Insurer will pay loss of deposits/advances (unused, non-refundable cancellation portion ) already paid to the hotel/airline/cruise etc if prior to the departure date, your trip is cancelled and you are prevented from taking the trip due to a sickness, injury or death to: you; your traveling companion; your immediate family member; or your traveling companion's immediate family member
  • Trip Curtailment - If your trip has already commenced and you have to return to your country/city of residence due to 1) the aircraft which you boarded as a passenger is hijacked or 2) due to unexpected death of your immediate family member or 3) due to natural disaster (in the destination country/city) or 4) due to unexpected strike, riot or civil commotion beyond your control or 5) due to a serious sickness, serious injury or death to you; your traveling companion; your immediate family member; or your traveling companion's immediate family member, the insurer will reimburse the deposits/advances (unused, non-refundable cancellation portion ) already paid to the hotel/airline/cruise on account of the curtailment (shortening and/or alteration)
  • Missed Departure/Connection - the insured will be reimbursed reasonable expenses due to Missed Connections/Departure by airline/train, on your return journey, during the course of an insured trip. The delay needs to be on account of 1) inclement weather or 2) strike by employees of a common carrier or 3) equipment failure of the common carrier
  • Pre Existing Disease Coverage – Given the dynamic ever changing Travel Insurance market, some insurance companies are offering coverage for pre existing conditions also. This coverage is currently limited to Life Threatening situations
  • Bounced Booking of Hotel/Airline - The Insurance company will reimburse the insured the hotel booking / airline ticket difference if the same is bounced due to over booking. Wait listed booking will not be compensated.
    • For hotel overbooking, the overbooked portion of the hotel stay must include the first night stay; the overbooking must happen at check-in. The insurer will reimburse the difference between the original booking amount and the new booking amount less any refund/compensation given by the hotel for the number of nights that are overbooked. There will be no reimbursement for nights on the original booking that were not overbooked.
    • For airline overbooking, an option of a free replacement flight within 6 hours from the departure of the original overbooked original flight must not be available to the insured and you must cancel your originally booked flight and purchase a new flight at the same class of service. The insured will be reimbursed the difference between the original airfare amount and the reasonable new airfare amount, less any refund/compensation given by the airline.
  • Assistance Services – Another important feature of Travel Insurance is the availability of an Assistance Partner (TPA) abroad to help and support the insured whilst abroad. Further to the contact from the insured traveller, the Assistance TPA will provide the following support:
    • Medical Assistance - As soon as the Assistance Company is notified of a medical emergency resulting from an Accident or Sickness, they will contact the medical facility or location where the insured is located, confer with the Physician to determine the best course of action to be taken. If possible and if appropriate, the insured’s family Physician (in India) will be contacted to help arrive at a decision. The Assistance Company will then organize in securing the availability of services of a local Physician and arranging Hospital admission and monitor the insured whilst in hospital
    • Medical Evacuation – When the Assistance Company’s medical panel, judges that it is medically appropriate to shift the insured to another location abroad for treatment or return the insured to India, the Assistance Company will arrange the evacuation, through appropriate mode of transport
    • Repatriation – They agree to make the necessary arrangements for the return of the insured’s mortal remains to India in the event of the unfortunate death of the insured whilst abroad and while this policy is in effect
    • Legal Assistance - If the insured is arrested or is in danger of being arrested as the result of any non-criminal action against charges attributed to the insured, the Assistance Company will, if required, provide the insured with the name of an attorney who can represent the insured in any necessary legal matters
    • Lost Luggage or Lost Passport - If the insured, outside India, notifies the Assistance Company that the insured’s luggage or passport has been lost, the Assistance Company will assist the insured by contacting the appropriate authorities involved and provide direction for replacement
    • General Assistance - The Assistance Company will serve as a central point for translation and communication for the insured during emergencies. The Assistance Company agrees to provide the insured advice using services available from consulates, government agencies, translators and other service providers that can help with travel problems
    • Pre-Departure Services - prior to the insured’s departure, the Assistance Company can provide hazard information about foreign locations, information about immunization requirements and passport or visa requirements, general information about weather at locations of travel. The Assistance Company will also arrange for special medical care en-route (i.e. dialysis, wheelchairs, etc.) if required
    • Emergency Travel Agency - the Assistance Company will also provide the insured with 24 hour travel agency service for airline and hotel reservations. The Assistance Company will also arrange payment for the insured’s airline tickets and other travel services, using the insured’s credit cards. Prepaid ticket pickup at airline counters or ticket delivery by mail or courier will also be arranged by the Assistance Company

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India travel insurance blogs and articles


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Indian travel insurance resources


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